
unusual facts about His People

His People

His People (aka; Proud Heart) is a 1925 silent film about a young, Jewish boxer growing up on the Lower East Side of Manhattan directed by Edward Sloman.

see also

510 BC

Hippias, tyrant of Athens, is expelled by his people with the assistance of Cleomenes, King of Sparta.

Accokeek Creek Site

Piscataway leader Turkey Tayac "supported the creation of Piscataway Park at the site, on one condition: that he could be buried there, and that his people could always visit freely, for cultural and spiritual purposes."

Anton Wilhelm Amo

According to at least one report, he was taken to a Dutch fortress, Fort San Sebastian, in the 1750s, possibly to prevent him sowing dissent among his people.


The Quran (37:125) mentions that Elias (Elijah) a prophet of God was sent to his people to tell them not to worship Baal and worship one true God.

Battle of Cibecue Creek

Nock-ay-det-klinne was a respected Apache medicine man among his people and chief of the Cañon Creek band of the Cibecue Apaches, a group of the Western Apache.

Camp Grant massacre

He urged Eskiminzin to move his people to the White Mountains near Fort Apache, which was established in 1870, but he refused.

Captain Pipe

After the war, he moved his people into Ohio Country, where he made treaties with the Continental Congress to try to protect Lenape land, but settlers continued to encroach on his people.

Duan Sui

He was a general under the emperor Murong Chong, whose people wanted to return east to their homeland but who, after capturing the Former Qin capital Chang'an, wanted to settle in Chang'an, against the wishes of his people.

Electric Earthquake

Later, at the Daily Planet, a Native American man warns Lois Lane, Clark Kent, and Perry White that they must run a report that Manhattan belongs to his people and should be given back to them.

Ernest I, Duke of Saxe-Gotha

The Bible was his own everyday book and he strove unceasingly to make his people religious after a strict Lutheran pattern.

Étienne Brûlé

Champlain made the arrangement to do so and in return, the chief Iroquet (an Algonquin leader of the Petite nation who wintered his people near Huronia), requested that Champlain take Savignon, a young Huron, with him to teach him the customs and habits of the French.


Gylfaginning in the Prose Edda and the Ynglinga saga tell how the supposedly historic (Non-deified version of Odin) Odin and his people the Æsir and Vanir, who later became the Swedes, obtained new land where they built the settlement of Old Sigtuna.


As soon as his son Aramaneak was born, Hayk rose up and led his people northward into the land of Ararad.

Ishi: The Last of His Tribe

Ishi: The Last of His Tribe (1978) is a made-for-television biopic based on a book by Theodora Kroeber which relates the experiences of her husband Alfred L. Kroeber who made friends with Ishi, thought to be the last of his people, the Yahi tribe.

Islamic view of angels

Lūṭ (Lot) also had angels come to him to warn him of the impending doom of his people.

Issouf Ag Maha

In his works, he talks about the tragedy of his people in Arlit region and criticises the uranium exploitation.

James Baine

Prior to his deposition and induction — the latter of which was conducted by Thomas Gillespie, of Carnock and Dunfermline — a tradition runs that he and his people worshipped in Old Greyfriars under the venerable Dr. John Erskine, and sat down together at the sacrament of the Lord's Supper there.


Oe’lecten and his people were based at what is now known as Pitt Lake, Swaneset at Sheridan Hill, Xwoe’pecten at Port Hammond (whose descendants became the Kwantlen), Smakwec at Point Roberts (whose people, the Nicomekl were largely killed in a smallpox epidemic in the 18th century), and C’simlenexw at Point Grey (whose descendents became the Musqueam).

Kicking Bird

As a result, Satanta emerged in a prominent leadership role among his people and his reputation as a war-maker made him the dominant Kiowa figure to be reckoned with in the eyes of whites and other Indians.


Kousop himself with about 130 of his people, consisting of San, Khoekhoe, Korana and Griqua, were killed in the battle and 43 men and 50 women were captured.


In 1620 his son Ishim-khan married a daughter of Kho Orluk who was then leading his people from Dzugharia to the Volga.

Lake Ishiba Ng'andu

Firstly it is important to the Bemba people as the country in which, in the late 17th Century, Chitimukulu of the Ng'andu (crocodile) Clan came across a dead crocodile, and taking this as an omen, settled his people after their wanderings from the Lunda Kingdom 1,000 km to the east.

Limehouse Town Hall

On 30 July 1909 the Chancellor of the Exchequer David Lloyd George made a polemical speech in the assembly room, attacking the House of Lords for its opposition to his "People's Budget".

Lord Charles Hay

According to the French accounts, of which Voltaire's is the best known, Lord Charles stepped from the ranks and, in response to a similar movement promptly made by the French commander, politely called to him to order his people to fire, but in reply was assured, with equal politeness, that the French guards never fired first.

Máximo Macapobre

As a resident of Bato (formerly known as Batohanon) and having a family of his own, Captain Imok, as he was now called by the people of his barangay (district) showed his concern for the welfare of his community and for the quality of life for his people.

Murong Yao

Murong Chong was killed in 386 by his general Han Yan (韓延) after he, against his people's desire to return to their homeland, wanted to settle in Chang'an.

Nelly Sachs

Sachs' fusion of grief with subtly romantic elements is in keeping with the imagery of the kabbalah, where the Shekhinah represents God's presence on earth and mourns for the separation of God from His people in their suffering.

New Genesis

New Genesis is ruled by a being known as the Highfather, a spiritual leader who maintains his people's connection to the primal energy field known as The Source.

Norman's Awesome Experience

This activity is witnessed by the Roman commanding officer and makes it into a book that Umberto and Erica are forced to help manufacture on a primitive printing press operated by a group of galley slaves of which they are now a part of having been sold into slavery due to their failure to stop Norman who takes his people away to settle on a coastal area of Gaul safe from the Romans where Norman names the region as Normandy and thus seals his name in history.

Northern Cheyenne Exodus

Dull Knife agreed to fight no more if the great father in Washington would let his people live on Pine Ridge that now held Red Cloud and his tribe.

Ocozocoautla de Espinosa

This dance has pre-Hispanic origins and honors “Tajaj Jama” or ‘Father Sun.’ Since the Spanish Conquest, European Christian characters have been added to this dance, including “el Mahoma”, an Arab figures who represents evil because of his opposition to Christianity, David, who represents good because he protects his people against Goliath and “el Caballo” (the Horse), a character whose mission is to help David.


In one version of his story, Midas travels from Thrace accompanied by a band of his people to Asia Minor to wash away the taint of his unwelcome "golden touch" in the river Pactolus.

Popular Movement for the Liberation of Chad

Expelled, Abdel Rahmane, a semi-illiterate Kanembu, recruited some following among his people and became active around Lake Chad, in the Kanem area.

Richard II de Bermingham

The succession crisis of the second Earl of Clanricarde and the subsequent Mac an Iarla wars, devastate his lordship, to the point where he admitted to Sir Henry Sidney that though his was the oldest Anglo-Irish lordship in Connacht, he and his people were reduced to penury "as poor a baron as liveth".

Samuel Nathan Blatchford

His mother, Pauline Manuelito was the great-granddaughter of the great warrior Chief Manuelito who fought Kit Carson in the Navajo Wars (1869–63) and led his people in exile to the current Navajo Reservation.

Seelitz, Perry County, Missouri

Although only one of the colonists is recorded as coming from the small parish of Seelitz, which is near Niederfrohna in the Mulde valley, Bürger may have chosen it out of filial piety and the memory of his own first pastorate, rather than Lunzenau, from which he and most of his people had actually come.

Shāh Khalīlullāh III

Scottish traveller and author James Baillie Fraser described the Imam as “a person of high respectability and great influence”, while French linguist and orientalist Antoine Isaac Silvestre de Sacy quoted a description of the Imam as “This person, whom his people grace with the pompous title of caliph, enjoys a great reputation and is considered to have the gift of performing miracles”.

Straight Tail Meaurroway Opessa

1677: Leads his people to present-day Illinois and Miami to join up with other bands of Shawnee and various tribes.

Tanka in English

An important contributor was Yoshihiko Tomari, active in the Tule Lake Segregation Center, where he saw tanka as "an active spiritual and cultural force for his people" and organized "a tanka network among the camps, gathered poems, produced mimeographed publications, and circulated them to other camps".

The White Stag

Afraid they will never return and his people will be left leaderless, the old man offers a sacrifice to their god, Hadur—his war horse.

Treaty of Vis

The signing of the agreement was pushed by Winston Churchill, who had his people watching over the negotiations, "on hand but hands off", as described in Eastern Approaches: Ralph Stevenson, ambassador to the government in exile, and Fitzroy Maclean, the soldier-ambassador liaison to Tito.

Túpac Huallpa

Túpac Huallpa and his people may not have understood that the Spaniards were using him to take control of Peru and steal the gold treasures of his country.

Ubertino Pallavicini

During Ubertino's reign, much of the Euboea was lost to the Greeks and pirates in the Atalante prevented food supplies from reaching his people and castles.

Wapasha III

Wapasha led his people to the Sioux reservation at the head of the Minnesota River.

William Commanda

Assembly of First Nations National Chief Shawn A-in-chut Atleo said: "He was a truly unique and exceptional man who dedicated his life to building bridges between people of all nations and all generations. His wisdom, his dedication to his people and his example were an inspiration to leaders not only of my generation but across many generations of First Nations".