
unusual facts about Freeze-drying


However, in the case of food, or objects with formerly-living cells, large ice crystals will break the cell walls (a problem discovered, and solved, by Clarence Birdseye), resulting in the destruction of more cells, which can result in increasingly poor texture and nutritive content.

Ain't No Nigga

According to Sony BMG A&R Nick Raphael, "Will Socolof of Freeze Records sent me a CD and a video and said to me, “This guy is incredible, but he needs a bigger label to take over. Are you interested?”

Alvadore, Oregon

Today Alvadore is home to a general store and gas station that contains a post office (ZIP Code 97409), a large regional nursery—Decker Nursery—known for its Christmas trees, a volunteer fire department, the Alvadore Christian Church, a nut-drying plant affiliated with Blue Diamond Growers, and a variety of other agricultural businesses including an organic strawberry farm (Berg's Berries and Organic Produce).


Hambar, a Balkan or Central European building for drying maize

Barclay Hotel

The narrator of Nicholson Baker's novel The Fermata first discovers his ability to "freeze time" while staying at the Barclay Hotel as a child.

Black-headed Bunting

In Bulgaria, the collapse of the drying cotton thistle (Onopordum acanthium) stems on which the birds build their nests has caused high mortality; this is thought to be an example of an ecological trap.

Bootleg play

In the West Coast offense variant designed around quarterback Michael Vick, counter techniques combined with play action bootleg plays served to provide several types of simultaneous misdirection which caused defensive players to freeze after often misjudging the intended direction of the play.

Bronze sculpture

In lost-wax or investment casting, the artist starts with a full-sized model of the sculpture, most often a non-drying oil-based clay such as Plasticine model for smaller sculptures or for sculptures to be developed over an extended period (water-based clays must be protected from drying), and water-based clay for larger sculptures or for sculptures for which it is desired to capture a gestural quality - one that transmits the motion of the sculptor in addition to that of the subject.

Cannop Ponds

Conservation measures to prevent the Marsh from drying out includes coppicing of the Alder in the central area and the removal of Bracken.

Cape Chelyuskin

The Maud continued eastwards into the Laptev Sea and the men were instructed to wait for the freeze-up of the Kara Sea and then sledge southwestwards towards Dikson carrying Amundsen's mail.

Cloth menstrual pad

When changing cloth menstrual pads away from home, some women place the soiled pads into a waterproof or Ziploc bag to keep them from drying out and to contain or prevent odor and then wash the pads when convenient.

Commonwealth Edison

In January 2007, the Chicago Tribune reported that Commonwealth Edison was behind Consumers Organized for Reliable Electricity (CORE), an organization that had been arguing against a proposed statewide freeze in electricity rates.

Dale Kirby

As chairperson of the Newfoundland and Labrador component of the Canadian Federation of Students in the 1990s, Kirby led a successful campaign to freeze college and university tuition fees in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Dave Clancy

After this, Clancy would re-sign for the Freeze in 2006 and re-establish himself as the first choice goaltender ahead of another ex-Phoenix goalie, Matt Compton.


This problem can be fixed by removing the distributor's cap and drying the cap, cam, rotor and the contacts by wiping with tissue paper or a clean rag, by blowing hot air on them, or using a moisture displacement spray e.g. WD-40 or similar.

Dried fruit

Drying or dehydration also happened to be the earliest form of food preservation: grapes, dates and figs that fell from the tree or vine would dry in the hot sun.

Ernst Sprockhoff

In 1933 he was a member of the National Socialist Teachers League, in 1937 after the freeze on admissions also of the Nazi Party.

Evesham Technology

It developed and licensed a number of peripherals and upgrades for the ZX Spectrum (48K memory upgrade, Interface III cheat/copy Cartridge) and Commodore 64 (Freeze Frame cheat/copy Cartridge, Dolphin DOS disk drive accelerator, Oceanic disk drive replacement) in the second half of the 1980s.

Flower preservation

Originally introduced in 1813 by William Hyde Wollaston to the Royal Society in London, it was not until the late 80's the freeze-drying industry discovered the allurement and longevity of freeze-dried flowers.

Freeze Gelation

Recently there was a flurry of interest in freeze-casting at the University of Bath, UK, which led most significantly to two doctoral theses, by J. Laurie in 1995 and by M. Statham in 1998.

Ice hotel

This picturesque setting is next to Bâlea Lake, where each year local craftsmen wait for the lake to freeze, before using the ice to build the small 14 room Ice Hotel and its adjacent Ice Church.

Institute for Strategy and Reconciliation

Under the Agreed Framework, the DPRK agreed to "freeze" and eventually dismantle its production reactors in return for two proliferation resistant commercial nuclear reactors of the light water type (LWR) and 500,000 metric tonsof heavy fuel oil each year, until the first LWR unit goes into operation.

Isiah Thomas

No player involved has ever confirmed that the "freeze-out" occurred, but the story has been long reported, and has never been refuted by Jordan.

Israel–New Zealand relations

The Israeli Deputy Chief of Chief of Staff, Gabi Ashkenazi, was denied permission to visit New Zealand to speak at a private fund-raising event in March 2005 because of the freeze on visits from Israeli officials.

Jack H. Goaslind

During this time, he oversaw placing Emmanuel A. Kissi in charge of the church's affairs in Ghana during "the freeze", when the government of Ghana forbade all meetings of the church.

Killer Frost

Killer Frost returned during the events of One Year Later, where she had apparently entered into a relationship with Mr. Freeze.

Lawrence Hall of Science

Popular items include science kits, educational posters, plush toys and astronaut ice cream.

Luco dei Marsi

The town was probably founded by the Roman Emperor Claudius to house workers in the drying of the Lacus Fucinus (Lake Fucino).

Maine Republican Party

The new platform calls for the elimination of the United States Department of Education and the Federal Reserve System, the rejection of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, a freeze and prohibition on stimulus spending, and the prosecution of perpetrators of the "global warming myth".


The panel technology involved paneling with pre-set plumbing and electricity being filled with a quick drying building material known as Moladi Chem.

Mundesley Lifeboat Station

Also on the ground floor is the drying room which holds all of the crew's personal protection equipment such as drysuits, helmets and lifejackets.

Murder of Helle Crafts

In the 1989 film Woodchipper Massacre, the children kill their aunt, freeze her corpse, dismember it, and then put it in a woodchipper.

Nora Fries

At one point in the movie, Poison Ivy (Uma Thurman), who is infatuated with Mr. Freeze and his powers, pulls the plug on Nora’s cryogenic tank in an attempt to kill her and have Freeze to herself.

During a later appearance, D'Anjou is abducted by Grant Walker — a man who had forced Freeze to subject him to the same treatments as he had undergone — to research a cure for his condition, forcing Nightwing and Batgirl to team up with Mr. Freeze to stop Walker after Batman is incapacitated.

On the People's Democratic Dictatorship

It is noteworthy for its tone, that it preceded the freeze in Russian-Chinese relations following the Sino-Soviet split and adoption of Maoism in China, and that it codifies and embraces People's democratic dictatorship.

Osbat al-Ansar

Osbat al-Ansar is on the United States' list of terrorist organizations for alleged connections with Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda, and the American administration decided to freeze all assets of Osbat al-Ansar following the attacks on September 11th, 2001.

Outraging public decency

In December 1987, artist Rick Gibson exhibited a pair of earrings made with freeze-dried human foetuses at the Young Unknowns Gallery in south London, England.

Rangkul Valley Important Bird Area

Both lakes freeze in winter and contain no fish, but support numerous invertebrates, including amphipods, beetles and mosquito larvae.


Usually, refractories require special heat-up techniques to ensure that their performance will be attained as designed, and to avoid thermal shock and drying stresses until the operational status is achieved.

Road map for peace

; reopen Palestinian institutions in East Jerusalem; improve humanitarian situation, full implementaton Bertini report, easing movement; freeze on settlement expansion and dismantling of settlement outposts built since 2001.

Israel also did not freeze settlement expansion, nor dismantle outposts built since 2001, another requirement of the Roadmap.

Russian battleship Slava

She continued to support the Army until the water in the Gulf of Riga threatened to freeze over at which time she retired to the port of Kuivastu to winter over.

Salad spinner

In 1971, Jean Mantelet filed a patent for a "Salad Dryer" a hand-operated, centrifugally-driven device along with another called the "Household Drying Machine" which could also be used for salads.

Sealy Corporation

First Boston made a bridge loan to the buy-out firm just as Drexel Burnham Lambert was running into trouble and the junk bond market was drying up, and was stuck with the loan.

South African mullet

Mullet fish caught in the sea and estuaries of the West Coast region are processed by salting and air-drying into bokkoms by small local factories around Velddrif and Laaiplek.

Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out

"Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out" has become a staple of Springsteen's E Street Band concert tours, with regular appearances from the 1975 and on Born to Run tours through the 1984 legs of the Born in the U.S.A. Tour, with one of the latter documented on the later Live/1975–85, and the 1988 Tunnel of Love Express.

Timekeeping on Mars

In Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars Trilogy, clocks retain Earth-standard seconds, minutes, and hours, but freeze at midnight for 39.5 minutes.


TrustedID's initial products, launched in 2006, were focused on helping consumers "freeze" their credit reports, following the advent of legislation that gave individuals the right to stop the three national credit bureaus, Equifax, Experian and Trans Union, from selling and individuals credit data without first getting consumer consent.

Tunisian Community Center

In their support for the Tunisian Revolution's aims toward freedom and democracy, the TCC has written to the US Senator of California Barbara Boxer, requesting to freeze the overthrown President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali's assets.

see also