
unusual facts about Deutschland-class cruiser

Kronshtadt-class battlecruiser

Battleship 'B' was redesignated as Project 25 and given the task of destroying Treaty cruisers and German pocket battleships.

1954 FIFA World Cup

The final scene of Rainer Werner Fassbinder's film The Marriage of Maria Braun takes place during the finals of the 1954 World Cup; in the scene's background, the sports announcer is celebrating West Germany's victory and shouting "Deutschland ist wieder was!" (Germany is something again); the film uses this as the symbol of Germany's recovery from the ravages of the Second World War.

2003 German Grand Prix

The 2003 German Grand Prix (formally the Großer Mobil 1 Preis von Deutschland) was a Formula One motor race held on August 3, 2003 at the Hockenheimring, Hockenheim, Germany.

2005 German Grand Prix

The 2005 German Grand Prix (formally the LXVII Großer Mobil 1 Preis von Deutschland) was a Formula One motor race, held on July 24, 2005 at the Hockenheimring in Hockenheim, Germany.

Abellio Deutschland

Abellio Deutschland operates several regional railway lines in Northrhine-Westfalia, notably the line between Essen and Siegen / Iserlohn along the Ruhr and Lenne rivers.

Agano-class cruiser

As completed, the main armament was the same type of 152 mm (6 inch) gun as used on the Kongō-class battlecruisers, some of these weapons having been removed from the Fusō and Kongō classes during their modernizations in the early and late 1930s, respectively.

Albert Bürger

Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany (Verdienstorden der Bundesrepublik Deutschland)

Almirante Cervera-class cruiser

Miguel de Cervantes (named after poet Miguel de Cervantes) was also part the Republican fleet during the civil war and was torpedoed by the nationalist submarine General Mola in 1936.

Almirante Cervera (named after Admiral Pascual Cervera y Topete) served on the Nationalist side in the civil war and was present in most of the major battles.

Andreas Ostler

Their 17-year old two-man bob, officially named "Deutschland I", had written "Cognac" on its front.

Bainbridge class

Bainbridge-class cruiser, United States Navy, built from 1959 through 1961

Bombardment of Almería

The Kriegsmarine bombed the city of Almeria in retaliation for a Republican air attack on the German cruiser Deutschland.

Bonnier Group

In Germany, Bonnier Media Deutschland includes Ullstein Buchverlage, Piper Verlag, Thienemann Verlag and Carlsen Verlag, among others.

Capitani Romani-class cruiser

Caio Mario, named after Gaius Marius, built by OTO Livorno, launched 17 August 1941; captured in La Spezia by the Germans, with only the hull completed.

Censorship in Germany

When the official government, the Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland) took over, these limits were relaxed.

Christian Lobeck

See the article by L Friedländer in Allgemeine deutsche Biographie; Conrad Bursian's Geschichte der klassischen Philologie in Deutschland (1883); Lehrs, Populäre Aufsätze aus dem Altertum (2nd ed., Leipzig, 1875); Lüdwich, Ausgewählte Briefe von und an Chr. Aug. Lobeck und K. Lehrs (1894); also JE Sandys, History of Classical Scholarship (1st ed. 1908).

Collier Hill

With an affinity for travelling and running on new venues, Collier Hill was shipped to Germany, where he won the 2005 Group 2 Gerling-Preis in Cologne and finished second in the Group 1 Deutschland-Preis at Düsseldorf.

Cöln-class cruiser

The I Scouting Group and II Scouting Group, along with the Second Torpedo-Boat Flotilla were to attack a heavily guarded British convoy to Norway, with the rest of the High Seas Fleet steaming in support.

County-class cruiser

The long (630 feet overall) hull was flush decked and with a high freeboard, and was strongly built.

Des Moines-class cruiser

The first two were decommissioned in 1959 and 1961, respectively, but Newport News remained in commission until 1975, serving for a long period (1962-1968 as Second Fleet flagship, and then providing gunfire support off Viet Nam 1969-1973.

Deutschland. Ein Sommermärchen

Parts of the proceeds of the film's merchandising are earmarked for SOS Children's Villages.

Dresden-class cruiser

She captured several more vessels, and then raided the port of Penang.

Edgar Lissel

The work of Edgar Lissel is represented in, amongst others, the following collections: National Gallery of Canada, Federal Collection of the Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Museum Küppersmühle Duisburg, Victoria & Albert Museum London, Museum der Moderne Salzburg, Musa – City of Vienna Collection of Modern Art.

Erich Retzlaff

Impressed by these earlier photographic studies of German ‘Volkdom’, and to coincide with the year of their coming to power, the National Socialists employed Retzlaff to produce portraits of party notables such as Rudolf Hess, Gregor Strasser, Joseph Goebbels and Ernst Röhm; to be published in a special edition Wegbereiter und Vorkämpfer für das neue Deutschland pioneers and champions of the new Germany (1933).

Flugwerk Deutschland GmbH

Flugwerk Deutschland GmbH transferred its headquarters from Gelsenkirchen-Rotthausen to Brand, a district of Aachen in Germany.

General-Admiral-class cruiser

The General-Admiral-class ships were a pair of armored cruisers built for the Imperial Russian Navy in the early 1870s.

German submarine Bremen

Bremen was built together with her sister ship Deutschland in 1916 by the Deutsche Ozean-Reederei, a private shipping company created for the enterprise, a subsidiary company of the North German Lloyd shipping company (now Hapag-Lloyd) and the Deutsche Bank.

Heavy torpedo cruiser

Three vessels of the Kuma-class of light carriers were appointed for renovation, namely Kitakami, Ōi and Kiso.

Helmut Bauer

In November 1938 he volunteered to join the SS and was posted to the 17th Company, SS Deutschland Regiment stationed in Ellwangen.


In 2007 the initiative "Deutschland - Land der Ideen" (Germany – Country of Ideas) under the patronage of President of Germany Horst Köhler awarded Hülsta the "Ausgewählter Ort 2007" (Selected Site 2007).

Kirov class

Kirov-class cruiser, Project 26 cruisers that were built for the Soviet Navy in 1939-1944, served in the World War II and decommissioned by 1974.

Konstantin Wecker

Unterm Dirndl wird gejodelt, BR Deutschland 1973, Sexfilm (Florian)

Kresta II-class cruiser

The Kresta II Class, Soviet Designation Project 1134A, Berkut A (Golden Eagle) were Soviet guided missile cruisers of the Cold War.

Léon Gambetta-class cruiser

The Ministry of the Navy, from 1902 to 1905, Camille Pelletan, by giving these names to the French armoured cruisers, wished to honor Republican statesmen, philosophers or historians, such as Waldeck-Rousseau, Jules Michelet, Ernest Renan, or Edgar Quinet, as the officers of the French Navy (so called La Royale) were reputed to have rather Royalist sympathies.

LTI – Lingua Tertii Imperii

: der ewige Jude (the eternal Jew); das ewige Deutschland (the eternal Germany)

Lutz Heilmann

On November 13, 2008, Heilmann pressed charges against Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. at the Landgericht Lübeck, obtaining a preliminary injunction which barred the internet address www.wikipedia.de (which is controlled by Wikimedia Deutschland) from linking to de.wikipedia.org (controlled by the U.S.-based Wikimedia Foundation) as long as certain information about him is included in the German Wikipedia in the article Lutz Heilmann.

Marco Schreyl

In 2007, Schreyl hosted the Four Hills Tournament and the fourth season of Deutschland sucht den Superstar on RTL.

Michael F. Feldkamp

Der Stellvertreter von Rolf Hochhuth in der Innen- und Außenpolitik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.

Muller Point

Surveyed by the SGS in the period 1951-57, and named by the United Kingdom Antarctic Place-Names Committee (UK-APC) for Johannes Muller, Second Officer and navigator of the Deutschland during the German Antarctic Expedition, 1911-12.

Novara-class cruiser

The Novara class, known as Rapidkreuzer or Helgoland-Klasse (in English literally rapid cruiser ) was a class of light cruisers of the Austro-Hungarian Navy active during the First World War.

Otto Wilhelm Thomé

Otto Wilhelm Thomé (1840–1925) was a German botanist and botanical artist from Cologne best known for his compendium of botanical illustrations Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz in Wort und Bild für Schule und Haus (Flora of Germany, Austria and Switzerland in Word and Picture for School and Home) first of 4 volumes with a total of 572 botanical illustrations, published in 1885 in Gera, Germany.

Oxybasis glauca

Werner Rothmaler: Exkursionsflora von Deutschland, Band 4 Kritischer Band, Volk und Wissen, Berlin 1990.

Sentinel-class cruiser

They were part of a larger order for eight scout cruisers, split between four dockyards, each of which designed their own ships to match the Admiralty’s specification, which was for a cruiser capable of reaching 25 knots, carrying ten 12 pounder guns, eight 3 pounder guns and two torpedo tubes.

Teach First Deutschland

Teach First Deutschland is a German non-profit organization started in 2008 and adapted from Teach For America and Teach First.

Tiger-class cruiser

The 1957 Defence Review, decided after the political and logistic failure of the 1956 Suez operation, no more cruisers would be modernised but work on the Tigers and HMS Swiftsure would continue, to provide interim anti aircraft support for the fleet until the new County-class GMD's were ready.

Tone-class cruiser

However, the capsizing of the torpedo boat Tomozuru called into question the stability of all Japanese warship designs.

Type 214 submarine

This transmitter is part of the SPHINX Radar System supplied by Thales Defence Deutschland GmbH in Kiel.

Valen-class cruiser

It is not known whether this included the Whitestars as well, because the Rangers (to whom all of the Whitestar fleet was reassigned after the Shadow war) operate in at least partial autonomy, answerable only to the Entil´zha.

Velasco-class cruiser

The first two ships, Velasco and Gravina, built by the Thames Ironworks & Shipbuilding & Engineering Co. Ltd. at Leamouth, London in the United Kingdom, had fewer but heavier guns and were slightly faster than the next six, which were built at various yards in Spain.

Vom Unglück und Glück der Kunst in Deutschland nach dem letzten Kriege

Vom Unglück und Glück der Kunst in Deutschland nach dem letzten Kriege ("On the misfortune and fortune of art in Germany after the last war") is a 1990 book-length essay by the German writer and filmmaker Hans-Jürgen Syberberg.

Xmal Deutschland

Xmal Deutschland also opened for The Stranglers at a concert in Wembley Arena, London.

see also