Thus, XML can be "configured" for particular kinds of data, which conform to some grammar (say, HTML, ATOM, SVG, MathML, or new ones as needed).
Canonical hours | Canonical Ltd. | Vertical Expressions | Perl Compatible Regular Expressions | Non-canonical books referenced in the Bible | List of United States Marine Corps acronyms and expressions | Canonical form | canonical form | Canonical correlation |
Based on Posnansky's observations, the manufacture of miniatures would have its origins in the pre-Columbian era and the Alasitas fair would have its first urban expressions in the early years of the founding of La Paz, specifically, when its founders moved it from Laja in the shores of the Choqueyapu River.
It is also reported that the urge to create these carved sculptures with deep expressions of "vigour and vitality" was inspired from the expressions depicted in the rock cut temples at Ellora and Elephanta in Maharashtra, and Mahabalipuram temples in Tamil Nadu.
Atomicity, a property of an S-expression, in a symbolic language like Lisp, to describe whether an expression is made of atoms (numbers or symbols) or is a list of S-expressions
This option has been used for handling mathematically large expressions in e.g. computational (quantum) chemistry.
The modern form batiste or baptiste comes from a popular merge with the surname Baptiste, pronounced Batisse, as indicated by the use of the expressions thoile batiche (1499) and toile de baptiste (1536) for the same fabric.
Many Walloon words and expressions have crept into Belgian French, especially in eastern regions of Wallonia.
His Dictionary of Selected Synonyms in the Principal Indo-European Languages was called by Calvert Watkins "a treasure house of words, word origins, expressions, and ideas..., a monument to a great American scholar".
Elevated expression levels of CCL2/MCP-1, CCL5/RANTES and CCL17/TARC which result in chemoattracted CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations to the surrounding area may be responsible for exerting a downmodulatory effect on the AchE and CHRM3 expressions.
Contextualism, a collection of views in philosophy which argue that actions or expressions can only be understood in context
Using the streamfunction solution, Torza derived analytical expressions for the velocity fields that could be used to derive analytical expressions for hydrodynamic stress on the interface for incompressible Newtonian fluids.
One view developed by Elaine Hatfield et al. is that this can be done through automatic mimicry and synchronization of one’s expressions, vocalizations, postures and movements with those of another person.
There are close parallels between the mathematical expressions for the thermodynamic entropy, usually denoted by S, of a physical system in the statistical thermodynamics established by Ludwig Boltzmann and J. Willard Gibbs in the 1870s, and the information-theoretic entropy, usually expressed as H, of Claude Shannon and Ralph Hartley developed in the 1940s.
In these artistic expressions, Brown experimented with bold color palates and often nearly formless subject matter which was often intertwined with atmospherics and light in a manner very similar, in substance, to those of Charles Burchfield in watercolors, and the Vincent van Gogh signature style, especially when working in egg Tempera or Oils.
In September 2005 the Church of England and the Methodist Church recognised this movement by setting up an organisation, 'Fresh Expressions' (capitalised), to monitor and encourage fresh expressions in those denominations and the partnership has since expanded to include a number of other denominations and organisations in the UK.
Internationally known artists, sculptors, poets, musicians and inspired thinkers have also shared their expressions in GMLab, from Allen Ginsberg to Jivamukti Yoga founders David Life and Sharon Gannon to Timothy Leary to John Perry Barlow of the Grateful Dead and the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
Popular Scottish television comedies such as Rab C. Nesbitt, Chewin' the Fat, Still Game and Limmy's Show also provide reference material, and have themselves contributed popular new expressions to The Patter.
A hardware description language looks much like a programming language such as C; it is a textual description consisting of expressions, statements and control structures.
This rendering is etymologically correct, as appears from the poetical use of the plural in such expressions as to ride, or stalk, or stand on the high places of the earth, the sea, the clouds, and from the corresponding usage in Assyrian; but in prose bamah is always a place of worship.
Learning Environments research group of the Media Lab in Helsinki released the first version of FLE (Future Learning Environment – later Fle3) - web-based learning environment designed to support learner and group centered work that concentrates on creating and developing expressions of knowledge.
During the 1980s a Japanese movement known as Critical Buddhism has attacked original enlightenment as an ideology that supports the status quo and legitimates social injustice by accepting all things as they are as expressions of original Buddha nature.
The Hugs prompt (a Haskell REPL) accepts expressions for evaluation, but not module, type or function definitions.
The India-UAE Knowledge Forum is a joint venture by Indian Expressions and the Rajen Kilachand Knowledge Foundation to establish a forum in which potential areas of cooperation between India and UAE could be discussed.
In this, these portraits recall the tronies of Dutch Golden Age painting, and the "character heads" of his contemporary the Austrian sculptor Franz Xaver Messerschmidt (1736–1783), some of whose busts were self-portraits with extreme expressions.
Through studying folklore, world mythologies, and the dreams of his patients, Jung identified these components of the psyche as expressions of instinctual patterns (or archetypes).
His task permits of little originality beyond that exhibited in new words composed, or derived, according to familiar types (auricolor, flammiuomus, flammicomans, sinuamen), elegant synonyms to express the Christian realities (tonans for "God", genitor for the Father, spiramen for the Holy Ghost, uersutia for the Devil), or, lastly, archaic expressions.
The historian Ben Kiernan stated that Samphan's protestations (such as the fact that he regarded the collectivisation of agriculture as a "surprise", and his expressions of sympathy for his "friend" Hu Nim, a fellow member of the CPK hierarchy tortured and killed at Tuol Sleng) betrayed the fundamental "moral cowardice" of a man mesmerised by power but lacking any nerve.
Karnaugh map, a method to simplify Boolean algebra expressions
Lee Fields and The Expressions released the album Problems in 2002 with Truth and Soul Records.
Natural User Interfaces that enable users to interact with a computer using speech, gestures, and expressions.
Many popular and technical threads were posted during that period, which saw the creation of numerous internet slang expressions, such as BT (spirit of helping people selflessly), YY (dream about things that will not happen), 874 (slap in the face), 253 (admire), 110 (police), 233 (laughing out loud), Orz (a figure of a person kneeling down facing left), etc.
The song grew out of a bet made to J-F Pauzé by signer Karl Tremblay to manage writing a song with bizarre, random expressions like Jaromir Jagr haircut, butt crack and Velveeta.
Yet another method involves the use of formulas or scripts, such as the expressions function in Adobe After Effects or the creation of ActionScripts within Adobe Flash.
Using the Oseen equation, Horace Lamb was able to derive improved expressions for the viscous flow around a sphere in 1911, improving on Stokes law towards somewhat higher Reynolds numbers.
Postfix notation, a way of writing algebraic and other expressions.
Their short film Geri's Game used techniques for animation of cloth and of human facial expressions later used in Toy Story 2.
Endowed with a sweet voice and an uncanny sense of Laya, Pai’s singing is one of the purest expressions of the traditional Jaipur-Atrauli Gayaki.
Starting in 1997, Philip Hazel developed PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions), which attempts to closely mimic Perl's regular expression functionality and is used by many modern tools including PHP and Apache HTTP Server.
In Windows PowerShell all evaluated expressions which are not captured (e.g., assigned to a variable, cast to void or piped to $null) are returned from the subroutine as elements in an array, or as a single object in the case that only one object has not been captured.
These works constituted the principal theoretical base on which he created the group l'Ordre Nouveau (The New Order) in 1930, which with Esprit represented one of the most original expressions of the Nonconformist Movement during the 1930s.
The city is also known for the Rocio pilgrimage, one of the more popular expressions of the Roman Catholic faith; it can be compared to the pilgrimages to Santiago or Lourdes.
Signa Vianen is one of the few locals who helped edit the original database for the 2005 Prisma Sranan Tongo dictionary, an overview of Sranan (the main dialect in Suriname) words and verbal expressions (first selection ever translated into Dutch ánd vice versa).
Computer algebra systems, which can manipulate mathematical expressions, including evaluating simple calculations.
Interpretation is a very important function of the court, the process of ascertaining the meaning of letters and expressions by the court is either interpretation or construction.
Together with Pierre Pica, and Elizabeth Spelke, Stanislas Dehaene has studied the numeracy and numeral expressions of the mundurucu (an indigenous tribe living in Para, Brazil).
Starkiller's expressions are based on Witwer's, which Blackman described as a "a new approach for LucasArts", noting that it "affected the way we handled casting for The Force Unleashed" and comparing it to how people see Bill Nighy as Davy Jones in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.
In addition Starlight allows users to build their own named entity-extractors using a combination of algorithms, targeted normalization lists and regular expressions in the Starlight Data Engineer (SDE).
France saw the founding of the Académie française (1635) and the Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres (1663); In England, the formation of the Royal Society (1660), the earliest known Masonic lodges, and the earliest schools for girls were varying expressions of this same trend.
The text is accompanied by a still background, sprites of the characters in the foreground, whose expressions change during conversations but are not animated in any other way, music and sound.