
3 unusual facts about Baptism


The Lateran Council convened by pope Felix III establishes conditions for readmitting to the Church those Christians who have been rebaptized by the Vandals.

Council of Tribur

It also mentioned that it considered triple immersion in Baptism as an imitation of the three days of Jesus in the tomb, and the rising from the water as an imitation of the Resurrection of Jesus.

Ioan Potcoavă

Ioan al IV-lea Potcoavă (or Ivan Pidkova – Іван Підкова in Ukrainian; also known as Ioan Sarpega, Ioan Creţul, and allegedly baptized as Nicoară Potcoavă; died June 16, 1578) was a prominent Cossack ataman, and Voivode (Prince) of Moldavia (November – December 1577).

Armand de Souza

He was the tenth descendant of Roulu Camotin who had converted to Catholicism at the point of the sword in 1537, changing his name to Diego de Souza at his baptism.


On holidays (Muhammad's birthday and baptism, Ramadan, Tabaski) women dance to drums in various little corners around town.

Baptismal regeneration

Lutherans believe that the Bible shows how Christians are connected through baptism with Christ and the new life Christ’s work gives us.

Bleasby, Nottinghamshire

Perhaps more importantly it was the site of the baptism of the Saxon court of King Edwin in 627AD.


The colour of sugared almonds is white for a wedding, First Communion or Confirmation; pink or light-blue for birthday or Baptism of a baby girl or baby boy, respectively, red for a graduation, and silver or gold for 25 or 50 year anniversaries.

Cardston Alberta Temple

Torleif S. Knaphus — sculpted the large bas relief titled Christ the Fountainhead on the exterior of the building and also the life-size oxen holding the baptism font

Church of the Province of Melanesia

The church in its canons accepts and teaches the seven sacraments of the Church, Baptism, Holy Eucharist, Confirmation, Penance, Holy Matrimony, Holy Orders, and Anointing of the Sick.


The anointing served as a reminder of the baptism of Clovis I in Reims in 496, where the ceremony was finally transferred in 816.

Diane Hegarty

Their daughter Zeena Schreck was in the media spotlight at age 3, at her Satanic baptism, and again defending the Church of Satan against allegations of Satanic ritual abuse as public representative and High Priestess of the Church of Satan between 1985-1990 during the 1980s Satanic panic, the politically motivated Christian fundamentalist witch-hunts in America.


His great successor in Cappadocia, St Basil of Caesarea, mentions his view on heretical baptism without accepting it (Epistle clxxxviii), and says, when speaking of the expression "with the Holy Ghost" in the Doxology: "That our own Firmilian held this faith is testified by the lógoi which he has left" (De Spiritu Sancto, xxix, 74).

Francisco Matos Paoli

In 1933, Paoli met fourteen-year-old Lolita Lebrón, during the celebration of her baptism into the Catholic faith.

George Nayler

Sir George Nayler, KH (bapt. 29 June 1764, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire – 28 October 1831, Hanover Square, Mayfair) was a long-serving officer of arms at the College of Arms in London.


Luther, Zwingli, and Calvin preserved infant baptism against the attacks of more radical reformers including Anabaptists, and with it, sponsors at baptism.

Götene Municipality

The two most notable sights in the municipality are the mountain/ridge Kinnekulle (with 306 meters the highest point in the county) and the village Husaby, with an old church and church well, where the first Christian king of Sweden, Olof Skötkonung, is believed to have been baptized.

Greeks in Russia and the Soviet Union

Subsequently Byzantine power in the Black Sea region waned, but ties between the two people were strengthened tremendously in cultural and political terms with the baptism of Prince Vladimir of Kievan Rus in 988 and the subsequent Christianization of his realm.

Hazen Aldrich

In April or May 1832, Aldrich was taught about the Latter Day Saint movement by missionaries Orson Pratt and Lyman E. Johnson and was baptized in Bath, New Hampshire.

Helen Stratton

Her birth/baptism is recorded in the India Office Collection at the British Library and has been indexed on the IGI (familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/FGQ2-BZ6) She lived and worked in London and for many years in Bath where she died age 95.

Hernando Franco

Some hymns in the Nahuatl language by a composer of the same name (Hernando don Franco) are now presumed to be the work of a native composer who took Franco's name, as was the custom, on his conversion to Christianity and baptism (if so, they may be the earliest extant notated music in the European tradition by a Native American composer).

Huldrych Zwingli

Two analogies that he used quite effectively were between baptism and circumcision and between the eucharist and Passover.

Jacob Gabriel

The name change was a decision that came soon after his water baptism on August 14, 2011, in the Skagit River in Mount Vernon, Washington and was organized by Tierra Nueva.

Janus Djurhuus

Djurhuus said that his "poetic baptism" came in school, when he heard Jákup Dahl (later a provost and Bible translator and author of the first school grammar of the Faroese language) declaim Jóannes Patursson's Nú er tann stundin komin til handa (Now is the hour come for acting), the anthem of the Christmas Meeting.

John Bourke, 4th Earl of Mayo

On 11 May 1819, he represented the Duke of Clarence and St Andrews (later William IV) at the baptism of Prince George of Cambridge in Hanover and was appointed a GCH that year.

Jordan Staircase of the Winter Palace

The principal or Jordan Staircase of the Winter Palace, St Petersburg is so called because on the Feast of the Epiphany the Tsar descended this imperial staircase in state for the ceremony of the "Blessing of the Waters" of the Neva River, a celebration of Christ's baptism in the Jordan River.

Jorge Zorreguieta

However, he and his wife were invited to attend the christening of their granddaughters, the princesses Catharina-Amalia, Alexia and Ariane.

During the baptism ceremony (in The Hague and Wassenaar), opponents of the former Argentine military regime protested.


In line with the common practice for nobles' names after the Christianization of Lithuania, after his baptism, the Christian name *Mīkālas (Michael) was added to a pagan Lithuanian name, which can be reconstructed as *Kensgaĭla (from kęsti ("be patient") and gailas ("strong")).

Luther's Small Catechism

Luther's Small Catechism reviews the Ten Commandments, the Apostles' Creed, the Lord's Prayer, the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, the Office of the Keys and Confession and the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

Maria Hamilton, Duchess of Abercorn

Lady Alexandra Phyllis Hamilton (1876–1918), who had The Princess of Wales as sponsor at her baptism, she was lost at sea aboard RMS Leinster, unmarried.

Matthias Klostermayr

A native of the municipality of Kissing near Augsburg (his name, in Austro-Bavarian, on the baptismal register is Mattheus Klostermair), Bavarian Hiasl became an outlaw, first as a poacher and ultimately as the Robin Hood-like leader of a gang of robbers who, during the 1760s, plundered, sacked and robbed in the region between Munich, Augsburg and Swabia.

Max Kinnings

Other feature films in development include, Alleycats, written by Max with Ian Bonhôte of Pulse Films due to direct, and an adaptation of Baptism with producer/director, Phil Hawkins.

Museo Matris Domini

There is another series of frescoes of great emotive and narrative quality, representing Jesus among the Doctors, the Baptism, the Virgin and Child Enthroned, Saint Catherine of Alexandria upon the Wheel, Saint Martin and the Pauper, Jesus entering Jerusalem, and the Miracle of the reanimation of Napoleone Orsini by Saint Dominic, showing the young man falling from his horse.

Novato, California

The rancho was named after a local Miwok leader who had probably been given the name of Saint Novatus at his baptism.

Pai Mārire

He was baptised by the Rev John Whiteley in the Wesleyan mission at Kawhia in 1834 and given the name of Horopapera Tuwhakararo, a transliteration of the name John Zerubbabel.

Paul Mulla

Paul Mulla (1882-1959) or Monseigneur Paul (name prior to conversion; Mollazade Mehmed Ali) was a Turkish Cretan who, after having been a fervent Muslim in his youth, had converted to the Roman Catholic Church and baptised in 1905, to the great sorrow of his father İbrahim Pertev, and was ordained priest in 1913.


The presbyterium is most visible during the ordination of new priests and bishops and the Mass of the Chrism: the Holy Thursday Mass where the blessing of the oils used in the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Anointing of the Sick, and Holy Orders takes place.

Robert McGill Loughridge

The books prepared and published by Loughridge, with the assistance of his interpreter, were a hymn book, a catechism, translation of the Gospel of Matthew, a treatise on baptism, and a dictionary in two parts, Creek and English, and English and Creek.

Santa Maria presso San Celso

Notable are the Baptism of Jesus by Gaudenzio Ferrari and Giovan Battista della Cerva, the Fall of St. Paul by Moretto and, on the altar of the right transept, an altarpiece by Paris Bordone.

Santa Susanna

In this chapel are venerated Saint Genesius of Rome, patron of actors, in the act of receiving baptism, and the bishop Pope Saint Eleuterus.

Syagrius of Autun

He was bishop of Autun from around 560 until his death and travelled to Nanterre with Guntram for the baptism of Clotaire II.

Thanos Petrelis

Petrelis married his wife Sofia Moschopoulou on July 1, 2007 in a wedding ceremony that also served as a baptism for their then ten-month old daughter Agapi.

Thomas Bradbury

His last publication seems to have been Joy in Heaven and Justice on Earth, 1747, (two sermons), unless his discourses on baptism, from which Caleb Fleming drew The Character of the Rev. Tho. Bradbury, taken from his own pen, 1749, are later.

Thomas Regnaudin

Thomas Regnaudin (baptised 18 February, 1622–3 July, 1706) was a French sculptor, affiliated with Northern Baroque.

Timeline of official adoptions of Christianity

This is a timeline showing the dates when countries or polities made Christianity the official state religion, generally accompanying the baptism of the governing monarch.

Tramway de Versailles

During the 1950s the network was formed only of lines A, B, C and E. It was seriously amputated at the dawn of World War II and closed on 3 March 1957 during a glorious celebration with 200 000 inhabitants, the mayor of Versailles, Maurice Chevalier and the baptism of the replacing buses.

Treaty of Wedmore

The Peace of Wedmore is a term used by historians for an event referred to by the monk Asser in his Life of Alfred, outlining how in 878 the Viking leader Guthrum was baptised and accepted Alfred as his adoptive father.

Wilhelm Reublin

In the Fall of 1522 Reublin was expelled from the city for his Reformation sermons and moved to Witikon in 1524, where he became the local pastor and preached against infant baptism.

see also