Dr. Brian Bolwell, chief of hematology at the Cleveland Clinic noted that Dr. Mathé had proved an important principle: "You can cure an incurable leukemia patient.", and had developed both a technique and an important term, "adoptive immunotherapy," to describe how a person’s own immune system can be used to combat cancer and other diseases.
Georges Mathé, a French oncologist, performed the first European bone marrow transplant in 1959 on five Yugoslavian nuclear workers whose own marrow had been damaged by irradiation caused by a Criticality accident at the Vinča Nuclear Institute, but all of these transplants were rejected.
Georges Bizet | Georges Cuvier | Centre Georges Pompidou | Georges Simenon | Georges Bataille | Georges Clemenceau | Paul Georges Dieulafoy | Georges Perec | Georges Duhamel | Georges de La Tour | Georges Schwizgebel | Georges Pouchet | Georges Pompidou | Jean-Georges Vongerichten | Hurricane Georges | Georges Seurat | Georges Moustaki | Georges Méliès | Georges Jeanty | Georges Sadoul | Georges Mandel | Georges Cottier | Georges Carpentier | Georges Canguilhem | Georges Brassens | Georges Besse | Georges Vanier | Georges Duby | Georges Doriot | Georges-Charles de Heeckeren d'Anthès |