
3 unusual facts about For the Bible Tells Me So

For the Bible Tells Me So

It is directed by Powerhouse Animation Studios and narrated by Don LaFontaine in one of his last non-trailer narration roles.

It includes lengthy interview segments with several sets of religious parents (including former House Majority Leader Dick Gephardt and his wife, Jane, and the parents of Bishop V. Gene Robinson) regarding their personal experiences raising homosexual children, and also interviews with those (adult) children.

Mel White

Dr. White is also featured in the popular documentary For the Bible Tells Me So.

International Documentary Association

Over the years, this program has helped raise funds for titles such as Spellbound, Trouble the Water, World According to Sesame Street, For the Bible Tells Me So, Dear Zachary, A Small Act, Garbage Dreams, The Man on Lincoln's Nose, Speaking In Strings, and The Invisible War.

see also