
unusual facts about L'Illustration


But perhaps the ultimate accolade was the double-page spread that appeared in an issue of the "L'Illustration" on 22 July 1899.


illustration | Illustration | Royal Gallery of Illustration | Illustration of sleep movements in ''Medicago | ''The Overthrow of Apollo and the Pagan Gods'', watercolour, 25 x 19.3 cm, 1809. The figure of Apollo in this illustration is a combination of the Apollo Belvedere | ''The Greek Stoic Philosopher Athenodorus Rents a Haunted House''. Illustration by Henry Justice Ford | ''S. drummondii'' illustration by Augusta Innes Withers | One of the illustrations of ''Gamiani, or Two Nights of Excess'' published in Brussels in 1833. Illustration by Achille Devéria | L'Illustration | Interior illustration by Alexander Leydenfrost for Bradbury's "The Million Year Picnic" | Illustration to "Kalevipoeg" by Oskar Kallis | Illustration of the moth ''Lepidocera birdella'', now called ''Ochsenheimeria taurella | ''Illustration of Peristeria pendula | Illustration of Darwin's Rhea, published in 1841 in John Gould | Illustration of ''Carnot'', French battleship Masséna | Illustration from the French magazine ''Le Petit Journal | Illustration from ''Fables for the Frivolous | Illustration from Edwards's Botanical Register, volume 28 (NS 5) plate 32, 1842, by Sarah Drake | Illustration for the poem
''The Silver Bird's Nest'' by Hannah F. Gould from a child's reading book "Williams's Choice Literature Book 4" by Sherman Williams
| Illustration for "Story of your Life", by Hidenori Watanave for SF Magazine | ''Hopalong Takes Command'', illustration by Frank Schoonover | ''Fate of the Norns'' was initially published in 1993 with this 1912 illustration by Arthur Rackham | Deverell's illustration of a scene from As You Like It | ''Death of Erling Skjalgsson''
Illustration by Peter Nicolai Arbo
| Cover illustration from ''Le Petit Journal | Cover illustration by M. Browne and Herbert Railton for the October 1, 1892 ''Illustrated London News |

Illustration from Paprockis "''Hetman''"
In the middle is Hetman | Biennial of Illustration Bratislava | Argand lamp with circular wick and glass chimney. (Illustration from ''Les Merveilles de la science'' 1867-1869 | An illustration of ''Thopha saccata |

1898–99 Small Heath F.C. season

Using as an illustration the £10 apiece "besides special prizes from the committee and tradespeople" to be received by Small Heath's players should they achieve promotion, the Manchester Times reported with disapproval on the concept of success-related bonus payments.

A Humument

Phillips has used the same technique (always with the Mallock source material) in many of his other works, including the illustration of his own translation of Dante's Inferno, (published in 1985).

A Vision of the Last Judgment

The figure of time appears in other works by Blake, including as the figure Los and in the illustration Blake made for Edward Young's Night Thoughts.

Adolf Zábranský

He was primarily known for his monumental works such as decorations in the Hrzánský palace and illustration of children's books, notably Hanýžka a Martínek and Když se čerti rojili by Jindřich Šimon Baar, Je nám dobře na světě by František Hrubín, and Ze starých letopisů by Ivan Olbracht.

Alan E. Cober

In 2011, Cober was posthumously inducted into the Society of Illustrators Hall of Fame for lifetime achievements in illustration.

Amazing Rain

Amazing Rain (ISBN 1-932360-50-6) is an illustrated novel by artist Sam Brown.

Banknotes of Zimbabwe

The main illustration on the obverse of banknotes issued since 1980 is the Chiremba Balancing Rocks in Epworth, Harare.

Barbara Nessim

Like her contemporary, Jacqui Morgan, she briefly worked in textile design after graduating from Pratt, then decided to turn her efforts towards illustration work.

Big Active

Only Saint now remains (as creative director) but the company went through a major transition in the mid 90's with the addition of Greg Burne, who now heads the illustration roster and Mat Maitland who, with Saint, art directed numerous high profile and award winning music campaigns.

Big Little Book series

The Big Little Books, first published during 1932 by the Whitman Publishing Company of Racine, Wisconsin, were small, compact books designed with a captioned illustration opposite each page of text.


Biocommunication (art) - the field of medical art and illustration, and other allied communication modalities

Cabin Fever Media

Cabin Fever Media specializes in graphic design of album artwork, however, Cabin Fever Media also does various other commissioned work that involves illustration and design such as t-shirt design, logo creation, image editing and retouching, typesetting, photography, web design (HTML and DHTML, Flash), and multimedia presentations.

Cathie Felstead

She was runner-up in the Mother Goose Award for her illustrations in A Caribbean Dozen and has also received awards for book illustration in the United States.

Charles Fincher

In 2008, Fincher was commissioned by the ABA’s Council of Appellate Staff Attorneys (CASA) to paint a fantasy illustration of Constitutional law professor Erwin Chemerinsky as a shortstop with the Chicago Cubs, the scholar's favorite team.

Château de Vincennes

A fragment that remained behind received its own chapel at Vincennes, probably built by Peter of Montereau (the probable designer of the Sainte-Chapelle in Paris), which survives (illustration, below).

Da Capo III

The limited edition came bundled with an original illustration booklet, the game's original soundtrack album, and a promotional card from the Weiß Schwarz collectible card game.

Elsinore Arch

He was so impressed with the painting of Elsinore Castle that that next Monday morning he appeared at the offices of Samuel Hannaford and Sons (famous local architectural firm that designed, among other structures, Music Hall and the City Building) with a newspaper illustration of the Elsinore stage set.

Emil Todt

This was the illustration of Ferdinand von Mueller's Eucalyptographia: a descriptive atlas of the Eucalypts of Australia and the adjoining islands.

Flammarion engraving

The Flammarion engraving was used as an illustration in C. G. Jung's Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies (1959), and in The Mathematical Experience (1981) by Philip J. Davis and Reuben Hersh.

Garen Ewing

He was one of the artists featured in Dez Skinn's Comic Art Now: The Very Best in Contemporary Comic Art and Illustration (ILEX Press, 2008), and in February 2011, his poster design for Return to the Forbidden Planet was released as a stamp as part of Royal Mail's British Musicals set.

Greg Gossel

His work has been reviewed in several publications including Art Nouveau Magazine, Metro Magazine, Steez Magazine, The Sourcebook of Contemporary Illustration, Indigits, South of Canada, Finerats, Edgycute, Juxtapoz Art & Culture Magazine, San Francisco Chronicle, SF Weekly, City Pages, Minneapolis Star Tribune, ROJO Magazine, Sunset Magazine, Artful Living, Arrested Motion, Marie Claire, and Beautiful Dreamers.

Greg Irons

One of his books was a coloring-book format illustration of Chaucer's "The Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale" which was issued with "The Miller's Tale" illustrated by Gilbert Shelton.

Hart Amos

After leaving K.G. Murray, Amos was persuaded to take on the illustration work for John Dixon's comic strip, Air Hawk and the Flying Doctors.

Joan Gideon Loten

In the London Westminster Abbey an impressive monument, made by Thomas Banks, was erected in his memory in 1795 (see illustration).

Leigh Marble

The long-awaited collection – fifty tracks in all, including digital bonus tracks – was released on October 12th 2010 as a two CD package digital bonus tracks) with cover illustration from Carson Ellis.

Lepus cornutus

Gaspar Schott wrote about the horned hare in his 1662 work "Physica curiosa", displaying it on the frontispice and with a further illustration.

Little Dracula

It was penned by award-winning writer Martin Waddell and illustrated by Joseph Wright; although, a joke book was written by Alan Durant with illustration by Paul Tempest.


: Cotoneaster denticulata
Illustration by Pierre Jean François Turpin
from Kunth, Bonpland, and Humboldt'sregnum = Plantae

Martin Springett

In 1992, Springett was awarded a 1992 Prix Aurora Award for Artistic Achievement, and two years later was presented a Governor General's Award for his illustration of the book Who.

Maxwell Armfield

A detail from Armfield's painting Self-Portrait (1901; Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery), was used as the cover illustration of the Oxford World's Classics 2006 edition of The Picture of Dorian Gray.

Michał Elwiro Andriolli

His work for various Warsaw-based newspapers made him one of the most renown illustration makers of the time and Andriolli was hired to illustrate some of the classic works of the Polish literature, notably the works by Adam Mickiewicz, Juliusz Słowacki and Józef Ignacy Kraszewski.

Microtis media

According to Allan Cunningham it appeared from a sod of earth containing a Cephalotus, collected by Phillip Parker King from same location, and flowered to provide the source of the illustration by Franz Bauer.

Multistage rocket

From an illustration and description in the 14th century Chinese Huolongjing of Jiao Yu is the oldest known multistage rocket; this was the 'fire-dragon issuing from the water' (火龙出水, huo long chu shui), used mostly by the Chinese navy.

My Father's Dragon

The illustrations within the book are black and white done with a grease crayon on a grained paper, done by Ruth Chrisman Gannett, who also illustrated other children's books such as My Mother Is the Most Beautiful Woman in the World, Paco Goes to the Fair, Miss Hickory, Hipo the Hippo, and adult books such as Tortilla Flat by John Steinbeck and Cream Hill by Lewis Stiles Gannett, the author's father and husband of the book's illustrator.


Since 1995, the illustration work of Nagraj has been taken over by artist and writer Anupam Sinha.

Nicholas Mordvinoff

Nicholas Mordvinoff (September 27, 1911-1973) was a Russian-born American artist who won the 1952 Caldecott Medal for U.S. picture book illustration, recognizing Finders Keepers, by William Lipkind.

Nichts bleibt für die Ewigkeit

The cover of the single shows a detail of a painting by Andrea Mantegna, "Lamentation over the Dead Christ", which can be seen as an illustration to the lyrics.

Olaf Hajek

Being an admired and notable illustrator, Hajek is also featured in many books, including American Illustration, Illustration Now, 200 Best Illustrators Worldwide: Lürzer's Archive Special, and Freistil 1& 2.

Oskar Kallis

He was particularly influenced by the Finnish painter Akseli Gallen-Kallela, he devoted himself especially in his short career to the illustration the Estonian national epic Kalevipoeg, creating about 40 works.

Pandya theorem

The Pandya theorem is a good illustration of the richness of information forthcoming from a judicious use of subtle symmetry principles connecting vastly different sectors of nuclear systems.

Paul Iribe

In a corollary illustration, her prostate figure is lying at the feet of a gravedigger readying to bury the grandeur of France; the gravedigger is Édouard Daladier, the Prime Minister of the French Republic.

Roy Best

That same year, he was commissioned by the Whitman Publishing Company to illustrate The Peter Pan Picture Book, based on J. M. Barrie's play Peter Pan; an illustration from this project was the basis for the Peter Pan Bus Lines logo.


He later did innumerable wrappers, storyboard illustration, and sketches for various magazines and novels in Telugu, Kannada, Tamil, English and Oriya including Bommarillu, Chandamama, Balamitra, Nandanam, Bujjayi, Balabharati, Kumkuma, Dinakaran, Vasuki, Rishi Petam, Rotary News,Vijaya Publications, Oriya News, Chinnari, Kannada Chokkalingam.

Stephanie McVicar

McVicar will receive a Bachelor's degree in Design at Nova Scotia College of Art and Design and a minor in Illustration, completed at Rhode Island School of Design 2013.

Tanino Liberatore

The cover of Frank Zappa's The Man from Utopia album features an illustration by Tanino Liberatore, showing Zappa as RanXerox.

The Children's Encyclopædia

In May 1973 riots occurred in Jammu and Kashmir, India, in an area where Jamaat-e-Islami was gaining influence, sparked by the discovery that an illustration contained in The Book of Knowledge, which had been stored in a local library for decades, portrayed the Archangel Gabriel dictating portions of the Quran to the Moslem Prophet Muhammad.

The Enormous Crocodile

A monkey bearing resemblance to Quentin Blake's illustration of the same character also appears in The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me.


The pocketbook-size shaped magazine has no illustrations on the cover (only the colour changes per issue) and well balanced and coherent typography in the interior with use of the typefaces Bodoni and Garamond.

Transformation playing card

It won the WH Smith Literary Award for best illustration and The Designers and Art Directory Association of London gold award.

Walt Reed

He is the author of several works on illustration and illustrators including Harold von Schmidt, John Clymer, and Joseph Clement Coll.

see also

George Barbier

In the mid-1920s he worked with Erté to design sets and costumes for the Folies Bergère and in 1929 he wrote the introduction for Erté's acclaimed exhibition and achieved mainstream popularity through his regular appearances in L'Illustration magazine.