
4 unusual facts about Franz von Papen

5 Fingers

He would photograph top-secret documents and turn the films over to Franz von Papen, the former German chancellor, at that time German ambassador in Ankara, via the intermediary Moyzisch, a commercial attaché at the embassy.

Clan na Gael

A delegation led by Devoy met with the German Ambassador in the US Count Johann Heinrich von Bernstorff and his aide Franz von Papen in 1914.

Dan Tyler Moore

His houseguest there was Franz von Papen, later Chancellor of Germany during the Weimar Republic (and Vice Chancellor briefly under Hitler)—von Papen had been Moore's roommate in Germany.

Welland Canal

In April 1916, a United States federal grand jury issued an indictment against Franz von Papen, then a senior German diplomat, on charges of a plot to blow up the Welland Canal.

Curtis Bean Dall

Dall's memoir contains historically interesting details of his conversations with Commander George Earle, who while serving in Istanbul in 1943 attempted to negotiate a separate peace with Germany's Wilhelm Canaris and Franz von Papen; and with Admiral Husband Kimmel, who believed he was deliberately set up by the White House at Pearl Harbor.

Franz von Rintelen

His colleagues were not all pleased with his success, and Franz von Papen (later Chancellor of Germany) sent a telegram to Berlin complaining about him.

Rudolf Buttmann

From left to right: German prelate and politician Ludwig Kaas, German Vice-Chancellor Franz von Papen, Secretary of Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs Giuseppe Pizzardo, Cardinal Secretary of State Pacelli, Alfredo Ottaviani, and Reich minister Rudolf Buttmann.


Franz von Papen: German nobleman, Roman Catholic monarchist politician, General Staff officer, and diplomat, who served as Chancellor of Germany in 1932 and as Vice-Chancellor under Adolf Hitler in 1933 to 1934, and who helped him come to power, was born in Werl on 29 October 1879.

see also