
18 unusual facts about Michelangelo

1506 in archaeology

On the recommendation of Giuliano da Sangallo and Michelangelo, Pope Julius II purchases it and places it on public display in the Vatican a month later.

Alexander's School

It is built in an impressive Italianate style, with the heads of Homer, Aristotle, Shakespeare, Michelangelo and Milton carved high on the front wall by John Crawford.

Arthur Rylah

He was also responsible for prohibiting performances of the play The Boys in the Band (which he condemned as obscene) and for the covering of public statues of Michelangelo's David.

Casciotta d'Urbino

First made in ancient times, this cheese, it is said was a favourite of Michelangelo and Pope Clement XIV.

Claudia Shear

In Restoration, Shear plays "Giulia, a down-on-her-luck art restorer from Brooklyn who receives what could possibly be a career-reviving job of 'refreshing' Michelangelo’s David in time for its quincentennial celebration in Florence."


Famous Italian cordonate are in Rome, leading from Piazza d'Aracoeli to Piazza del Campidoglio (the "cordonata capitolina", work of Michelangelo) and, also in Rome, leading to the Piazza del Quirinale, and gives the name to a road (Via della Cordonata).

Dream of Light

As García and a friend discuss Michelangelo's The Last Judgement, painted when Michelangleo was in his 60s, which García is fast approaching, the film's subject takes shape as the relationship between the artist's work and his own mortality.

Georg Brandes

The key idea of "aristocratic radicalism" went on to influence most of the later works of Brandes and resulted in voluminous biographies Wolfgang Goethe (1914–15), Francois de Voltaire (1916–17), Gaius Julius Cæsar 1918 and Michelangelo (1921).


The name of no other German poet resonates in the public mind as much as Goethe's, and he is held in an esteem approaching that accorded to Shakespeare in the realm of literature, Michelangelo, in sculpture, or Beethoven in musical composition.

Henri Mouhot

"One of these temples—a rival to that of Solomon, and erected by some ancient Michael Angelo—might take an honourable place beside our most beautiful buildings. It is grander than anything left to us by Greece or Rome, and presents a sad contrast to the state of barbarism in which the nation is now plunged."

Interpretations of 2001: A Space Odyssey

He raises a finger toward the monolith, a gesture that alludes to the Michelangelo painting of The Creation of Adam, with the monolith representing God.

Luigi del Riccio

Luigi del Riccio was an acquaintance of Michelangelo who was deeply hurt by the death of his nephew Cecchino Bracci.

Miao Xiaochun

Other works include computer graphics installations such as The Last Judgement in Cyberspace, a 3D monochrome reworking of Michelangelo's The Last Judgment from the Sistine Chapel replacing every figure with a virtual model of Miao himself.


Michel-Ange is a French given name, translation of Michelangelo.

Robert D. Scinto

Among the pieces of art displayed on the Shelton campus are copies of two classic sculptures: a soaring rendition of Michelangelo's "David," and a dramatic rendering of Leonardo da Vinci's "Vitruvian Man".

Robert Hupka

Hupka was also the author of Michelangelo: Pieta, a collection of a hundred photographs, from various angles and with different lighting, of Michelangelo's Pieta, taken in 1964 when this sculpture was exhibited at the New York World's Fair.

Shibuya, Tokyo

Famed for its beautiful trees that turn bright yellow in autumn, cafes, restaurants and large replica of Michelangelo's David outside of the Papas building.

William Trethewey

He obtained knowledge of anatomy by observing the different muscles while he shaved, and read about the sculpting work of Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Michelangelo and Auguste Rodin.

Agostinho da Silva

Among the books he wrote, there are biographies of Michelangelo, Pasteur and St. Francis of Assisi, and his most influential book is, probably, Sete Cartas a Um Jovem Filósofo (Seven Letters to a Young Philosopher).

Alcide Segoni

In 1874, he completed a large canvas of Death of Filippo Strozzi, afterwards he painted a Michelangelo and Vittoria Colonna; Il Maresciallo d'Anere at the Court of the Regent Queen Maria; and Napoleon I awards a dragoon the Legion of Honor.

Ascanio Condivi

Also, much is made of his supposed descent from the Counts of Canossa, although this belief of Michelangelo's was utterly unfounded.

Baccio da Montelupo

Born into a family of modest social conditions in Montelupo Fiorentino, he moved at eighteen to Florence and pursued the study of sculpture, attending the "scuola" of Bertoldo di Giovanni, founded in the gardens of Lorenzo de' Medici and attended by other young sculptors including Michelangelo, Giovanni Francesco Rustici, and Jacopo Sansovino.

Barthélemy Menn

There, Menn copied works by Raphael and Michelangelo, but he also started to produce extraordinary fresh small landscape paintings in the open air.

Basilica of San Lorenzo, Florence

The Medici Pope Leo X gave Michelangelo the commission to design a façade in white Carrara marble in 1518.

Capitoline Hill

The bird's-eye view of the engraving by Étienne Dupérac shows Michelangelo's solution to the problems of the space in the Piazza del Campidoglio.

Chris Robson

Chris has also played Adonis in the 7 Sonnets of Michelangelo at the Lyric Hammersmith, a Geordie in Lost and Found at the Hackney Empire and taken the lead of John O’Brien in a national tour of Catherine Cookson’s The Fifteen Streets.

Chung Kuo

Chung Kuo, Cina, a 1972 film directed by Michelangelo Antonioni

Countess Karolina Lanckorońska

The U.S. edition was published in hardback in Spring 2007 by Da Capo Press (Perseus Publishing Group) under the new title, Michelangelo in Ravensbrück.

Curt Truninger

After a brief excursion directing music videos, Truninger made a leap to feature films in 1996 with Waiting for Michelangelo, a crtitically-acclaimed romantic comedy, featuring Canadian star Roy Dupuis, shot in Toronto and Lucerne.

El Escorial

To decorate the reredos, or altar screens, the king's preferences were Michelangelo or Titian, but both of these giants were already more than eighty years old and in frail health.

Fleming College Florence

Originally founded in Lugano, Switzerland in 1968, the College relocated to Florence, Italy in 1972 to Torre Di Gattaia, just off Viale Michelangelo on a hill above the city.

Florentine School

Some of the best known artists of the Florentine School are Filippo Brunelleschi, Donatello, Michelangelo, Fra Angelico, Botticelli, Lippi, Masolino, and Masaccio.

Fortunato Pio Castellani

In collaboration with his friend and sponsor Michelangelo Caetani - later the Duke of Sermoneta and a noted archaeologist - Castellani began to draw inspiration from archaeological discoveries particularly those of the pre-Roman Estruscan culture.

Gaspar Dias

Gaspar Dias (died 1671), a Portuguese painter, studied at Rome under Raphael and Michelangelo, and on his return home devoted himself to the production of church pictures.

Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola

Here he worked for Pope Julius III and, after the latter's death, he was taken up by the papal family of the Farnese and worked with Michelangelo, who deeply influenced his style (see Works section for details of his works in this period).

Godfrey Sykes

Sykes's style, while based upon the study of Raphael and Michelangelo, was thoroughly individual, and characterised by a fine taste and sense of proportion.


For example, da Vinci, Michelangelo, Descartes, Benjamin Franklin, Goethe, and others with IQs in the mid 160s or above were superior in their versatility to those attaining lower scores, such as George Washington, Palestrina, or Philip Sheridan.

Guglielmo de Sanctis

Gioacchino Rossini; Aleardo Aleardi; Giacomo Leopardi; Alessandro Manzoni; Michelangelo; the Exposition of Milan in 1872; Bernardo Celentano; Exposition of Antwerp in 1885; Cesare Maccari; Francesco Podesti; and Agli alunni delle scuole d'arte applicata all' industria e alcune poesie.

Hungarian Quartet

In their second, 1966, recording of the Beethoven cycle, it is stated that Székely plays the 'Michelangelo' Stradivarius (1718), Kuttner plays the 'Santa Theresa' Petrus Guarnerius (1704), Koromzay plays a 1766 instrument by M. Decanet, and Magyar has a cello by Alessandro Gagliano of 1706.

Jacques Courtois

Here he took a house and after a while entered upon his own characteristic style of art, that of battle-painting, in which he has been accounted to excel all other old masters; his merits were cordially recognized by the celebrated Cerquozzi, named Michelangelo delle Battaglie.

Madison Cawein

The following year Bevis Hillier drew more comparisons in The Spectator (London) with other poems by Cawein; he compared Cawein's lines "...come and go/Around its ancient portico" with Eliot's "...come and go/talking of Michelangelo."

Maxim Kantor

As a painter Maxim Kantor, who states that "he didn't want to study under anybody and his father (the philosopher Karl Kantor) was all he needed" was deeply influenced by Michelangelo, Mantegna, Goya and Petrov Vodkin.

Melozzo da Forlì

The paintings of Melozzo strongly influenced Michelangelo, Raphael and Donato Bramante.

Parabolic loudspeaker

The Holophones loudspeaker system was designed in 1999 by composer Michelangelo Lupone and realized at CRM – Centro Ricerche Musicali in Rome, in order to realize a specific sound spatialization defined as "wavefront sculpture".

Replicas of Michelangelo's David

The marble used for this replica was taken from Michelangelo's own quarry near Pietrasanta.

Shanghai Institute of Visual Art

Guest lecturers and professors include Asia's most renowned actor Jackie Chan, “Michelangelo of Modern Times” fresco artist Rainer Maria Latzke, Beowulf and Spider-Man movie animator Sing-Chong Foo, Japanese manga master Makoto Ogino, the creator of the “Peacock King”, and renowned painters Carlos Morell Orlandis and Piers Maxwell Dudley-Bateman.

Sorgente Group

In 2006, Michelangelo Real Estate Corporation acquired 17% of the Flatiron Building.

Teylers Museum

The collection of Teylers Museum is most famous for its extensive collection of old master's prints and drawings, including 25 works by Michelangelo - among them preliminary studies for the fresco’s on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel - and important works by Raphael, Guercino, and Claude Lorrain.

The Feast in the House of Levi

Monty Python's sketch 28 disciples or The Last Supper about why Michelangelo didn't paint the Last Supper was based on this historic painting.

Théodore Géricault

It fuses many influences: the Last Judgment of Michelangelo, the monumental approach to contemporary events by Antoine-Jean Gros, figure groupings by Henry Fuseli, and possibly the painting Watson and the Shark by John Singleton Copley.

Trio The Punch – Never Forget Me...

The game also contains a peculiar "game over" screen, which consists of an image of Michelangelo's sculpture, the Dying Slave.

When I Dream of Michelangelo

The track shares a lyric from the band's earlier single "Angels of the Silences", from which the song's title originates: "I dream of Michelangelo when I’m lying in my bed".

Zsuzsa Szikra

Art trip to Paris (Louvre and Centre Georges Pompidou) and Rome (Vatican Museums, Rafaello, Michelangelo) And Florence (Uffizi museum), Venice (Guggenheim Museum Venice, Georgione’s La Tempesta), 1977