
unusual facts about Cesare, Marquis of Beccaria

1646 in music

Francesco Cavalli - La prosperità infelice di Giulio Cesare dittatore (lost), with libretto by Giovanni Francesco Busenello


It was recorded on a shoestring budget with DJ Cesare as drummer and Cath Coffey as backing vocalist.

Attilio Celant

The association serves as a catalyst for the diffusion of economic knowledge and best business practices by many Italian and international leaders on a worldwide stage (among the most noted members: Mario Draghi, Ignazio Visco, Federico Caffè, Enrico Giovannini, Nicola Acocella, Pier Carlo Padoan, Ezio Tarantelli, Marcello De Cecco, Claudio De Vincenti, Vincenzo Polillo, Cesare Romiti, Andrea Guerra, Luigi Spaventa).

Bandini 1100 siluro

It was built by Bandini, at the headquarters of Via Cesare Battisti in Forlì.


In 1441 it was acquired by Cesare Martinengo, and was later ruled by the Simonetta, Sforza, Bentivoglio and Del Carretto dynasties.

Cesare Augusto Fasanelli

Cesare Augusto Fasanelli (born May 19, 1907 in Rome; died April 4, 1992) was an Italian professional football player.

Cesare Bonventre

In 1979 Cesare and Baldassare were arrested for carrying illegal firearms in their car after being stopped by police at the Green Acres Mall in Valley Stream, New York shortly before the execution of Carmine Galante.

Cesare Galeotti

Cesare Galeotti (5 June 1872, Pietrasanta - 19 February 1929, Paris) was an Italian composer, conductor, and concert pianist.

Cesare Magni

Cesare Magni (b Milan, c. 1495; d Milan, 1534) was an Leonardeschi Italian painter, and illegitimate son of Francesco Magni, a family well known in Milan.

Cesare Mariani

Cesare's style owes as much to the Italian heritage as to modern pre-raphaelite styles; in effect, his work at Sant' Emidio, named for a 4th-century saint, is striking for its faith that art could revitalize a hagiography that was waning in a secularizing Italy.

Cesare Mori

In Leonardo Sciascia's novel The Day of the Owl ("Il giorno della civetta"), published in 1961, the main character, a captain of the Carabinieri, recalls the great popularity of Cesare Mori's results among Sicilian common people, and the widespread nostalgia of Fascism among Sicilians at the time.

Cesare Ricotti-Magnani

Cesare Francesco Ricotti Magnani (June 30, 1822 - August 4, 1917) was an Italian general, minister of War of the Kingdom of Italy and Cavaliere della Santissima Annunziata (Knight of the Most Holy Annunciation).

Cesare Ripa

Cesare Ripa (c. 1560 – c. 1645) was an Italian iconographer who worked for Cardinal Anton Maria Salviati as a cook and butler.

Cesare Segre

Cesare Segre (born 4 April 1928 in Verzuolo, Province of Cuneo) is an Italian philologist, semiotician and literary critic of Jewish descent, currently the Director of the Texts and Textual Traditions Research Centre of the Institute for Advanced Studies of Pavia (IUSS).

Cesare Vecellio

The crude woodcuts for book assembling contemporary fashion from across the world, De gli Habiti Antichi e Modérni di Diversi Parti di Mondo published in Venice in 1590 by Cesare as if they were his works, may in fact belong to Christopher Krieger from Nuremberg.

Cesare Zerba

Cesare Zerba was born in Castelnuovo Scrivia, and studied at the seminaries in Stazzano and Tortona, the Pontifical Roman Athenaeum S. Apollinare in Rome, and the University of Pavia.

Garrison's Gorillas

The four were: Actor (Cesare' Danova) a handsome, resonant-voiced con man; Casino (Rudy Solari), a tough, wiry safe-cracker and mechanic; Goniff (Christopher Cary) a slender, likable Cockney cat burglar; and Chief (Brendon Boone) a rugged, somber American Indian who handled a switchblade like he was born to it.

Giovanni Martino Cesare

Giovanni Martino Cesare (Udine, c.1590 – Munich, 6 February 1667) was a composer and cornett player.

Girolamo Riario

Girolamo had six sons, Ottaviano, who officially inherited the lordship of Imola, Cesare, Giovanni Livio, Galeazzo, Francesco, and a daughter, Bianca by his wife, Caterina, and lastly an illegitimate son by another woman, named Scipio.

Giulio Cesare Brancaccio

Giulio Cesare Brancaccio (1515–1586) was a courtier, cavalier, actor, writer, and singer in a number of northern Italian courts throughout the sixteenth century, most notably the court at Ferrara.

Italian cruiser Cesare Rossarol

The sinking of the Cesare Rossarol two nautical miles off the coast of Lisignano left ninety-three petty officers and marines dead, including seven officers and the captain and was one of the largest losses of life for the Italian navy during the war.

Letters to the inhabitants of Canada

The text quotes a passage of Beccaria's On Crimes and Punishment and multiple excerpts of Montesquieu's The Spirit of Laws.

Marginal utility

Eighteenth-century Italian mercantilists, such as Antonio Genovesi, Giammaria Ortes, Pietro Verri, Marchese Cesare di Beccaria, and Count Giovanni Rinaldo Carli, held that value was explained in terms of the general utility and of scarcity, though they did not typically work-out a theory of how these interacted.

Massimo d'Azeglio

His father, Cesare d'Azeglio, an officer in the Piedmontese army, held a high position at court; on the return of Pope Pius VII to Rome after the fall of Napoleon, Cesare d'Azeglio was sent as special envoy to the Holy See, and took his son, then sixteen years of age, with him as an extra attaché.

Oscar Cesare

In October 1922 Cesare had the very rare privilege of gaining admittance to the Kremlin to paint sketches of the Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin.

Palermo Centrale railway station

Palermo Centrale lies in the middle of the city, at Julius Caesar square (Piazza Giulio Cesare), and its building has a multi-level structure.


She also obtained from the Holy See, the promotion of Father Giulio Cesare, one of the members of the Agra Mission, to the episcopal dignity, and later Pope Gregory XVI wrote to her, and sent her tokens of his paternal approbation.

SS Duilio

It came later on adapted for the combustion of Naphta and Pristava subsequently service on the new Italian line of the South Africa with Giulio Cesare.

Umberto Sclanizza

Films included: Un' Avventura di Salvator Rosa (The Adventure of Salvator Rosa) (1939); Sei bambine ed il Perseo (Perseus and the six children) (1940); Il Re d'Inghilterra non paga (The King of England Won't Pay) (1941); Don Buonaparte (1941); Don Cesare di Bazan (1942) aka La Lama del giustiziere, (The Executioner's Blade Italy: reissue title).


Lucilio Vanini, also known under the pen name Giulio Cesare Vanini (1585-1619), Italian freethinker


In 1956, Gabriella (Veronica Moriconi)—a girl with apparent psychic powers—is brought to the enormous house of Dr. Meyer (Cesare Barbetti) in Chartres, France.

see also