
49 unusual facts about Nato

.204 Ruger

The 222 Remington Magnum provides about 5% more usable (below the neck) case capacity than the most popular member of the family, the NATO 5.56×45 mm (.223

.224 Boz

In early 1999 .224 BOZ was fired in modified 10mm MP5 and 10mm Glock taking part in a head to head trial at DERA Fort Halstead (UK Defence Testing Establishment) against the NATO CRISAT specification target of layered titanium and Kevlar armour.

.280 British

However, the U.S. Army continued to reject these variants, ultimately adopting the 7.62×51mm NATO.

This effort was to be all in vain, as the Americans adopted the T65 (later to be designated the 7.62×51mm NATO).

Soon after America's large-scale involvement in Vietnam commenced in 1965 the 5.56 mm ArmaLite AR-15 rifle, later standardised as the M16, was purchased in ever increasing numbers and by the late 1960s had displaced the 7.62 mm M14 in combat units.

It seemed that the British designers had accomplished their goals, and proceeded to introduce the cartridge to their NATO allies.

The adoption of the 7.62×51mm NATO round and the adaptation of the intermediate cartridge CETME (later developed into the G3) and FN FAL designs to fire it, produced rifles that were relatively longer and heavier and had greater recoil.

The .280 British concept would later prove to have been far ahead of its time, as the U.S. itself adopted an intermediate cartridge — 5.56×45mm NATO — by the end of the following decade.

Coincidentally, in 2002 the Americans developed a military calibre intended for the M4 version of the M16 family called the 6.8 mm Remington SPC — with similar ballistic properties to the .280 British cartridge — which was intended to provide better ballistics than the 5.56×45mm.

.45 ACP

Today, most NATO militaries use sidearms chambered for the 9×19mm Parabellum cartridge, but the effectiveness of the .45 ACP cartridge has ensured its continued popularity with large caliber sport shooters, especially in the United States.

1960 Turkish coup d'état

As such, he explicitly stated faith and allegiance to NATO and CENTO in his short address to nation, yet remained vague as for the reasons of the coup.

2007 Helmand Province airstrikes

The 2007 Helmand province airstrikes were the set of airstrikes conducted by NATO and resulted in death of at least 45 Afghan civilians.

The U.S. and Britain led the aerial bombing campaign, with ground forces supplied primarily by the Afghan Northern Alliance and supplemented by NATO troops.

7.62×51mm NATO

The 7.62×51mm NATO (official NATO nomenclature 7.62 NATO) is a rifle cartridge developed in the 1950s as a standard for small arms among NATO countries.

The M14 was superseded in U.S. service as the infantry adopted the 5.56×45mm NATO M16.

These have been replaced to a considerable extent in the light machine gun role by 5.56×45mm NATO weapons, such as the widespread use of the M249 SAW, but the 7.62 round is still the standard chambering for most general-purpose machine guns such as the M60E4, the M240 and the German HK21 and MG3, and flexible mountings such as helicopters, jeeps, and tanks.

9×18mm Makarov

During the latter half of the 20th Century it was a standard military pistol cartridge of the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc, analogous to the 9×19mm Parabellum in NATO and Western military use.

The Soviet military required that their ammunition should be incompatible with NATO firearms, so that in the event of armed conflict a foreign power would be unable to use captured Soviet ammunition supplies.

9×19mm Parabellum

The 9 mm cartridge has been manufactured by, or for, more than 70 different countries and has become a standard pistol caliber for NATO and other military forces around the world.

Boulhaut Air Base

The base was one of four Strategic Air Command (SAC) bases (Sidi Slimane, Nouasseur and Ben Guerir being the other three), that were constructed in Morocco in response to the heightened Cold War fears by NATO after the Korean War.

Canadian federal election, minor party positions

Foreign policy The Marxist-Leninist Paty calls for the complete and immediate withdrawal from all economic and military blocks such as the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement, North American Free Trade Agreement, APEC, NORAD, and NATO.

Civil Assistance

Formed as a breakaway of Unison by General (retd.) Sir Walter Walker, Commander in Chief of NATO forces in Northern Europe from 1969 to 1972, it was a voluntary group that aimed to break any planned general strike.

Cypriot intercommunal violence

Turkey threatened to intervene once more, but was prevented by a strongly worded letter from the American President Lyndon B. Johnson, anxious to avoid a conflict between NATO allies Greece and Turkey at the height of the Cold War.

Diesel motorcycle

In the 1980s, NATO forces in Europe standardized all their vehicles to operate with diesel fuel.

Federico Umberto D'Amato

After the end of the conflict he was at the head of the North Atlantic Treaty Special Office, a link between NATO and the United States.

Hermann Behmel

He worked as a long term consultant for NATO in Newcastle, England, and Torino, Italy, and was head of Department at Universität Stuttgart, Institute for Geology and Paleontology.

Intermediate cartridge

Since the 1960s NATO, the (former) Warsaw Pact, the People's Republic of China and other countries adapted relatively small sized, light weight, high velocity military intermediate service cartridges in the form of the 5.56×45mm NATO, Soviet 5.45×39mm and Chinese 5.8×42mm.

John Finnie

Finnie resigned from the SNP on 23 October 2012 over the party's decision to support NATO membership for an independent Scotland.

Magiun of Topoloveni

In 2009, 100% natural magiun of Topoloveni replaces marmalade in all NATO bases.

Michele Zagaria

Together with his brother Pasquale he has become the "king of tendering" in construction, getting public contracts for the high-speed train Tav, a new prison, the local rail line and a NATO radar base.

Mozilla Thunderbird

The French military uses Thunderbird and contributes to its security features, which are claimed to match the requirements for NATO's closed messaging system.

Muhammad Ghulam Tawab

In recognition of his capabilities he was posted as a NATO instructor pilot at the USAF run T-33 (T-Bird) jet transition school at Furstenfledbruck Air Base near Munich in Germany.

NAACO Brigadier

In the end, the project fell victim to NATO standardization, and the company folded in 1952.

NATO headquarters

NATO, or North Atlantic Treaty Organization headquarters in Brussels, Belgium

Netherlands and weapons of mass destruction

Although the Netherlands does not have weapons of mass destruction made by itself, the country participates in the NATO nuclear weapons sharing arrangements and trains for delivering U.S. nuclear weapons, i.e., it has weapons of mass destruction made by another country.

In the past (1960's till 1990's) the Netherlands took part in deployments of NATO nuclear artillery shells for its self-propelled howitzers and missile artillery units.


French, Spanish, and Portuguese name for NATO (Organisation du Traité de l'Atlantique Nord)

Politics of Romania

Romania joined NATO in spring 2004 and signed an accession treaty to join the EU.

Province of Ragusa

Comiso Airport during the cold-war was the biggest NATO base in Europe and has recently been refurbished to be converted from military to civil airport.

Rapacki Plan

While the plan was a consensus among the states of the Warsaw Pact, NATO countries rejected it for various reasons.

Rendon Group

When NATO initiated Operation NOBLE ANVIL air operations directed at Serbian targets to prevent genocide against Kosovo Moslems, it became immediately apparent that the coalition's message was not reaching audiences in the region that were being bombarded by Slobodan Milosevic's information ministry's propaganda.

ROF Radway Green

All ammunition currently produced at Radway Green is NATO certified i.e. bears the NATO roundel as part of the headstamp on the cartridge case surrounding the primer.


Originally intended for military use, NATO and United States Navy reviews have reported its abilities to be unsuited to life-threatening arterial hemorrhaging.

The Third World War: The Untold Story

Stiff resistance by NATO, eventually foils the Soviet invasion, and Warsaw Pact forces get no further West (at least within Germany) than the town of Krefeld and no further south than the Netherlands (which they briefly occupy).

The Third World War: The Untold Story is a novel by Sir John Hackett of a fictional third world war between NATO and Warsaw Pact forces breaking out in 1985, written in the style of a non-fictional historical account.

Ireland (having gotten around its reluctance to become a British ally by entering into a bilateral defense agreement with France which allowed France, and thus her allies, to station naval and air forces on Ireland's west coast) enters the war when the Soviet Navy (having secretly mined Irish territorial waters) sinks an Irish naval vessel and the Soviet Air Force launches a missile attack on Shannon Airport (now home to various NATO aircraft).

U.S. Peace Council

NATO's decision to deploy a new generation of strategic nuclear warheads in Europe and U.S. President Ronald Reagan's planned military buildup program signaled the end of detente, a return to heightened Cold War tensions, and renewed fears of nuclear war.


The local airport was used as airbase for offensive operations against Croatia and Bosnia, in direct defiance of NATO's Operation Deny Flight.

Wolfgang von Stetten

The association supported the independence of the Baltic countries from the Soviet Union, and their membership in NATO and the European Union.

1999 NATO bombing of Novi Sad

A press release one year on from the bombing by then NATO Secretary General Robertson, claims that NATO encountered complications from Yugoslav military use of civilian buildings and human shields.

388th Fighter Wing

The wing was reactivated following Secretary of State John Foster Dulles' promise to provide NATO with four additional tactical fighter wings to increase its defenses against the Soviet Union due to the outbreak of the Cold War.

563d Flying Training Squadron

The 563d was reactivated again in 1953 following Secretary of State John Foster Dulles' promise to provide NATO with four fighter wings.

Alfred Moisiu

From 1995, Moisiu attended to the VIPs' courses of the NATO College in Rome.

Alma Alexander

In addition to her fantasy novels, Alexander has published a memoir about growing up in Africa and an epistolary novel (written with her husband, then an acquaintance from a Usenet newsgroup) about the NATO war in Yugoslavia.

Antonov An-70

After the Orange Revolution in late 2004, and with Ukraine openly aiming for NATO membership, political will for the project evaporated.


9M113 Konkurs, a Russian anti-tank missile with the NATO reporting name "AT-5 Spandrel".

Canadian Forces

A Canadian component of the NATO Airborne Early Warning Force is also based at NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen near Geilenkirchen, Germany.


Ilyushin Il-76, NATO reporting name Candid, a Soviet aircraft

Chief of Defence

The term CHOD is in common use within NATO and the European Union as a generic term for the highest national military position within the NATO and EU member states, rather than the actual term used for individual positions.

Component-based software engineering

The idea that software should be componentized - built from prefabricated components - first became prominent with Douglas McIlroy's address at the NATO conference on software engineering in Garmisch, Germany, 1968,


DUTCHBAT's zone fell under siege by the VRS, when NATO air forces began bombing the Bosnian Serbs besieging Sarajevo.

Economy of Belgium

The postwar boom years, enhanced by the establishment of the European Union and NATO headquarters in Brussels, contributed to the rapid expansion of light industry throughout most of Flanders, particularly along a corridor stretching between Brussels and Antwerp, which is the second largest port in Europe after Rotterdam.

Edward D. Thalmann

In 1985, Dr. Thalmann, now the Senior Medical Officer at NEDU, was selected for the NATO Undersea Medicine Personnel Exchange Program and assigned to the Royal Navy Institute of Naval Medicine, Alverstoke, United Kingdom.

Edward J. Erickson

In 1995 he was assigned to the NATO Headquarters in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, where he served as a Military Assistant to Commander, Implementation Force (IFOR) (COMIFOR).

Giovanni Gronchi

It was marked by the ambition to bring about a gradual “opening to the left”, whereby the Socialists and the (still Stalinist) Communist Party would be brought back into the national government, and Italy would abandon NATO, becoming a non-aligned country.

Halvard Lange

Mr. Lange was, together with Lester B. Pearson and Gaetano Martino, one of the "three wise men" on the "Committee of Three" advising NATO on ways to strengthen its non-military cooperation.

I. German/Dutch Corps

Due to its role as a NATO High Readiness Forces Headquarters, soldiers from other NATO member states, the United States, Denmark, Norway, Spain, Italy, the United Kingdom amongst others, are also stationed at Münster.

Jaap de Hoop Scheffer

It has been alleged by Iran that Jaap de Hoop Scheffer has met Jundallah leader Abdolmalek Rigi while he was visiting Afghanistan in 2008 as NATO secretary general amid Iranian and some western press accusations that CIA is backing the terrorist group.

Jacques van Ypersele de Strihou

He was an assistant at the University of Lovanium of Léopoldville in Congo for some months, after which he went to Yale University, on a NATO-scholarship, where he obtained a PhD in economics under Richard Cooper.

Joseph E. Slater

In 1949, Mr. Slater was named Secretary General of the Allied High Commission in Germany and three years later moved to Paris where he served as executive secretary in the office of the United States representatives to NATO and the Organization for European Economic Cooperation, set up under the Marshall Plan.

Julian Harston

Harston lectures all over the world to distinguished military and civilian audiences,and takes a leading role in War Games and Exercises for NATO and for the UK, Swedish, Canadian and Ugandan armed forces.

Link 1

Link 1 is a point-to-point, duplex, non-encrypted, digital NATO Tactical Data Link (TDL) Standard for the automatic exchange of Track and Strobe data, combined with link and data management messages between ground based ASACS-elements / e.g. CRC and CAOC), specific units (TACCS / MC) and data link buffers (SSSB, CSI).

Military history of the Republic of Turkey

The Turkish Navy participated with five ships and one submarine in the NATO-led naval blockade to enforce the arms embargo.

Musa Qala

In the long run, however, attempts to win over the population appear to have failed, especially under the NATO strategy of air bombing which killed more than 4,600 Afghan noncombatants from 2001 to 2006, according to a study by University of New Hampshire economist Marc W. Herold.


The NATO-Code is OR-3 which would make Obergefreiter the equivalent to Private / Airman / Seaman First Class in most forces or, e.g., Lance Corporal in the Australian/New Zealand Forces.

Peacekeeper Park

The park includes a memorial wall with the names of Canadian Forces members who have given their lives on peacekeeping and peace support missions with the United Nations, NATO and other organizations since the end of the Second World War, including the current mission in Afghanistan.


This may be attributed to the process of Finlandization and to technological progress making coastal artillery obsolete, but the renunciation of Stalinism by the Soviet Union under Nikita Khrushchev and the fact that Finland had undertaken to adopt neutrality and so remain out of NATO were also important contributing factors.


Ptech's roster of clients included several governmental agencies, including the United States Armed Forces, NATO, Congress, the Department of Energy, the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Customs, the FAA, the IRS, the Secret Service, and the White House.

Qiandaohu-class replenishment ship

The Qiandaohu-class or Type 903 replenishment ship (NATO codename: Fuchi) entered service with the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy in 2003.

RAF Trimingham

In May 1996 the Marconi Type 91 'Martello' radar at Trimingham was sold to the Turkish Ministry of Defence and it was replaced by what used to be known as No 86 Signals Unit, with a Type 93 (Plessey type ADGE-305, NATO designation TGRI 50011) that had been moved from Hopton when that base was closed.

RSD-10 Pioneer

In 1979 NATO decided to deploy US Pershing II and BGM-109G Ground Launched Cruise Missile missiles in Western Europe in attempt to counter the RSD-10.

Strategy for Operation Herrick

If the Taliban are allowed to undermine legitimate government in either Afghanistan or Pakistan, that would enable Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups to have greater freedom and a sanctuary from which to train, plan and launch terrorist attacks across the world - and would have longer term implications for the credibility of NATO and the international community - and for the stability of both this crucial region and globally.

Tagab District, Kapisa

The 700 plus forces from the 3rd Marine Infantry Regiment and 2nd Foreign Infantry Regiment attempted to clear the area where a new road was being built to help supply NATO forces in Afghanistan.

Taymuraz Mamsurov

In July 2008, he accused the Western diplomats of plotting a “Jesuitical plan” of uniting South Ossetia and North Ossetia into a single entity in order to then push it into NATO through Georgia.


TH-495 was a infantry combat vehicle being proposed by German-based Thyssen-Henschel for NATO countries, but it was primarily being pitched to the Canadian Forces and the then government of Brian Mulroney in the 1990s.

Type 037-II-class missile boat

The Type 037-II (NATO codename: Houjian class) is a missile equipped corvette built by Huangpu Shipyard of Guangzhou for the People's Liberation Army Navy.

Univerzitet u Prištini

Following establishing NATO control over the territory of Kosovo, the Albanian faculty gained control of the campus after the end of the Kosovo War in 1999, while the Serbian faculty relocated first to central Serbia (from 1999 to 2001 the seat was in Kruševac) and two years later to the northern Kosovo (the seat is currently in Kosovska Mitrovica).

Vernouillet Airport

A completely new NATO airfield was eventually built near the village of Dampierre, about 10 miles to the west, to accommodate the United States Air Force as a tactical airlift base.

Volodymyr Horbulin

Until November 1999, he headed the State Interagency Commission for Cooperation with NATO and co-headed the Consulting Committee under presidents of Ukraine and Poland, co-headed the Secretariat of Kuchma-Gore Commission.

William A. Eaton

In 2010 Eaton was selected by the Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen to be the new Assistant Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) for Executive Management.

William Kreutzer, Jr.

Kreutzer was hiding in the tree line, adjacent to a housing area, alongside Towle Stadium APF field, and eventually wounded 18 soldiers with a .223 caliber/5.56 Ball NATO AR-15/ M-16 A1, a .22