
6 unusual facts about Anna Magnani

Anna Magnani

Magnani worked with Tennessee Williams again for the 1959 film, The Fugitive Kind (originally titled, Orpheus Descending) directed by Sidney Lumet, in which she played Lady Torrance and starred with Marlon Brando.

She played the widowed mother of a teenage daughter in Daniel Mann's 1955 film, The Rose Tattoo, based on the play by Tennessee Williams.

It was originally staged on Broadway with Maureen Stapleton as Magnani's English was too limited at the time for her to star.

Diamá discography

Infatuated by Mediterranean sounds and instruments, today's heavy hip-hop beats or electronic elements and inspired by Italian divas such as Sophia Loren, Anna Magnani, Gina Lollobrigida or Giulietta Masina she started understanding what moves her as an artist.

Emilio Schuberth

His work was loved by many international stars like Princess Soraya, Rita Hayworth, Ingrid Bergman, Bette Davis, Brigitte Bardot, Sofia Loren, Gina Lollobrigida and Anna Magnani.

Pete and Dud

The "Dagenham Dialogues" between the two ranged from paintings (Pete finds the Mona Lisa snooty), how the bottoms of Rubens's nudes seem to follow you around the room, reasons why geckos do not live long and being annoyed by film stars (including "bloody Greta Garbo" and "bloody Anna Magnani") pestering them for romance.

Renato Rascel

He also had a leading role in The Secret of Santa Vittoria with Anthony Quinn and Anna Magnani, Seven Hills of Rome with Mario Lanza, Questi fantasmi with Eduardo De Filippo and Figaro qua Figaro là with Totò.

see also