
unusual facts about Global Warming: The Signs and The Science

Global Warming: The Signs and The Science

Global Warming: The Signs and The Science is a 2005 documentary film on global warming made by ETV, the PBS affiliate in South Carolina, and hosted by Alanis Morissette.

2006 G20 ministerial meeting

Climate change was not on the formal agenda, but a strong push by chief secretary to the British Treasury, Stephen Timms forced global warming and the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change to be briefly discussed as part of the context of promoting free markets as the way to energy security.


The book depicts a future where humankind has left the Earth due to global warming, and they have decided to live in the International Space Station.

Australian Network of Environmental Defenders Offices

Several major Australian NGOs, including ANEDO and the Australian Conservation Foundation, have been lobbying has for some years for the inclusion of global warming as a matter of national environmental significance in Australia's main environmental protection legislation, the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context

A case which involved countries far apart on the globe was raised by Micronesia, which claimed that the Czech coal-fired plant at Prunerov was significantly affecting its climate due to global warming.

Drunken trees

Al Gore cited drunken trees caused by melting permafrost in Alaska as evidence of global warming, as part of his presentation in the 2006 documentary film An Inconvenient Truth.

Earth immune system

James Lovelock's book "The Revenge of Gaia" suggests that Gaia has many mechanisms for eliminating civilisations that do harm through greenhouse gas emissions and global warming, but suggests that with increasing heat being received from the sun, Gaia's ability to "bounce back" as it did after the Permian and Cretaceous extinction events, may be increasingly compromised.

Effects of climate change

Historical impacts of climate change, during the early evolution and history of humans, prior to current global warming

English Wikipedia

The study stated that the most disputed entries on the English Wikipedia were: George W. Bush, Anarchism, Muhammad, List of WWE personnel, global warming, circumcision, United States, Jesus, race and intelligence, and Christianity.

Freedom of speech by country

In 2006, CSIRO senior scientist Graeme Pearman was reprimanded and encouraged to resign after he spoke out on global warming.

Greenbank Middle School

Christina Organista-Martin's grade 7 French Immersion class decided that it wants to help prevent global warming and decided that it will make a project selling reusable bags and giving profits to the Institute of Environmental Sciences at Carleton University for research and education into reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


From the 1990s onwards the unit received requests for raw data made by those critical of the scientific understanding of global warming, and after the UK Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) came into effect in 2005, there were Freedom of Information requests to the Climatic Research Unit for this raw data.

Heather Stilwell

In May 2007 Stilwell proposed a motion to ensure that if the film An Inconvenient Truth, about global warming, were used as a resource in the Surrey School District, other resources which give an opposing view would also be used.

Instituto Antártico Argentino

Scientists are trained and deployed on Argentine bases for researching on differents field of science including Atmosphere, Biology, Oceanography, Weather, Chemistry, Ozone Layer, Global warming and CO2.

IPCC Fifth Assessment Report

The AR5 will provide an update of knowledge on the scientific, technical and socio-economic aspects of climate change.

John Veron

Veron has criticised global warming skeptics like Ian Plimer, saying of Plimer's book Heaven and Earth: "Every original statement Plimer makes in the book on coral and coral reefs is incorrect, and that "Plimer serves up diagrams from no acknowledged source, diagrams known to be obsolete and diagrams that combine bits of science with bits of fiction.

Kathleen Bryson

She had written a shorter novel at the same time as writing Girl on a Stick, the Douglas Adamsesque He's Lucid (like her first novel Mush, set in Alaska, although far in the future in a landscape devastated by global warming).

Keith Shine

He was a lead author of Climate Change 1995, the 1995 IPCC report on global warming.

Mahmud Karzai

Mahmud Karzai is closely connected to the Kabul Bank scandal and former U.S. Congressman Donald L. Ritter, a conservative, Jewish-American, Republican from Pennsylvania, widely criticized and scrutinized for supporting big business interests allegedly involved with serious environmental degradation, toxic waste,pollution and global warming.

Maine Republican Party

The new platform calls for the elimination of the United States Department of Education and the Federal Reserve System, the rejection of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, a freeze and prohibition on stimulus spending, and the prosecution of perpetrators of the "global warming myth".

Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy

David Deming, professor at the University of Oklahoma, and global warming critic, later was transferred to the College of Arts and Sciences.

Naturesave Insurance

Influenced and inspired by Anita Roddick, the founder of the Body Shop, the company, and the charitable trust (The Naturesave Trust) were set up by ex-Lloyd’s insurance broker Matthew Criddle, on the premise that probabilistic assessments of the future would become harder to establish as global warming and climate change directly affect the insurance industry’s ability to meet climate related insurance losses.

Old Tjikko

The man who discovered the tree, Leif Kullman (Professor of Physical Geography at Umeå University), has attributed this growth spurt to global warming, and given the tree its nickname "Old Tjikko" after his late dog.

Pacific Standard

In-depth pieces include stories such as "Native Environmentalism and the Alberta Oil Boom", "Global Warming: the Archaeological Frontier", "When Facebook Is Your Medical Record", as well as "Art and Alzheimer’s: Another Way of Remembering", the story of Hilda Goldblatt Gorenstein (Hilgos) and the documentary "I Remember Better When I Paint".

Peter Doran

Because he and his colleagues found that some parts of Antarctica had cooled between 1964 and 2000, his paper has been frequently cited by opponents of the global warming theory, such as Ann Coulter and Michael Crichton.

Philip Cooney

In early 2005, Rick S. Piltz resigned from his position as a senior associate in the U.S. Climate Change Science Program and claimed that Cooney had been editing government climate reports to emphasize doubts about global warming.

Planet in Peril

CNN's Anderson Cooper, Sanjay Gupta and Animal Planet's Jeff Corwin investigate the current state of our planet, focusing on four major areas: global warming, overpopulation, deforestation and species loss.

Properties of water

According to Josh Willis, of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the oceans absorb one thousand times more heat than the atmosphere (air) and are holding 80 to 90% of the heat of global warming.


In July 2013, David Fogarty, former Reuters climate change correspondent in Asia, resigned after a career of almost 20 years with the company and wrote about a "climate of fear" which resulted in "progressively, getting any climate change-themed story published got harder" following comments from then deputy editor-in-chief Paul Ingrassia that he was a "climate change sceptic."

Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet

Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet (358 pages), ISBN 978-0-00-720905-7 is a 2007 (2008 in USA) non-fiction book by author Mark Lynas about global warming.

Stephen Chan Chi Wan

For the show Vanishing Glacier (台慶鉅獻: 冰天動地), he also flew to the arctic to record the impact of global warming with Sammul Chan, Bernice Liu and Kay Tse.

The 2010 Imperative

The 2010 Imperative is an initiative issued by Architecture 2030 that requires ecological literacy, largely missing from the curriculum in the United States, to become a key element of design education by 2010, in order to combat global warming and world resource depletion.

The Good, the Sad and the Drugly

When she discovers online reports about soap for drinks instead of water, a world war over a tiny drop of oil, a parking lot yet to be filled forever and the last polar bear committing suicide by hanging himself, she is filled with anxiety and depression and terrifies her classmates with her dark visions of the oceans rising from global warming, turning humanity and the lowlands into a desert and darkness falling upon Nineveh.

The Great Warming

Theatre giant Regal Cinemas released the film in its top 50 markets on the weekend of November 4 to November 5, 2006, which makes the launch three times larger than for any other film of its kind, and highlights the growing currency of the global warming issues in the mainstream.A special program was developed for faith communities, and the film was distributed to over 500 churches, synagogues and mosques across the US.

see also