
unusual facts about Endemic species

Papilio godeffroyi

Papilio godeffroyi is endemic to all of Samoa, but it is now found only on the island of Tutuila, where it is uncommon but widespread and restricted to undisturbed or near-undisturbed rainforest.

Saint Helena Airport

Prosperous Bay Plain is one of the few remaining sites on Saint Helena that holds significant ecological diversity; according to a 2004 review by Atkins Management Consultants, the survival of numerous endemic species critically depend on preservation and protection of the location; it also is an important nesting site for the Wirebird, Saint Helena's national bird which is nearly extinct.

see also

Aphanius vladykovi

The Zagros pupfish, Aphanius vladykovi, is an endemic species found in a restricted area of the central Zagros Mountains of Iran and is an attractive species for keeping in aquaria.

Bandaara Kilhi

Bounded by dense vegetations of mainly ferns, Screwpine, tropical almond, cheese fruit, Banana trees, coconut palms and taro fields plus Mango trees as well to an extent, among the creatures which inhabit the lakeside are the Common Moorhen which is a bird exclusively found in Fuvahmulah only in the Maldivian archipelago and Maldivian White-breasted Waterhen (Amaurornis phoenicurus maldivus) which is an endemic species of the Maldives.

Dhadimagi Kilhi

Among the birds which inhabit the place apart from the Common Moorhen which is a bird exclusively found in Fuvahmulah only in the Maldivian archipelago, Maldivian White-breasted Waterhen (Amaurornis phoenicurus maldivus) which is an endemic species of the Maldives too can be sighted by the lakeside.

Diving in Thailand

Local diving features more muck diving and features some rare and endemic species - most notable are Hypselodoris Hypselodoris and Janola Nudibranchs.

Eastern Arc forests

The ecoregion is rich in wildlife with many endemic species of birds, and some mammals, while endemic amphibians include five species of reed frogs (Hyperolius), two species of forest treefrogs (Leptopelis), five tree toads (Nectophrynoides), four species of Microhylidae, and five Caeciliidae.

Epipactis dunensis

Dune helleborine is a British endemic species and in Britain limited to three main areas, the sand-dunes of Anglesey, dunes on the Fylde coast and in the valley of the River Tyne where it has colonised old metal mine workings.

Frégate Island

It also has endemic species, including the flightless Frégate Island giant tenebrionid beetle and some species of millipedes.

Hieracium radyrense

Radyr Hawkweed is the common name of Hieracium radyrense, a very rare endemic species restricted to Radyr in south Wales, UK.

Louisiade Archipelago

The Louisiade Archipelago rain forests form a distinct ecoregion, and are home to a number of endemic species, including several endemic trees (in genera Pandanus, Diospyros, and Hopea), as well as five endemic frog species, two endemic lizard species, and five endemic bird species.

Marine Life of the Straits of Messina

Benthic species of importance are Pilumnus inermis, previously considered and which is exclusively Atlantic; Errina aspera (Hydrozoa), a famous endemic species of the Strait of Messina, on which lives a parasitic sea snail (Pedicularia sicula); found between 80 and 110 m.

New Melones Dam

Another cause of concern was the unique ecology of the canyon, which included endemic species such as Banksula melones, the Melones cave harvestman.

Northland temperate kauri forest

There are more endemic species on the offshore islands such as the Poor Knights Islands and Three Kings Islands, which are home to rare plants including the only species of Elingamita and others such as Pennantia baylisiana and Three Kings Vine.

Pheidole vulcan

Pheidole vulcan is known only from the slopes of the two volcanoes Mt. Karthala and La Grille, at elevations between 995 and 1125 m on Grande Comore and thus is possibly an endemic species of the island.

Raised coral atoll

A raised coral atoll or raised coral island is an atoll that has been lifted high enough above sea level by tectonic forces to protect it from scouring by storms and enable soils and diverse – often endemic – species of flora and fauna to develop.

Réunion Swamphen

Six reports attest to its existence, and the genus Porphyrio is known as a colonizer of oceanic islands, having evolved into many local endemic species, of which only the Takahē is still found to be extant nowadays.

South East Island

Rangatira is host to several rare and endemic species of birds and plants and is a sanctuary for endangered invertebrates such as the giant stick insect, Rangatira spider, coxella weevil and the Pitt Island longhorn beetle.

Taita Hills

More than 20 endemic species of African violets (e.g. Saintpaulia teitensis) occur exclusively in that region and known endemic bird species are the Taita Thrush (Turdus helleri) and the Taita Apalis (Apalis fuscigularis).

Tatra National Park, Slovakia

The park is important for protecting a diverse variety of flora and fauna, with many endemic species, including the Tatra chamois.

Uluguru Mountains

The endemic species include African Violets, Impatiens and Begonias which are popular pot-plants in the rest of the world.


These protected areas are especially known for several threatened and endemic species including Nilgiri Thar, the Grizzled Giant Squirrel, the Nilgiri Wood-pigeon, Elephant, the Gaur, the Nilgiri langur, the Sambar, and the Neelakurinji (that blossoms only once in twelve years).