
unusual facts about Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt

Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt

The university is largely funded by the state but is run by a self-governing public church trust (Stiftung Katholische Universität Eichstätt, Kirchliche Stiftung des Öffentlichen Rechts) set up by Bavarian Catholic bishops on the basis of a concordat between the Holy See and the Free State of Bavaria.

30th U-boat Flotilla

The boats then traveled at an average speed of 5 mph over the Reichsautobahn (modern day A4 and A9) to the slipway in Ingolstadt.

Albrecht Meyer

Leonhart Fuchs was a child prodigy, matriculating from Erfurt University by the age of twelve, and then obtaining a degree in medicine at Ingolstadt.

Andreas Felix von Oefele

He attended the Jesuit secondary school "Wilhelmsgymnasium" and continued his studies of Law, history and theology at the universities of Ingolstadt and Leuven.

Architecture of Munich

The architecture of the gothic Munich was still strongly influenced by the citizenry and not much different from the other ducal cities such as Landshut, Ingolstadt and Straubing.

Audi Q5

The new vehicle was expected to be built in Audi's home town of Ingolstadt.

Audi Tunnel

The Audi Tunnel is a twin-tracked railway tunnel on the Nuremberg–Ingolstadt–Munich high-speed railway just north of Ingolstadt in Bavaria, Germany.


Louis reigned until his own son, Louis VIII, usurped his throne in 1443 and delivered him to their enemy, Henry XVI, duke of Bavaria-Landshut.


A world championship is held each year in Germany, usually in Ingolstadt in November.

Chronicle of Fredegar

The next published edition was Antiquae Lectiones by Canisius at Ingolstadt in 1602.

DKW Junior

A new plant was constructed at the company's Ingolstadt location for production of the car (DKWs having been assembled since the war till now at Düsseldorf), and by the time the Junior went into production, the prototype’s engine had been replaced by a three-cylinder two-stroke unit of 741 cc for which an output of 34 bhp (25 kW) was claimed.


There are a few universities like Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt and Bundeswehr University Munich which also run Fachhochschule courses of studies in addition to their normal courses.

François-Joseph d'Offenstein

06.28th.1796 : Nominated Brigader Chief of the "10th régiment d'infanterie de ligne", he made the battle of Renchen, Rastadt, Neresheim, Dillingen, Ingolstadt, and Geisenfeld.

Gepanzerte Pioniermaschine

Trials were carried out between 1976 and 1980 and were successfully completed at the Pionierschule (Army School for Engineers and Construction) in Munich (now in Ingolstadt) and at Bundeswehr Engineers Equipment an Fuel Transportation Systems Test Center (ErprSt 51/now WTD 51), Koblenz.

Heinrich Blyssen

Attacked by Jacob Heerbrand on his doctrine concerning the Church, he published a defense of his thesis as Defensio assertionum theologicarum de verâ et sacrosanctâ Christi, quam habet in terris, Ecclesiâ militante (Ingolstadt, 1577).

Heinz Tesar

For various international competition entries he has received the first or second prize: e.g. for Klösterliareal in Bern (1981), the University Library in Amiens (1991), the Synagogue in Dresden (1997), the Museum for Art and Design in Ingolstadt (2000) and the Museum of Medicine in Padua, Italy (2004).

Henry XVI, Duke of Bavaria

While the duchy of Bavaria-Straubing was still divided between Bavaria-Ingolstadt, Bavaria-Munich and Bavaria-Landshut after the extinction of the dukes of Straubing in 1429, Henry managed to receive the complete duchy of Bavaria-Ingolstadt in 1447.

Ingolstadt Manching Airport

Ingolstadt Manching also receives frequent charter flights from Braunschweig-Wolfsburg Airport transferring personnel of the Volkswagen Group between their headquarters in Wolfsburg and their subsidiary Audi in Ingolstadt.

Johann Georg Dominicus von Linprun

After completing secondary school Linbrunn studied law and philosophy at the universities of Prague, Salzburg and Ingolstadt.

Johann Tserclaes, Count of Tilly

While attempting to prevent the Swedish from crossing into Bavaria over the Lech near the Rain am Lech, he was wounded by a cannonball early in the Battle of Rain and died of tetanus fifteen days later in Ingolstadt at the age of 73 on 30 April 1632.

Johannes Messenius

He made a short visit in Rome in 1604, but the climate forced him to return to Germany where he possibly won an M.A. in Ingolstadt, in 1605.

Louis IX, Duke of Bavaria

In 1472 Louis founded the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Ingolstadt, which was moved to Landshut in 1800 and finally to Munich.

Louis Victor de Blacquetot de Caux

He was appointed Battalion commander in 1799, and was appointed by Moreau, to settle with the Ferdinand, Graf Bubna von Littitz, an armistice on the streets of Ulm, Ingolstadt and Philipsburg, occupied by the Austrians.

Maddalena Visconti

Frederick managed to administer the richest part of the duchy, Lower Bavaria-Landshut which he also kept after the division of Bavaria among the brothers in 1392 when Bavaria-Ingolstadt and Bavaria-Munich were created.

Madeleine Boschan

: Eine Frau, ein Baum, eine Kuh, Museum für Konkrete Kunst Ingolstadt, Ingolstadt, Germany

Manfred Mohr

Mohr's work is collected by the Centre Pompidou in Paris, the Joseph Albers Museum, the Ludwig Museum in Cologne, the Museum for Concret Art in Ingolstadt, the Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, Musee d’Art Contemporain and Musée des Beaux-Arts in Montreal, the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, Musée de l'Élysée in Switzerland, and many others.

Maria Anna of Neuburg

The marriage by proxy took place on 28 August 1689 in Ingolstadt, Germany with the attendance of her brother-in-law Emperor Leopold and her sister Empress Eleonore among other illustrious guests.

Marie d'Alençon

She married firstly in 1411, Peter d' Évreux, Infante of Navarre, Count of Mortain, and secondly on 1 October 1413, Louis VII, Duke of BavariaIngolstadt.

Messerschmitt M 17

It weighs 40 kg (90 lb) more than the original due to additional equipment (radio and rescue system) and is now at the Manching Aviation Museum in Ingolstadt, Bavaria.

Military engineering

The NATO Military Engineering Center of Excellence (MilEng CoE) is co-located with the German Army Military Engineer School in Ingolstadt.

P3 Ingenieurgesellschaft

Besides P3’s headquarter in Aachen, Germany there are several offices and subsidiary companies in Hamburg, Wolfsburg, Stuttgart, Ulm and Ingolstadt.

Peter Nigri

In 1465 he taught philosophy and was regent of studies in Cologne; in 1467 taught theology at Ulm; in 1469 or 1470 was elected prior in Eichstätt, on 31 May, 1473, the newly founded University of Ingolstadt conferred on him the degree of Doctor of Theology; in 1474 he taught theology in the convent at Ratisbon and in 1478 became professor of Old Testament exegesis in the University of Ingolstadt.

Pierre II, Count of Alençon

# Catherine (1380, Verneuil – 25 June 1462, Paris), married 1411 in Alençon Peter d'Évreux, Infante of Navarre and Count of Mortain (1366–1412), married 1 October 1413 in Paris Louis VII, Duke of Bavaria-Ingolstadt (1365–1447)

RAF Deopham Green

The 452d Bomb Group flew its last combat mission of World War II in Europe on 21 April, striking marshalling yards at Ingolstadt.

Regensburg Congress of 1459

The nineteen masters in attendance included those in charge of cathedrals in Regensburg, Vienna (Lorenz Spenning), Basel, Bern, Passau, Salzburg, Konstanz, Weissenau, Landshut, Ingolstadt, Weißenberg, Esslingen, Amberg, Hassfurt, Ochsenfurt and Cologne.

Reichsbahndirektion Nürnberg

WürzburgAnsbach – (Treuchtlingen) – (Augsburg/Ingolstadt – Munich)

Schanzer Herz

The single was only available in Germany and was dedicated to the Ingolstadt soccer team, named FC Ingolstadt 04, becoming the team's theme song.

Schmalkaldic War

The war broke out in Swabia when a united army of several Lutheran Imperial cities occupied the Catholic town of Füssen, a possession of the Augsburg prince-bishops, and made the Imperial forces move toward the fortress of Ingolstadt in the Bavarian duchy.

Theo Berger

His escape lasted for only eleven days; he was arrested without resisting on a bridge over the Danube in Ingolstadt, afraid the police would shoot him otherwise.

University of Ingolstadt

Victor Frankenstein from Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein was a fictional student at the University of Ingolstadt.

Veit Amerbach

Veit Amerbach (also Vitus Amerpachius) (born in 1503 in Wemding, Germany - died on September 13, 1557 in Ingolstadt, Germany), was a German Lutheran theologian, scholar and humanist, who converted to Catholicism.

Volkswagen Audi Group AMB Engine

The AMB series engine was an inline 4-cylinder engine, manufactured from 2001 to 2003 by the Volkswagen Group in Ingolstadt, Germany as a replacement for the earlier 1.8T engines, such as the AEB-type engine.

see also