
unusual facts about Martin von Dunin

Clemens August von Droste-Vischering

The Bishops of Münster and Paderborn, fired by the example of Clemens August, recalled the assent they had formerly given to the agreement; while Martin von Dunin, the Archbishop of Gnesen (Gniezno) and Posen (Poznań), was imprisoned at Kolberg (Kołobrzeg) for the same offence that had sent Clemens August to Minden.

Johann Baptist Alzog

He defended with ardour the Archbishop of that city, Martin von Dunin, during his persecution by the Prussian government, became vicar-capitular, professor and regens at Hildesheim in 1845, and in 1853 was appointed to the chair of Church History in the University of Freiburg (Breisgau); at the same time he was appointed an ecclesiastical councillor (geistlicher Rat).

see also