Franz Boas wrote in 1923 that a comparison of the Jews of North Africa with those of Western Europe and those of Russia "shows very clearly that in every single instance we have a marked assimilation between the Jews and the people among whom they live" and that "the Jews of North Africa are, in essential traits, North Africans".
In Natives and Newcomers Trigger, writing in the tradition of Franz Boas, argued that the colonial and Aboriginal societies of early Canada all possessed rich and complex social and cultural systems, and that there are no grounds to argue that any society of early Canada was superior to the others.
The CAA, from its beginning in 1941, received the support of mainstream activists and liberal intellectuals like Franz Boas, E. Franklin Frazier, record producer John H. Hammond, Mary McLeod Bethune ( from the National Youth Administration) and Rayford Logan.
It derives from the work of Franz Boas and has branched out to cover a number of aspects of human society, in particular the distribution of wealth and power in a society, and how that affects such behaviour as hoarding or gifting (e.g. the tradition of the potlatch on the Northest North American coast).
Franz Boas (1858-1942), the "Father of American Anthropology"
He was heavily influenced by the milieu surrounding Franz Boas, who died while French was at Columbia.
The claim that Eskimo languages have an unusually large number of words for snow is a widespread idea first voiced by Franz Boas and often used as a cliché when writing about how language may keep us more or less alert to the differences of the natural world.
From 1945 to 1946, Sullivan studied modern dance in New York with Franziska Boas, the daughter of anthropologist Franz Boas.
Franziska Marie Boas was born on January 8, 1902 in New York City to father Franz Boas and mother Marie Krackowizer who were both relatively well known anthropologists.
But the information recorded about the Inuit tribes that he met proved valuable to later generations of anthropologists, such as Franz Boas and Knud Rasmussen, who relied on his journals as a reference point for their own observations.
The most extensive records of the language were made by Franz Boas, and a grammar was documented in the dissertation of Dell Hymes.
In 1913, the German-American anthropologist Franz Boas, then of the American Folklore Society (AFS), convinced Barbeau to specialize in French Canadian folklore.
Darnell, Regna (1998) And Along Came Boas: Continuity and Revolution in Americanist Anthropology. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Some of Jantz’s more current research involves quantitative osteometric and anthropometric variation among Native American populations, including an analysis of the work of Franz Boas.
He unsuccessfully challenged the studies of races by American anthropologist Franz Boas.
Franz Liszt | Franz Schubert | Franz Kafka | Franz Joseph I of Austria | Franz Ferdinand | Franz Boas | Franz Ferdinand (band) | Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria | Franz Lehár | Franz Josef Land | Franz Werfel | Franz von Papen | Franz Kline | Franz Beckenbauer | Franz Marc | Franz Kneisel | Franz Joseph | Franz Welser-Möst | Franz Rosenzweig | Franz Kugler | Franz Xaver Winterhalter | Franz Sigel | Franz Josef Strauss | Philipp Franz von Siebold | Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn | Franz Schreker | Franz Xaver Kroetz | Franz Xaver Gruber | Franz Waxman | Franz-Paul Decker |
At that time, anthropologists such as Franz Boas, Ruth Benedict, Margaret Mead, and Ashley Montagu argued for the equality of humans across races and cultures.
Coon eventually resigned from the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, while some of his other works were discounted because he would not agree with the evidence brought forward by Franz Boas, Stephen Jay Gould, Richard Lewontin, Leonard Lieberman and others.
While there were critics in the scientific community such as Franz Boas, eugenics and scientific racism were promoted in academia by scientists Lothrop Stoddard and Madison Grant, who argued "scientific evidence" for the racial superiority of whites and thereby worked to justify racial segregation and second-class citizenship for blacks.
Chief O'wax̱a̱laga̱lis of the Kwagu'ł describes the potlatch in his famous speech to anthropologist Franz Boas,
With the help of Gardner Murphy, Lois Murphy, Franz Boas, and Ruth Bendict to gain a summer fellowship, he investigated how children became members of their culture.
Edward Sapir (1915) argued for its inclusion in the Na-Dené family, a claim which was subsequently debated by Franz Boas (1917), P.E. Goddard (1920), and many other prominent linguists of the time.