
unusual facts about Arid


Other arid regions include areas located in the rain shadows of major mountain ranges or along coastal regions affected by significant upwelling (such as the Atacama Desert).

Acacia murrayana

It is widespread throughout Australia's arid zone, occurring on sand ridges and in disturbed areas in every mainland State except Victoria.

Acacia sclerosperma

Endemic to Western Australia, it occurs on floodplains and along water-courses throughout the arid north-west corner of the State.

Agrionympha karoo

It lives amongst Adiantum species and other ferns on rocky banks of streams where seepage maintains very limited growth of thallose liverworts and mosses in an otherwise hot and arid environment.

Anarta engedina

It is found in the arid region of 'En Gedi and in the semi-arid region in the upper elevations of the Judean desert near Alon and Kfar Gedi.

Anne Beadell Highway

The road also passes through Mamungari Conservation Park, one of Australia's twelve World Biosphere Reserves that contain pristine arid zone wilderness and possess cultural significance.

Atbarah River

In 1964, the river was dammed by the Khashm el Girba Dam near Kassala in Sudan to provide irrigation up to the newly built town of Halfa Dughaym in an otherwise fairly arid region and to resettle the Sudanese population driven away by the Aswan High Dam (Sad al-Aali) in Egypt, which flooded 500 km of the Nile Valley in southern Egypt and northern Sudan.


The resistant fiber obtained from B. serra and B. hieronymi, both known as chaguar, is an essential component of the economy of the Wichí tribe in the semi-arid Gran Chaco region of Argentina.


Purshia, a genus of plants native to arid climates of western North America


The genus Dendrosicyos, with the only species being the cucumber tree, is adapted to the arid semidesert island of Socotra.

Cyphostemma currorii

Cyphostemma currorii is found in hot, arid rocky places, and has been seen from southern Angola to Namibia and is common on the Brandberg.

Desert rat-kangaroo

Its native habitat is very arid, cover is sparse, and consists of saltbush and other chenopods and emu bush.


Large scale dew harvesting systems have been made by Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA) with the participation of the International Organisation for Dew Utilization (OPUR) at coastal semi arid region Kutch.

Eremophila alternifolia

alternifolia occurs in arid areas of Western Australia, South Australia, Northern Territory and the Barrier Range in New South Wales, in many different habitats with stony or red soil.

Estanislau da Silva

He also attended the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics in India for short training courses in agriculture systems for arid and semi arid regions.

Eulophia petersii

It is found in arid environments in the Northern Frontier Province, Kenya, the eastern coast of Africa and the former Transvaal region of South Africa.


Like several of its close relatives (e.g. Fenestraria) and other plants in its ecotype (e.g. some species of Haworthia and Bulbine) it has leaf-windows as an adaptation to the difficulties of photosynthesis in its arid environment.

Gordon Warwick

His specialisms were limestone and semi-arid climate processes, and he was a contributor to books such British Caving with Cecil Cullingford, A Dictionary of Geographical Terms with Sir L. Dudley Stamp and to the Guide to Birmingham and its Region of Prof Michael Wise.

Honduran Emerald

The species is locally common in arid thorn forest and scrub in the upper Rio Aguan valley, Department of Yoro.

Humo's Rock Rally

Many notable Belgian bands and musicians, such as dEUS, The Black Box Revelation, Evil Superstars, Novastar, Milow, Arid, An Pierlé, Das Pop, Admiral Freebee and Goose, launched their career in the Rock Rally.

Hydroelectric power in Kenya

Even though the capital and largest city in Kenya, Nairobi is situated on high altitudes which is Southern Kenya, most of Kenya especially the counties in the North of Nairobi especially past Isiolo are either Arid or Semi-Arid and are therefore classified as ASAL Areas.

Illa Conillera

The land is rocky and arid which supports very little vegetation apart from such shrubs and herbs as Rosemary, Thyme and Rue, which grow in abundance here.

International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics

The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid-Tropics (ICRISAT) is a non-profit agricultural research organization headquartered in Patancheru (Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India) with several regional centres (Niamey (Niger), Nairobi (Kenya)) and research stations Bamako (Mali), Bulawayo (Zimbabwe).

Jardin botanique du Montet

Its greenhouses (2500 m²) contain humid and arid rooms sheltering a variety of plants including rare species such as Miconia ascendens and Rubus alceaefolius.


When there is little grass available, such as during winter or in the more arid margins of their native habitat, they have been observed eating shrubs, herbs, and even Oxytropis roots, dug from the ground.


Its arid soil didn’t help in developing an appropriate Castro town like in neighbouring Cividade Hill in the parish of Terroso despite its rise, but Castro ruins from the 2nd century BC are known, probably a north surveillance post of Cividade de Terroso.

Little Eagle

Debus (1998) notes that their diet varies geographically; the diet in Northern Australia has a high proportion of birds, in the arid zone is mostly lizards, and in Southern Australia has a high proportion of juvenile rabbits.


It occupies semi-arid mallee scrub on the fringes of the relatively fertile areas of southern Australia, where it is now reduced to three separate populations: the Murray-Murrumbidgee basin, west of Spencer Gulf along the fringes of the Simpson Desert, and the semi-arid fringe of Western Australia's fertile south-west corner.

Mikołaj II Radziwiłł

Due to his pro-Polish views and arid support for the Polish-Lithuanian Union he was ironically nicknamed Amor Poloniae by his contemporaries.

Neds Corner Station

Much of the rest of the property consists of flat alluvial plains with mallee woodlands, chenopod shrublands, semi-arid grasslands and ephemeral lignum wetlands.

Oman Botanic Garden

Although the country is mostly arid, the seasonal rainforest of Dhofar, in the south of Oman, is lush during the summer monsoon or Khareef (July – September) and is home to most of the country’s endemic flora.

Orto Botanico Friulano

The garden was established in 1951 and contains collections of irises, local flora, Ericaceae, succulents, ferns, arid and desert plants, tropical trees, and Platanus orientalis.

Pancake tortoise

The species inhabits the Somalia-Masai floristic region, an arid semi-desert characterized by Acacia-Commiphora bushland and Brachystegia woodland in upland localities.


Found west of the Great Dividing Range in the arid areas of Australia, they are not a common sight because of their shyness and the remoteness of much of their range from human habitation.

Peveril Meigs

Peveril Meigs, III, (May 5, 1903-September 16, 1979) was an American geographer, notable for his studies of arid lands on several continents and in particular for his work on the native peoples and early missions of northern Baja California, Mexico.


O.E. (1927) and Robinson, T.W. (1958) on vascular plants in the arid western U.S., set up certain general types of indicator species, according to level of minimum depth of the water table at which water was at the maximum suction RO.

Pterospoda nigrescens

It occurs at moderate elevations in arid scrub and open woodland habitat, ranging from south-eastern Arizona and the Edwards Plateau of west-central Texas south to at least Durango, Mexico.

Red River of the South

Near Elmer, Oklahoma, the North Fork finally joins, and the river proceeds to follow a winding course east through one of the most arid parts of the Great Plains, receiving the Wichita River

Sde Boker

Ben-Gurion moved to the kibbutz due to his vision of cultivating the arid Negev desert and building up its surrounding towns such as Yeruham and Dimona.

Southern Scrub Robin

It is endemic to Australia, where it occurs in mallee and heathland in the semi-arid southern parts of the continent, extending from the Little Desert in the east though South Australia to the west coast between Kalbarri and the Pinnacles.

Subularia monticola

On Mount Kilimanjaro, which is mostly arid, Subularia monticola grows in oases made by rain or melted snow collecting in depressions, where it forms continuous carpets of vegetation alongside Eriocaulon volkensii, Cyperaceae and Bulliarda elatinoides.

Swakop River

In the arid lower reaches there is a more limited flora on the Swakop River valley itself, with the typical gallery vegetation from Ana Trees (Faidherbia albida), tamarisk (Tamarix), camel thorn (Acacia erioloba), Salvadora, various fig species, Euclea and also tobacco (Nicotiana spp.), Jimsonweed (Datura) and mesquite (Prosopis spp.) as invasive species.

Tora people

As a result they moved northward, finally settling in arid semi-desert areas bordering the Christian settlement in Akelle-Guzai.

Tsavo East National Park

Situated in a semi-arid area previously known as the Taru Desert it opened in April 1948, it is located near the town of Voi in the Taita-Taveta District of Coast Province.

see also