She played significant roles in three classic mainstream films: Denise, the OAS mole, in The Day of the Jackal (1973); Countess Alexandrovna in Woody Allen’s Love and Death (1975); and Julie Anderson in Basil Dearden’s The Man Who Haunted Himself (1970).
Georges Bizet | Georges Cuvier | Centre Georges Pompidou | Georges Simenon | Georges Bataille | Georges Clemenceau | Olga Chernysheva | Paul Georges Dieulafoy | Olga Neuwirth | Georges Perec | Olga Petrova | Olga Fatkulina | Georges Duhamel | Georges de La Tour | Olga Nethersole | Georges Schwizgebel | Georges Pouchet | Georges Pompidou | Jean-Georges Vongerichten | Hurricane Georges | Georges Seurat | Georges Moustaki | Georges Méliès | Georges Jeanty | Georges Sadoul | Georges Mandel | Georges Cottier | Georges Carpentier | Georges Canguilhem | Georges Brassens |
In conjunction with Andreas Rass, afterwards Bishop of Strasbourg, he revised, enlarged, and translated several apologetic, dogmatic, homiletic, and hagiographic works, the best known of which are an enlarged German edition of Butler's "Lives of the Saints" (24 vols., Mainz, 1821-27), translations from the French of Carron, Brillet, Picot, and others, and an extensive compilation of sermons by various authors.