
unusual facts about Degradation

Acinetobacter calcoaceticus

Phloroglucinol carboxylic acid is a degradation product excreted by A. calcoaceticus grown on (+)-catechin as sole source of carbon.

Assam macaque

Since 2008, the species is listed as Near Threatened by IUCN, as it is experiencing significant declines due to hunting, habitat degradation and fragmentation.

Baw Baw frog

The cause of this reduction is unknown, but the usual suspects of predation by feral animals, habitat degradation, chytrid fungus and ozone layer depletion may each have contributed.

Brachystegia glaucescens

The name is for instance found in a paper concerning the degradation of woodlands by elephant predation and fire in the northern part of the Gonarezhou National Park in SE Zimbabwe.

Carasobarbus chantrei

According to the IUCN Red List endangered species the population is declining as a result of habitat degradation in the Orontes River basin in Turkey, and in Syria.

Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed

Jennifer Marohasy of the think-tank, Institute of Public Affairs wrote a critical review in Energy & Environment, in particular its chapter on Australia's environmental degradation.

Cyanea dunbariae

Threats to the species include its low numbers and limited gene pool, degradation of its habitat by axis deer, and feral pigs, damage to plants by slugs, rats, and birds, and competition by exotic plants such as climbing dayflower (Commelina diffusa), air plant (Kalanchoe pinnata), and castor bean (Ricinus communis).

Cyanea remyi

The habitat is threatened with degradation and destruction by a number of forces, especially feral pigs and exotic plant species such as Chinese ground orchid (Phaius tancarvilleae) and Koster's curse (Clidemia hirta).

Dombey and Son

One theme is the destruction and degradation, of both people and places, caused by industrialisation, illustrated in particular by the building of the new railway through Camden Town (assumed to represent the London and Birmingham Railway constructed between 1833 and 1837).


PCSK9 is a protein that targets LDL receptors for degradation and thereby reduces the liver's ability to remove LDL-C, or "bad" cholesterol, from the blood.


Exosome complex - a macromolecular complex involved in RNA degradation

Ferredoxin-thioredoxin reductase

Specifically, the Ferredoxin-Thioredoxin system controls enzymes in the Calvin Cycle and Pentose phosphate pathway - allowing plants to balance carbohydrate synthesis and degradation based on the availability of light.

Former UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Poaching and habitat degradation had nearly wiped out the Oryx population.


The artist Jeff Koons reproduced two Frangelico advertisements, "Stay in Tonight" and "Find a Quiet Table", in his 1986 Luxury & Degradation series of paintings and sculptures based on the role of alcohol in culture.

Genuine progress indicator

Analysis by Robert Costanza also around 1995 of nature's services and their value showed that a great deal of degradation of nature's ability to clear waste, prevent erosion, pollinate crops, etc., was being done in the name of monetary profit opportunity: this was adding to GDP but causing a great deal of long term risk in the form of mudslides, reduced yields, lost species, water pollution, etc.


As the peat is buried under new peat or soil the oxygen is reduced, often by water logging, and further degradation by Anaerobic microbes, Anaerobic digestion can produce gyttja.

History of Montana

The documentary Butte, America depicts its history as a copper producer and the issues of labor unionism, economic rise and decline, and environmental degradation that resulted from the activity.

Indian wild ass

Besides disease, the ass's other threats include habitat degradation due to salt activities, the invasion of the Prosopis juliflora shrub, and encroachment and grazing by the Maldhari.

Intracellular antibody-mediated degradation

Intracellular antibody-mediated degradation (IAMD) is a neutralization mechanism of intracellular antibody-mediated immunity whereby an effector protein, TRIM21, directs antibody bound virions to the proteasome where they are degraded.

Ivor van Heerden

::caused environmental degradation of the wetlands and greatly increased the effect of Katrina, causing the flooding in such areas as St. Bernard Parish and the city’s Lower Ninth Ward.

Kadua parvula

Threats to the plant include habitat degradation and destruction by feral pigs and goats and non-native plants such as Ageratina riparia, Erigeron karvinskianus, Grevillea robusta, Melinis minutiflora, Rubus argutus, and Schinus terebinthifolius.


In the lysosomal storage disorders Gaucher’s and Tay-Sachs disease, endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation (ERAD) prevents the native folding of mutated lysosomal enzymes in a patient’s fibroblasts.

Light gap

On the other hand, creation of light gaps by introduced yellow crazy ants has been a major factor in the degradation of the environment of Christmas Island.

Magdalen Bridge

According to Pevsner, the bridge has "good sturdy balusters", although these have been replaced over the years because of degradation due to pollution.

Mahmud Karzai

Mahmud Karzai is closely connected to the Kabul Bank scandal and former U.S. Congressman Donald L. Ritter, a conservative, Jewish-American, Republican from Pennsylvania, widely criticized and scrutinized for supporting big business interests allegedly involved with serious environmental degradation, toxic waste,pollution and global warming.

Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 1

This protein is a target for SMAD-specific E3 ubiquitin ligases, such as SMURF1 and SMURF2, and undergoes ubiquitination and proteasome-mediated degradation.


Mean time between outages, the mean time between equipment failures that result in loss of system continuity or unacceptable degradation

Neil J. Gunther

1989, he developed a Wick-rotated version of Richard Feynman's quantum path integral formalism for analyzing performance degradation in large-scale computer systems and packet networks.


Like Proteasome it exhibits a barrel-like architecture that appears to have evoled to restrict substrate access and prevent indiscriminate degradation.

Owston's palm civet

It is listed as Vulnerable by IUCN because of an ongoing population decline, estimated to be more than 30% over the last three generations (estimated at 15 years), inferred from over-exploitation, and habitat destruction and degradation.

Oxo Biodegradable

Degradation is a process that takes place in many materials.


A 2009 Weill Cornell Medical College study concluded that patients switched to generic oxybutynin experienced a degradation in therapeutic value: "In women, there was a doubling of daytime frequency of urination, a slight 20% increase in nocturia, and a 46.3% increase in urge incontinence. In men, there was a 2.4-fold increase in daytime frequency, a 40% increase in nocturia, and a 40.6% increase in urge incontinence," Steven A. Kaplan said of the findings.

Oxygen radical absorbance capacity

The assay measures the oxidative degradation of the fluorescent molecule (either beta-phycoerythrin or fluorescein) after being mixed with free radical generators such as azo-initiator compounds.


Phosphorylation is a key reversible modification that regulates protein function, subcellular localization, complex formation, degradation of proteins and therefore cell signalling networks.

Plasma containment

Electromagnetic interaction must often be used since plasma is ordinarily hotter than the degradation temperature of any known material.

Post-transcriptional regulation

After being produced, the stability and distribution of the different transcripts is regulated (post-transcriptional regulation) by means of RNA binding protein (RBP) that control the various steps and rates of the transcripts: events such as alternative splicing, nuclear degradation (exosome), processing, nuclear export (three alternative pathways), sequestration in DCP2-bodies for storage or degradation, and ultimately translation.


Condensed tannins from Lithocarpus glaber leaves have been analysed through acid-catalyzed degradation in the presence of cysteamine.

Remya mauiensis

Threats to this species include degradation of the habitat by invasive plant species, including daisy fleabane, silk oak, lantana, and basketgrass.

Resource Management System

Resource Management System, as defined in the 2002 farm bill (P.L. 107-171, Sec. 2001), is a system of conservation practices and management specified in the field office technical guide of the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) that is designed to prevent resource degradation and permit sustained use of natural resources.

Sadiq Ali

He has also written a comprehensive paper on the deteriorating conditions of the forests of Jammu and Kashmir State; he has further submitted an indepth research paper outlining how the Dal Lake may be saved from further degradation.

Shugoshin N terminal protein domain

Shugoshin protein is thought to act by protecting two proteins, named Rec8 and Rad21 at the centromeres from protein degradation by the enzyme, separase.


Vpu interacts with tethrin by interacting with the protein at its transmembrane domain and recruiting β-TrCP2, which causes ubiquitination and degradation of tetherin.

The Real

This form of the real becomes perceptible in the film The Full Monty, in the fact of disrobing the unemployed protagonists completely; in other words, through this extra gesture of "voluntary" degradation, something else, of the order of the sublime, becomes visible.

Tom Six

In the United Kingdom, the BBFC declined to issue an 18 certificate for The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence), highlighting the antagonist's "total degradation, humiliation, mutilation, torture, and murder of his naked victims".

Tuart forest

Now that it has been preserved from further logging, the next challenge is to revive the ageing forest, which suffers from degradation due almost two centuries of cattle grazing, to weed infestation (particularly Arum Lilies), and an absence of new young trees due to overpopulation of Western Grey Kangaroo (Macropus fuliginosus), for whom infant Tuart saplings are a favoured dietary item.


This degradation is to blame for the brown or bronze color of grass or foliage in many old paintings, although not typically those of the "Flemish primitive" painters such as Jan van Eyck, who often used normal verdigris.


Because of its specificity toward proline, it has been suggested that X-prolyl aminopeptidase is important in the maturation and degradation of peptide hormones, neuropeptides, and tachykinins, as well as in the digestion of otherwise resistant dietary protein fragments, thereby complementing the pancreatic peptidases.

see also