
2 unusual facts about Basal


Basal sliding, the act of a glacier sliding over the bed before it due to meltwater under the ice acting as a lubricant

Basal-cell carcinoma

The cause of the syndrome is a mutation in the PTCH1 tumor-suppressor gene at chromosome 9q22.3, which inhibits the hedgehog signaling pathway.


A549 cell, a carcinomic human alveolar basal epithelial cell

Acianthella sublesta

Acianthella sublesta is a member of the Acianthella ("Elf Orchids"), which is a small genus of tropical ground orchids previously included in Acianthus but distinguished "by tiny green flowers on long thin ovaries, sepals of similar shape and size, lacking apical clubs, narrow petals and no basal glands on the labellum."

Adult-onset basal ganglia disease

Adult-onset basal ganglia disease or neuroferritinopathy is a disorder caused by abnormal iron accumulation in the basal ganglia due to mutations in FTL gene.


The McMurray Formation in the Athabaska oil sands in northern Alberta, consists of "sandstone and shale deposited in a transgressive geological sequence", resulting in the "course grained texture of the basal deposits".


The Archaeotrogonidae actually seem to be Cypselomorphae and related to nightjars and hummingbirds, either as a basal lineage or as a distinct but entirely extinct family.


Alooidae leaves are arranged in strongly tufted terminal (in arborescent species, as in Aloe barberae) or basal rosettes and are arranged in distinct ranks.


The Mesozoic Sclerorhynchoidea are basal or incertae sedis; they show features of the Rajiformes but have snouts resembling those of sawfishes.


One group infecting a range of legumes originating from India and Southeast Asia (informally 'Legumovirus') and a set of viruses isolated from Ipomoea species originating from America, Asia and Europe (informally 'Sweepovirus') appear to be basal to all the other species.


If valid, this would mean that there are three groups of giant basal anseriformes, in chronological order of divergence first the gastornids (relatives of Gastornis) then Brontornis and finally the mihirungs of Australia.

Camissoniopsis luciae

It is a hairy annual herb producing an erect stem up to half a meter tall from a basal rosette.


Traditionally, this family is believed to be likely the most "primitive" among extant bees, based primarily on the similarities of their mouthparts (the unique possession among bees of a bilobed glossa) to those of Crabronidae (the putative ancestors of bees), but recent molecular studies have disproved this hypothesis, placing Melittidae (sensu lato) as the basal group of bees.


Molecular data suggest that there are four clades within the Cornales: Cornus-Alangium, nyssoids-mastixioids, Hydrangeaceae-Loasaceae, and Grubbia-Curtisia, with Hydrostachyaceae in an uncertain position, possibly basal.


Danaea is the basal lineage in the Marattiaceae and the oldest fossils are from the Paleocene, a period where rainforests became more abundant.

David Leffell

Leffell was a member of the international team that discovered PTC1, a tumor suppressor gene that plays a critical role in the development of hereditary and sporadic basal cell cancer.

Dinoponera longipes

Males can be distinguished from other Dinoponera by the following combination of character states: funiculus of antennae with short, thick decumbent setae; pygidial spine shorter than in Dinoponera gigantea and Dinoponera quadriceps but longer and narrower than in Dinoponera australis and Dinoponera snellingi, volsella with broad basal lobe covered in minute teeth.


FAM46C and specifically the DUF1693 is traceable throughout the known metazoans, with a distant homolog found in Trichoplax adhaerens, a member of the basal multicellular organismal group Placozoa.


Gravisauria split off in the Early Jurassic, around the Pliensbachian and Toarcian, 183 million years ago, and Aquesbi thought that this was part of a much larger revolution in the fauna, which includes the disappearance of Prosauropoda, Coelophysoidea and basal Thyreophora, which they attributed to a worldwide mass extinction.

Harris–Benedict equation

The Harris–Benedict equation sprang from a study by James Arthur Harris and Francis Gano Benedict, which was published in 1919 by the Carnegie Institution of Washington in the monograph “A Biometric Study Of Basal Metabolism In Man”.

Heiko Braak

In the holocephalan species Chimaera monstrosa (ratfish), he described, in the basal midline of the diencephalon, a previously unknown ependymal structure adjacent to the rostral part of the optic chiasma referred to as the ‘organon vasculare praeopticum’.


In 1996 David Unwin concluded Herbstosaurus was a basal member of the Dsungaripteroidea.

Knob-billed Duck

Analysis of mtDNA sequences of the cytochrome b and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 genes, however, suggests that it is a quite basal member of the Anatidae, vindicating the earliest placement.

Maquoketa Group

Although not useful to industry it does contain rare and diverse fossils, some of which are only known in Illinois such as Tentaculites oswegoensis, a small unclassified fossil named after Oswego, Illinois and found in the basal Brainard.


The MKS1 protein along with meckelin are part of the flagellar apparatus basal body proteome and are required for cilium formation.


Mythunga was described by Ralph Molnar and R. A. Thulborn in 2008, and provisionally thought to be related to plesiomorphic, and thus possibly basal, pterodactyloids.


Three skeletons of a theropod were discovered in 1993 by Christopher Whittle near Cisco in the basal Yellow Cat Member of the Cedar Mountain Formation of Utah, dating to the Barremian.


The long-spurred Neobathiea grandidierana from Madagascar is pollinated by a long-tongued sphinginid hawkmoth Panogena lingens with the pollinaria deposited on the basal part of the proboscis of the moth.


Early or basal Permian neodiaspids were lizard-like, but already include specialised swimming Claudiosaurus and gliding Coelurosauravidae forms, as well as more conventional lizard-like forms (Youngina etc.).


The related extinct halictid genus Eickwortapis has a longer basal area on the propodium and it does slant in profile.


Fossils have been reported from the Lower Jurassic of Grimmen (Lower Toarcian, Germany) and the Middle Jurassic of Daohugou (China), which display a mixture of characters associated with Orussoidea and with basal Apocrita, thus it is impossibly to classify these specimens which one of these clades.

Papilio morondavana

Anterior wings marked nearly as in P. erithonioides, the basal third being densely irrorated with stramineous scales in lieu of the small spots or lines of the same colour arranged in nearly parallel rows in Papilio erithonioides.


The λ5-iodanes such as the Dess-Martin periodinane have square pyramidal geometries with 4 heteroatoms in basal positions and one apical phenyl group.


It is divided into two sub-genera: the sub-genus Castaneophyllum J.-F. Leroy, 1982, with elliptical, penninerved leaves with small scarious, stipules, that only includes Platanus kerrii Gagnep., 1939, an isolated relict species that represents the genus’ evolutionary basal branch and which is a sister genus and is the sister group of the other species, including the sub-genus Platanus.

Quedius fuliginosus

It is similar in appearance to Quedius curtipennis, which is a more common species, however, the eyes of fuliginosus are more convex and the basal antennal segments darker.

Rhodafra opheltes

The hindwing upperside is similar to Hyles euphorbiae euphorbiae but the black basal area is less extensive along the costa.


Based on ancestral reconstruction studies, the earliest (basal) members of the Sclerodermatineae originated in the late Cretaceous (145–66 Ma).

Tentaculites oswegoensis

In Oswego, Illinois it is found mostly in clusters at Waubonsie Creek in the Basal Brainard Formation, just west of the railroad tracks.


Named by Ryosuke Motani, in 1999, it contains the basal taxa like Ichthyosaurus and Stenopterygius and the family Ophthalmosauridae.


Ultimately however, it is the affiliations of the Copromorphidae (which seem to be basal Obtectomera, somewhat more advanced than the others) which would decide which scheme to use.


Brochu (2010) found it to be a basal member of Caimaninae closely related to the living genus Paleosuchus.

Upper Midwest forest-savanna transition

Typical tallgrass prairie vegetation such as grasses, forbs, shrubs, and sedges, increase with an increase in the amount of fire, whereas tree density and basal area decreases.


The family is characterized by the appendages of the head, which are remarkable in that the antennae and palpi are nearly leg-like in structure, with a long basal segment followed by a series of tiny segments, as in the tibia-tarsus.


Romer considered Younginidae to include many genera that are no longer classified as younginids: Paliguana, Palaegama, and Saurosternon are now considered basal lepidosauromorphs, Galesphyrus and Heleosuchus are diapsids of uncertain affinities (incertae sedis), Heleophilus is now a milleretid, andHeleosaurus is now thought to be a varanopid synapsid.

see also