
unusual facts about Invasion!


The defeat of the defenders is evident from the beginning, as in the "Trojan War".

63rd Parachute Battalion

Because of the threat of potential invasion from the east, the Battalion was again relocated, this time to Mostar, in January 1951.


The first mention of this fortress in historical records comes from the Samguk Sagis statement that King Chaekgye of Baekje ordered it to be fortified against an expected Goguryeo invasion.

Alexander II of Scotland

Royal forces crushed a revolt in Galloway in 1235 without difficulty; nor did an invasion attempted soon afterwards by its exiled leaders meet with success.

Anthony Ashley-Cooper, Lord Ashley

During the Second World War Major Lord Ashley served as a British Intelligence Officer with the Auxiliary Units, which were highly covert Resistance groups trained to engage and counteract the expected invasion of the United Kingdom by Nazi Germany.


He is best known in Burmese history for his spirited defense Fort Kaungton against repeated attacks by numerically superior Chinese invasion forces in the Sino-Burmese War (1765–1769).

Bermuda Volunteer/Territorial Army Units 1895–1965

What was painfully clear to the citizenry of those Isles, when (following an assassination attempt on Emperor Napoleon III)there was a threat of invasion by the much larger French Army in 1858, was that Britain's military defences had already been stretched invitingly thin, even without sending a third of the Army to another Crimea.

Caspian expeditions of the Rus'

Yevgeni Pakhomov and Vladimir Minorsky thought the invasion was initiated by the ruler of Darbent, Bek-Bars b.


A native of the planet H'lven, he participated in the defense of his homeworld from an invasion by the Crabster army of Doctor Ub'x.

Drukgyal Dzong

The Dzong was probably built by Tenzin Drukdra in 1649 at the behest of Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal to commemorate victory over an invasion from Tibet.

Du Yuanying

While later serving as the military governor (Jiedushi) of Xichuan Circuit (西川, headquartered in modern Chengdu), he was further blamed for failure of discipline that caused his soldiers to provoke a major Nanzhao invasion against Xichuan, leading to his exile.

Dungal MacDouall

King Robert I of Scotland's invasion of Galloway in 1307, led by his brother Alexander de Brus and Thomas de Brus, Malcolm McQuillan, Lord of Kintyre, two Irish sub kings and Reginald de Crawford, and composing of eighteen galleys, landed at Loch Ryan.

Dzongsar Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö

At the age of sixty-seven, in early 1959 with the Chinese Communist invasion of Tibet underway, he again became seriously ill.

Easter Crisis

The Easter Crisis of 1948, when the government of Denmark feared an invasion or coup

Eidsvold-class coastal defence ship

Obsolete by the time of the German invasion, both Eidsvold class ships were sunk during the first Battle of Narvik.

Faiz Mohammad Khan

Her efforts were to be deterred by the invasion Nanasaheb Peshwa and his Maratha brigands who pillaged Malwa and all the territories that Yar Mohammad Khan had recaptured from them.

Gesellschaft zur Beförderung gemeinnütziger Tätigkeit

During the French invasion, the Battle of Lübeck, he was mortally wounded by a bullet in the hallway of his home.

Giovanni Messe

The CSIR was a mobile infantry and cavalry unit of the Italian army that took part in Operation Barbarossa, the Axis invasion of the Soviet Union.

Henry Maitland Wilson, 1st Baron Wilson

He strongly advocated the invasion of Germany via the Danube plain, but this did not take place when the armies in Italy were weakened to support other theatres of war.

Invasion of the Prostate Snatchers

Invasion of the Prostate Snatchers is distributed and sold online and in book stores through Random House Publisher Services via Other Press Publishing.

Iwaichi Fujiwara

Knowing of the long struggle of the Dutch to subdue Aceh province in northern Sumatra, and the ongoing resistance of the Acehnese period against Dutch rule, Fujiwara was ordered to make contact with the Aceh independence movements preparatory to the Japanese invasion of the Netherlands Indies.

Japanese destroyer Yūzuki

On August 31, Yūzuki helped screen the Nauru and Ocean Island invasion force during "Operation RY", and patrolled in the central Pacific to the end of the year.

Japanese minelayer Okinoshima

On 10 May, Okinoshima departed Rabaul as part of "Operation RY", the invasion of Nauru and Ocean Island.

Jean-Pierre Vibert

When the pioneering rose hybridizer Jacques-Louis Descemet (1761-1839) was forced to leave his nursery after invasion by the British following the Battle of Waterloo, Vibert absorbed Descemet's nursery stock, 10,000 rose seedlings, and hybridizing records.

Jonathan L. Howard

Set on the ocean planet Russalka, named after the mythical mermaid by its Russian colonists, they follow young civilian submariner Katya Kuriakova as she lives through a time of increasing conflict between the colonists' two main factions and the remnants of a failed Terran invasion.

Kohi Safi District

Prior to the rule of Mohammed Nadir Shah majority of Safi and including high class ruling tribal leaders used to settle in Kohi Safi, during the invasion of the Soviets, Kohi Safi was further depopulated, and many infrastructures were destroyed.

Lament for the Destruction of Hungary by the Tartars

It was written in 1242, shortly after the invasion of Hungary by the Tartars of Batu Khan, by a monk in the retinue of King Béla IV.

Live in Dallas

This film includes footage of the infamous stage invasion which caused Morrissey to exit the stage halfway through the first encore, leaving guitarist Alain Whyte on vocals.

Louis Tirlet

The year 1810 found Tirlet commanding the II Corps artillery under Jean Reynier during André Masséna's invasion of Portugal in the Peninsular War.

Mary Borden

Journey Down a Blind Alley, published on her return to Paris in 1946, records the history of the unit and her disillusion with the French failure to put up an effective resistance to the German invasion and occupation.

Miguel Mateos

Outside of Argentina, he is considered one of the most important exponents of Rock en Español, specially in the 1980s when he along with Charly Garcia, Soda Stereo, Enanitos Verdes, Virus, Sumo, Fabulosos Cadillacs, Rata Blanca, and many more bands became international stars in the so-called "Argentine Invasion" ("La Ola Argentina") of rock music that swept Latin America and parts of North America and Europe.

No. 232 Squadron RAF

Both echelons met up again on 2 February at Palembang in Sumatra, but a further withdrawal to Java was required following the Japanese invasion of Sumatra.

Operation Green

Operation Tannenbaum, the planned invasion of Switzerland, known earlier as Operation Green

Operation RY

In late February 1942, as a Japanese invasion of Nauru and Ocean Island was feared, the Free French destroyer Triomphant departed the New Hebrides to evacuate both Nauru and Ocean Island.

Origin of the Kingdom of Mysore

According to this theory, when the Hoysala Empire succumbed to the Mogul invasion in 1327 (and the capital Halebidu was sacked), the Hoysala family withdrew to the Tonnur region (modern Tondanur near Melkote in modern Mandya district) and continued to rule from there as petty chieftains under the Vijayanagara Empire.

Original Town of Fernandina Historic Site

During his invasion of north Florida, 1736–1742, the governor of the British colony of Georgia, James Oglethorpe, stationed a military guard of Scottish Highlanders on the site and named the island Amelia, after the daughter of King George II of Great Britain.

Øystein Runde

Runde and Moen reimagined them as a reluctantly assembled team of special agents, forced to cooperate because of a zombie invasion in the Frogner Park.

Peter Sugiyama

He moved to Koror in 1914 at the invitation of his uncle, after the Japanese Empire seized control of the islands as part of its World War I invasion of German New Guinea (which control would later be formalised by the League of Nations as the South Pacific Mandate).

Pope Pius XII Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

At that time, German troops under General Rommel had conquered strategic parts of North Africa while advancing towards the Suez Canal and in Russia fighting continued against an expanding German invasion.

Saint Peter's Fair

His cousin, the surviving legitimate child of the prior King Henry, Empress Maud is in Anjou attempting to build support for her invasion, aided in England by her half-brother Robert of Gloucester.

Saltburn Pier

Purchased by the council in 1938, the pier like others was sectioned during World War II, by having part of the deck removed by the Royal Engineers to guard against Nazi invasion.

Seabird Seeker

The Seabird Seeker has had some export success, and is operated by the new (post 2003 invasion) Iraqi Air Force.

Serpent Column

The invasion, a combined land and sea expedition, which began in 480 BC, fell under the command of the king himself Xerxes I and his brother-in-law and cousin Mardonius who was a close confidant of Xerxes' father Darius.

Susan Foreman

Susan reappears in the Eighth Doctor Adventures novel Legacy of the Daleks by John Peel, which takes place after the events of The Dalek Invasion of Earth.

Tempest Feud

The adventure's storyline is adapted to fit in any era—except for the Yuuzhan Vong invasion in the New Jedi Order era—and doesn't conflict with any of the movies, making it very flexible.

Teodósio de Gouveia

Due to the German invasion, they were again moved in 1914, this time to the Lazarist seminary in Dax.

Thieves of Baghdad

Thieves of Baghdad is a non-fictional account written by Col. Matthew Bogdanos about the quest to recover over a thousand lost artifacts from the National Museum of Iraq in Baghdad after the country's counter-invasion.

Type 4 70 mm AT Rocket Launcher

It was to be used in the Japanese mainland in case of an invasion by the Allies.

Webb Hayes

He fought in Santiago de Cuba Campaign, during which he was wounded during the crossing of the San Juan River and the assault on San Juan Hill, and later in the invasion of Puerto Rico.

Wulfnoth Cild

In 1008, King Æthelred the Unready ordered the construction of a fleet, and the following year 300 ships assembled at Sandwich in Kent to meet a threatened Viking invasion.


However, in 1941 British forces successfully fought Vichy forces for control of Syria and Lebanon, thus removing the threat of invasion from the north, at least as long as German armies in Eastern Europe could be held back by the Red Army and thus unable to easily advance towards the Near East from the north.

see also