
3 unusual facts about Anna Politkovskaya

Armando Salas

He was also the author of the poster-tribute to Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya.

Happy Birthday, Mr. Putin!

The alternative version features the following questions: "When will they free Mikhail Khodorkovsky?", "OK with fools, but what about roads?" (referring to Russian saying "There are two troubles in Russia: the fools and the roads"), "How inflation will affect the bribes?", "Freedom of assembly always and everywhere?", "Who killed Anna Politkovskaya?" and "When the next terrorist incident occurs"?

Kerkko Koskinen

Furthermore, Koskinen wrote the song Uuden ajan kynnyksellä ("At the Threshold of a New Time") in memory of the murder of reporter Anna Politkovskaya.

Chegemskaya Pravda

According to the story, Khashig was then driven to a sub-urban wasteland where he was threatened the same fate as Dmitry Kholodov and Anna Politkovskaya lest he change the tone of his publications.

Kjell Albin Abrahamson

After the assassination of the Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya, Abrahamson blamed the Russian President Vladimir Putin, naming him "Gasputin" (an obvious mockery of the president, Gazprom, and the Russian mystic Grigori Rasputin), concluding: "With oil and gas, (Putin) has succeeded, where the Soviet Union - despite having nuclear weapons - failed".

see also