
unusual facts about Interaction-free measurement

Interaction-free measurement

# Mauritius Renninger, Messungen ohne Storung des Messobjekts (Observations without disturbing the object), (1960) Zeitschrift für Physik, 158 pp 417-421.

Abraham J. Twerski

He has written over sixty books on Judaism and self-help topics, including several books with Charles M. Schulz's Peanuts comic strips used to illustrate human interaction and behavior.

Airy wave theory

The last four equations describe the evolution of slowly varying wave trains over bathymetry in interaction with the mean flow, and can be derived from a variational principle: Whitham's average Lagrangian method.

Apolipoprotein A1

Apolipoprotein A-I binding precursor, a relative of APOA-1 abbreviated APOA1BP, has a predicted biochemical interaction with Carbohydrate Kinase Domain Containing Protein.

Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai

After 9/11, he took leave without pay from the World Bank and engaged in intensive interaction with the media, appearing regularly on PBS's NewsHour as well as BBC, CNN, US National Public Radio, other broadcasters, and writing for major newspapers.

Astute Solutions

As the company grew, it developed applications for Web-based customer service, telephony (CTI, IP telephony, and multichannel ACD), multichannel interaction management (Web, e-mail, and chat), and customer feedback reporting.

Bauchi State

There are cultural similarities in the people's language, occupational practices, festivals, dress and there is a high degree of ethnic interaction especially in marriage and economic existence.

Brain connectivity estimators

The above measures provide information on the directionality of interactions in terms of delay (correlation) or coherence (phase), however the information does not imply causal interaction.

Charles Osmond Frederick

Charles Osmond Frederick is a British engineer who worked on interaction of rails and wheels at the British Railway Technical Centre, Derby.


It serves as a platform for interaction between research centres and international organizations, such as United Nations Population Division, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), World Health Organization (WHO) and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

Complement component 5a

The latter interaction leads to receptor activation, and the transduction of the ligand binding signal across the cell plasma membrane to the cytoplasmic G protein GNAI2.

Dearborn Homecoming Festival

In 2008, Eddie Money was accompanied by Radio Disney, a children's show that mixes interaction and music.

Elitzur–Vaidman bomb tester

In 1994, Anton Zeilinger, Paul Kwiat, Harald Weinfurter, and Thomas Herzog actually performed an equivalent of the above experiment, proving interaction-free measurements are indeed possible.

En Ami

Part of the inspiration for the episode came from the Shakespeare play Richard III, most notably, the interaction between Richard and Lady Anne.


A typical Moroccan family organizes its life around television programs in order to avoid any kind of affective interaction among its members.


Futurussia is a community of young scientists, engineers, inventors and innovation managers, which was initially formed by open competition of Federal agency of youth affairs of Russia with the purpose to issue the challenge to think over a concept and to prepare proposals for a creation of an international innovation complex near Skolkovo village, ways to create this complex and valid machineries of interaction between science and business.

Gas torus

In the Solar System, gas tori usually are produced by the interaction of a satellite's atmosphere with the magnetic field of a planet, most famously the Io plasma torus, which is produced by the ionization of roughly 1 ton per second of oxygen and sulfur from the tenuous atmosphere of Jupiter's volcanic moon, Io.

Genomic Medicine Institute

For clinicians, there are extensive opportunities for interaction with internationally renowned clinicians at the Cleveland Clinic at clinics, tumor boards and in direct patient care.

Human–computer information retrieval

Early work on interactive information retrieval, such as Juergen Koenemann and Nicholas J. Belkin’s 1996 study of different levels of interaction for automatic query reformulation, leverage the standard IR measures of precision and recall but apply them to the results of multiple iterations of user interaction, rather than to a single query response.

Human–computer interaction

Jonathan Grudin: A moving target: The evolution of human–computer interaction. In Andrew Sears and Julie A. Jacko (Eds.).


Erving Goffman underlines the importance of control in the interaction.


Interpersonal communication, any kind of human communication and/or interaction

Large-group awareness training

Groups and trainings such as Lifespring, Erhard Seminars Training, IMPACT Trainings, The Forum, Newfield Consulting, Seres Naturales, Landmark Education and Benchmark claimed to have worked to improve people's overall level of satisfaction and interpersonal relations through group interaction.

Lonely Road of Faith

Also, as part of World Wrestling Entertainment's "Tribute to the Troops" special, "Lonely Road of Faith" was used in a video package with highlights of wrestlers' arrivals and performances as well as interaction with the wounded U.S. troops in Iraq.

Mark Malamud

In addition to designing the fundamental conceptual, user, and interaction models for Windows 95 and future versions of Windows NT, Mr. Malamud also pursued future user interface abstractions.

Muslim Barhai

Although they live in close proximity to other Muslim groups, such as the Shaikh, Gaddi, Ansari, Rajput Muslim and Qassab in Doab, and the Muslim Teli, Muslim Banjara, Baghban and Rohilla in Rohilkhand, there is very little interaction, and virtually no intermarriage.

Muslim Dabgar

Despite the close interaction with the Chikwa community, there is little intermarriage between the two communities.

Naomi Baron

She is also interested in language use in the computer age, instant messaging, text messaging, mobile phone practices, cross-cultural research on mobile phones, Human multitasking behavior, and Facebook online social interaction usage by American college students.

Natural user interface

In the 1970s, '80s and '90s Steve Mann developed a number of user-interface strategies using natural interaction with the real world as an alternative to a command-line interface (CLI) or graphical user interface (GUI).


Orbital overlap, important concept in quantum mechanics describing a type of orbital interaction.

Paley Park

Social interaction in the park was analyzed in the film "The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces" by William H. Whyte.

Personal air vehicle

The European Union is funding a 3-leg 4.2m programme (under the Seventh Framework Programme) to study technologies and impacts for PAVs in a Personal Air Transport System; Human-aircraft interaction, Automation of aerial systems in cluttered environments, and Exploring the socio-technological environment.

Principality of Outer Baldonia

It seems that while there were no previous diplomatic relations between the two entities, nor any direct interaction, the fighting spirit of the Outer Baldonians was roused by the appearance of a slanderous critique of Outer Baldonia's charter, as described above, in the USSR state publication Literaturnaya Gazeta.


It is commonly found in tRNA, associated with thymidine and cytosine in the TΨC arm and is one of the invariant regions of tRNA.The function of it is not very clear, but it is expected to play a role in association with aminoacyl transferases during their interaction with tRNA, and hence in the initiation of translation.


Quadratic configuration interaction, an extension of configuration interaction in quantum physics

Sandro Mussa-Ivaldi

He and his collaborators have developed the first neurorobotic system in which a neural preparation in-vitro - the brainstem of a Lamprey - controls the behavior of a mobile-robot through a closed-loop interaction.

Screwed in Tallinn

Lasse Kongo's lines are mostly incomprehensible to the audience, expect for intermittent outbursts of "Shut up!", yet Percy seems to understand him perfectly, something that is reminiscent of the interaction between Chewbacca and Han Solo in Star Wars

Social interactionist theory

Social-interactionists, such as Jerome Bruner, Alison Gopnik, Andrew Meltzoff, Anat Ninio, Roy Pea, Catherine Snow, and Ernest Moerk theorize that interaction with adults plays an important part in children's language acquisition .

T. Berry Brazelton

For example, one of his first publications in the field of psychology was a study with Kenneth Kaye of the interaction between babies' sucking at breast or bottle and the mother's attempts to maintain it, the earliest form of human "dialogue".

Tag cloud

The first tag clouds on a high-profile website were on the photo sharing site Flickr, created by Flickr co-founder and interaction designer Stewart Butterfield in 2004.

The Flirtations

Flirting, a form of human interaction between two people, expressing a romantic and/or sexual interest.

The Hudson and Pepperdine Show

The planned first show for the fourth and most recent series, scheduled to be broadcast on 7 July 2005, was pulled due to that day's terrorist attacks in London as it depicted Mel and Vicki's interaction with the government's emergency warning leaflet.


Founded in 1999 as a portal for non-profit organizations, TheCommunity.com provides news, projects and interaction with global leaders including the winners of the Nobel Peace Prize.

Tyrosine-protein kinase CSK

Csk's interaction with a phosphotase ("Lyp", gene product of PTPN22) is possibly associated with the increased autoimmune diseases associated with PTPN22 mutations.

UGC 9618

UGC 9618, also known as VV 340 or Arp 302 consists of a pair of very gas-rich spiral galaxies in their early stages of interaction.


User interface design, sometimes known as "User Interface Software Engineering" (UISE), a general application and appliance design principle focussing on the user's experience and interaction


Versant English overall scores can be used to predict CEFR levels on the CEFR scale of Oral Interaction Skills with reasonable accuracy.

Vlasov equation

The Vlasov equation is a differential equation describing time evolution of the distribution function of plasma consisting of charged particles with long-range (for example, Coulomb) interaction.


The Drosophilia Yippee protein was originally discovered in a yeast interaction trap screen when it was found to physically interact with Hyalophora cecropia Hemolin.


Stochastic electrodynamics: Zitterbewegung is explained as an interaction of a classical particle with the zero-point field.

see also