
33 unusual facts about Otto von Bismarck

Anchor Brewery, Southwark

Visitors included the Prince of Wales, the German statesman Otto von Bismarck, Prince Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte, Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt, the Austrian general Julius Jacob von Haynau, who was attacked by draymen while touring the brewery in 1850, and the Italian nationalist Giuseppe Garibaldi in 1864.

Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder

Amongst other activities he managed the private banking transactions of Otto von Bismarck and with the transfer of credits and/or placing of loans on behalf of the Prussian state and the German Empire.


In the 19th century with the rise of liberalism, nationalism and Otto von Bismarcks Kulturkampf repressions and Germanisation against Poles as well as organised resistance by Polish population followed.

Barnowiec, Pomeranian Voivodeship

Johanna von Bismarck, née von Puttkamer (1824-1894) wife of Otto von Bismarck

Bismarck, Missouri

It was named after the Iron Chancellor of Germany, Prince Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck, as there was a strong desire to attract German immigrants to the growing railroad area.


The genus is named for the first chancellor of the German Empire Otto von Bismarck and the epithet for its only species, Bismarckia nobilis, comes from Latin for 'noble'.

Cadet Colleges in Pakistan

The system of cadet college was first introduced in Germany in the era of Bismarck.

Cat lady

Florence Nightingale had many cats named after famous public figures such as Gladstone and Bismarck.

Christian Wilhelm Allers

Several other books and maps (collections of prints) followed, for the sake of example about Bismarck, so at the beginning of the 1890s he was able to build a villa on Capri.

Edward Cardwell, 1st Viscount Cardwell

The rise of Bismarck's new Germany made this reactionary policy too dangerous for a great empire to risk.

Empire Earth II

The final scenario is about the war with Denmark, Austria and France and the unification of Germany under Otto von Bismarck.

Fernand Kazadi Lupelekese

During his years at the University of Lovanium, he was nicknamed "Bismarck", after the German chancellor who was known for his following and his firmness.

Fukoku kyōhei

Both Ōkubo Toshimichi and Itō Hirobumi called for the advice of German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck; his advice convinced the Meiji leaders of the necessity for a militarily and economically strong Japan and nationalism in order to preserve independence.

German Tiara

However it is suspected that its donation was an attempt to rebuild bridges with the Holy See following the kulturkampf campaign against Roman Catholicism that had been mounted by Chancellor Otto von Bismarck.


At first he steered the country towards an alliance with Napoleon III, but, rebuffed by the latter's support of the January Uprising, joined his archrival Otto von Bismarck in setting up the League of the Three Emperors.

Jonathan Steinberg

He was co-editor of The Historical Journal, Cambridge University Press, from 1990 to 2000 and his biography Bismarck: A Life was published by Oxford University Press in early April, 2011.

Kaiser tower

The construction of these towers was also intended to counter the so-called Bismarck cult which had resulted, for example, in the erection of hundreds of Bismarck towers and columns.

Kenneth O. Bjork

In 1935 he obtained his PhD degree on a thesis on Anglo-German diplomatic relations in the Bismarck era.


Bismarck later bitterly regretted his decision when it was discovered that the region of Briey and Longwy was rich with iron ore.

Ludwig Lenel

The grandfather on the mother's side of Ludwig Lenel was the Prussian democrat Friedrich Kapp (1824–1884), who emigrated to the USA, but returned later and became a national-liberal deputy to the German Reichstag and a friend of Bismarck.

Max Heindel

He was born into the noble family Von Grasshoff, which was connected to the German Court during the lifetime of Prince Bismarck.

Nicola Marschall

During his career he painted portraits of Jefferson Davis, Abraham Lincoln, Otto von Bismarck, various Southern families, and Confederate and Union soldiers.

North German Confederation

The Austro-Prussian War of 1866 demonstrated the military superiority of Prussia, led by its ingenious and energetic minister-president Otto von Bismarck.

Phan Bội Châu

Cường Để changed the course of his life and began studying history, economics and geography and thought admiringly of the heroic achievements of Trần Hưng Đạo, Zhuge Liang, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Saigō Takamori, Cavour, Otto von Bismarck, George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln.

Sarah Etonge

It was only the second municipal statue constructed in Buea ever, and the first since that for Otto von Bismarck.

Sikhanyiso Ndlovu

Responding to Merkel's criticism of human rights abuses in Zimbabwe, Ndlovu told her to "shut up or ship out," saying Germany needed a head of state like Otto von Bismarck.

Throw out the baby with the bath water

It is a common catchphrase in German, with examples of its use in work by Martin Luther, Johannes Kepler, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Otto von Bismarck, Thomas Mann and Günter Grass.

Wanborough, Surrey

West entertained many political figures at the manor, including Gladstone, Queen Victoria and Bismarck.

West Elgin, Ontario

Originally named Bismarck after the German chancellor, the community was renamed West Clayton, Dutton, Lorne and finally West Lorne.

Wright City, Oklahoma

The name of the town and post office changed to Wright during World War I because of public association of the Bismark name with that of the former German chancellor, Otto von Bismarck.

Year of the Three Emperors

Wilhelm I had been the King of Prussia before the formation of a German Empire due largely to Bismarck's efforts.

Your Job in Germany

It reminds its viewers of Germany's history of aggression, under "Führer Number 1" Otto von Bismarck, "Führer Number 2" Kaiser Wilhelm II and "Führer Number 3" Adolf Hitler.

Zoo Lake

When this objective failed, Eckstein laid it out as a timber plantation and named it Sachsenwald, after Otto von Bismarck’s estate in Germany.

Aqueduc de Louveciennes

During the Siege of Paris (1870-1871), the tour du Levant was used as a lookout for the future German emperor William I and the chancellor Bismarck.

Arthur John Butler

Apart from his work on Dante and other Italian poets, Butler translated books from German and French, including the memoirs of Bismarck, Thiébault, and Jean de Marbot, and work by Sainte-Beuve.

Bismarck Tower, Janówek

The idea of erecting a monument to Otto von Bismarck had been mooted as far back as 1863 by retired Prussian officer Friedrich Schröter (1820–1888), a wealthy landowner in nearby Wättrisch and an admirer of the Iron Chancellor.

Duke of Lauenburg

After the death of the last ruling duke, William I (who after 1870 was also German emperor), in 1888, the now purely honorific title was granted to Otto von Bismarck after his dismissal as Chancellor of Germany in 1890.

Georg Bleibtreu

His painting of the Battle of Königgratz depicted King William on a black horse with his suite, Bismarck, Moltke, Roon, and others, watching the battle; in the foreground is a detachment of captured Austrians.

Hermann Baumgarten

As a champion of Prussian/German liberalism, Baumgarten faced the dilemma as to whether or not to accept the military and political successes of Prussia's conservative Prime Minister, Otto von Bismarck.

Otto Christian Archibald von Bismarck

He was the eldest of the three sons of Herbert von Bismarck, as well as the grandson of the German chancellor Otto von Bismarck and elder brother of Gottfried Graf von Bismarck-Schönhausen.

Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation

The Villa Von Der Heydt was built between 1860 and 1862 in neo-renaissance style by the architect Hermann Ende for Baron August von der Heydt, who was Minister of Finance under Otto von Bismarck in the last Prussian cabinet before the founding of the German Empire in 1871.

Royal Flash

The story features Lola Montez, and Otto von Bismarck as major characters, and fictionalises elements of the Schleswig-Holstein Question, 1843, 1847 and 1848.

Serene Highness

Other non-reigning princes of the German nobility, but not (always) their cadets (e.g. the Princes von Bismarck, Carolath-Beuthen, Pless, Wrede).

Something Rotten

Her mother, whose main functions appear to be to make tea and to provide Battenburg cake, has some curious house guests: Emma Hamilton, Otto von Bismarck, and a family of dodos.

The Werewolf of Paris

The novel is filled with allusions to notable historical figures including Bismarck, Blanqui, Courbet, Dumas, Haussmann, and Thiers.

Wilhelm Stieber

Wilhelm Johann Carl Eduard Stieber (3 May 1818 – 29 January 1882) was Otto von Bismarck's master spy and director of the Prussian Feldgendarmerie.