
unusual facts about María Teresa Chacín

María Teresa Chacín

María Teresa Chacín has recorded over 50 albums, belonged to the University Choir of the Central University of Venezuela from 1963, standing out during 8 years as soloist, and participated in the First International festival of university choirs at the Lincoln Center of New York City in 1965.

Cheo Hurtado

Hurtado has shared scenarios with other great artists such as Alirio Diaz, Aldemaro Romero, Paquito D’Rivera, Oscar D'León, Simón Díaz, Béla Fleck, Serenata Guayanesa, Soledad Bravo, Lilia Vera and María Teresa Chacín, among others.

Serenata Guayanesa

This double album entitled "Una Amistad de 25 Años" (A 25 Year Friendship) had contributions by well known Venezuelan artists such as María Teresa Chacín, Cheo Hurtado, Simón Díaz, Gualberto Ibarreto, Vidal Colmenares, Ismael Querales, and the gaita zuliana singers Ricardo Cepeda and Abdenago "Neguito" Borjas.

see also