
5 unusual facts about Maria Alexandrovna

Dormition of the Mother of God Cathedral, Varna

The name that was chosen, Dormition of the Theotokos, was in memory of Russian Empress consort Maria Alexandrovna, a benefactress of Bulgaria and aunt of the Bulgarian knyaz, who had recently died.

Elisabeth of Romania

Maria Alexandrovna was the first to suggest a marriage with George the crown prince of Greece, an idea quickly embraced by Queen Sophie who wrote to Marie in November 1919 about Elisabetha: “We found her lovely, most sympathetic and charming. Upon our dearest son Georgie she has made a deep impression. We are most anxious to know whether Nando and you would have any objections to a marriage between the two young people, who seem to have a deep feeling for each other.”

Maria Alexandrovna admitted that her granddaughter must be observed: “don’t let Elisabetha flirt too much with young Romanians, patriotic as she is, she might so easily fall in love with somebody and then you could easily have to face la mère à boire. Young princesses in our times have wills of their own and become obstinate. But I always come back to the same conclusion: Elisabetha must soon go out dans le vrai grand monde”.

Maria Alexandrovna

Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna of Russia (1853 – 1920), daughter of the above, also a Duchess of Edinburgh and Duchess of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha

Nicholas Annenkov

Until their marriages, General Annenkov's daughters served as ladies-in-waiting to Empress Maria Alexandrovna.

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