
unusual facts about deforestation


Aiphanes chiribogensis

It is known from Pichincha Province in northwestern Ecuador, and was collected from Azuay Province in southwestern Ecuador 1943 but the area where it was collected has suffered extensive deforestation, and attempts to find it again in that area have been unsuccessful.

Alto Paraguay Department

The World Land Trust estimates deforestation in the Paraguay Chaco at over 200.000 hectare for 2008 alone

Bale Mountains tree frog

Despite its entire range being within the Bale Mountains National Park, it is threatened by habitat loss and deterioration (deforestation) caused by cattle grazing, firewood collection, fencing, and settlement development.

Bintan Island

There was extensive deforestation done mostly for the cultivation of gambier (Uncaria gembieri).

Borneo Orangutan Survival

Willie Smits appeared in Dying for a Biscuit, a 2010 BBC Panorama investigation which looked into the causes of deforestation, focusing particularly on illegal logging and the palm oil industry.

Buddleja ibarrensis

Buddleja ibarrensis is an endangered species endemic to a small area of Ecuador in the vicinity of Ibarra in subtropical or tropical moist montane forest at an elevation of 2,200 m threatened by deforestation.

Bukit Kiara

Many of such cases include the deforestation of previous trails such as "Dogs", "Banana Ridge" and "The Creek" for what Malaysians now know as the Penchala Tunnel.

Centre for Social Justice

Johan Eliasch, Chairman and Chief Exec, Head N.V ; Chairman, Cool Earth; Prime Minister's Special representative on deforestation and clean energy

Cryptolithodes sitchensis

A major threat to C. sitchensis in Southern California is deforestation and its effects on the giant kelp forests around the Channel Islands National Park.

Daphnopsis hellerana

Deforestation has limited the amount of remaining habitat for this and other endemics, such as Cornutia obovata.

Deforestation by region

According to a documentary by TelePool, the deforestation is being directed by corrupt military personnel and government (forestry services).

Deforestation in Brazil

In an American Meteorological Society Journal of Climate, two research meteorologists at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center Andrew Negri and Robert Adler have analysed the impact of deforestation on climatic patterns in the Amazon using data and observatory readings obtained from NASA's Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission collected over many years.

Dypsis brevicaulis

Its native habitat is threatened by deforestation for cultivation by local villagers, and by plans for mining Ilmenite in the region.

Fairy Pitta

Its population is inferred to be rapidly declining due to deforestation in its breeding range, principally for agriculture and timber, locally compounded by trapping for the cagebird trade.

Google Earth Outreach

In June 2008 a training was given to 20 indigenous tribes in the Amazon rainforest, such as the Suruí, to help them preserve their culture and protect their rainforest territory from deforestation.


Vesi wood (Intsia bijuga), which grows natively on Kabara, is the traditional material, but deforestation has stripped the island, leaving only 8% of the island covered with Vesi trees.


Deforestation, with the establishment of settlements at the periphery of primary or secondary forest, increases the risk of Leishmania transmission by creating a selection pressure for the adaptation of sand flies to these new peridomestic environments.

Planet in Peril

CNN's Anderson Cooper, Sanjay Gupta and Animal Planet's Jeff Corwin investigate the current state of our planet, focusing on four major areas: global warming, overpopulation, deforestation and species loss.

Podersdorf am See

Deforestation of oak woods by early dwellers lead to the bleak Pusztalandscape that predominates today.

Polynesian rat

This rat also may have played a role in the complete deforestation of Easter Island by eating the nuts of the local palm tree, thus preventing regrowth of the forest.

Rohtas district

As recently as the early 1990s, nighttime frost used to be common in the winter, however deforestation in the Kaimur hills has had a negative impact.

Royal Golden Eagle

The lack of adequate source of raw material resulted in deforestation, illegal logging and land conflicts in Sumatra.

The Third Chimpanzee

Examples include Easter Island and the ruins of Petra, both of which were the result of deforestation resulting in desertification.

The Ultimate Resource

Some of the “crises” he notes are a shortage of tin in the 13th century BCE; disappearing forests in Greece in 550 BCE and in England in the 16th century to 18th century CE; food in 1798; coal in Great Britain in the 19th century; oil since the 1850s; and various metals since the 1970s.

The World Without Us

The 2009 hip-hop song "The High Line" by Kinetics & One Love, inspired by The World Without Us, is a pro-green, anti-deforestation song that paints the picture of trees and plants reclaiming the buildings of New York City long after the presence of humans.

Tovar Municipality, Aragua

The surrounding cloud forests are protected by the Pico Codazzi Natural Monument, though some signs of deforestation are visible due to the high tourist demand from Caracas, and the extraction of tree fern, sold dry for growing orchids.

Workshop for All Beings

The organization conducted projects on preservation of the Wapienica Valley in Bielsko-Biała, they protested against building a coke plant just by the Polish border in Stonava in the Czech Republic, against building of a nuclear power plant in Żarnowiec as well as against deforestation of Bielsko-Biała.

see also