Larval web in an umbel of ''Heracleum sphondylium | A larval web in an inflorescence of ''Pimpinella saxifraga | A larval web in an inflorescence of ''Chaerophyllum temulum |
Alexfloydia repens is the sole larval food plant for the endangered Black grass-dart butterfly (Ocybadistes knightorum) (Lambkin & Donaldson, 1994).
It is also larval and adult food plant for the rustic sphinx moth (Manduca rustica).
Larval host plants are mostly undetermined, but these include the families Acanthaceae and Labiatae.
Aristolochia chilensis, like the related Aristolochia bridgesii, is a larval food source for the gold rim swallowtail butterfly, Battus polydamas.
There are many larval foodplants, usually low growing plants, including Common Rock-rose, Wild Thyme, Sheep's Sorrel, Harebell, Salad Burnet, Bell heather, Goldenrod, Lady's Bedstraw, Creeping Willow and Foxglove.
The diving beetle Thermonectus marmoratus has recently become notable when it was discovered that its aquatic larval stage has been found to have used in its principal eyes two retinas and two distinct focal planes that are substantially separated, in the manner of bifocals to switch their vision from up-close to distance, for easy and efficient capture of their prey, mostly mosquito larvae.
A variety of fish species have a prolonged transformation between larval and juvenile stages of development during which time the organisms can be found in the surface layer.
It was first described in 1956 by Martin, who had found cercariae (a larval stage of a fluke) released by the snail Cerithidea californica in southwestern California.
In Australia there are two native Lepidoptera insects, the Purple Brown-Eye and Common Red-Eye, whose larval stage feed on camphor despite it being an introduced plant to there.
The south facing slope of the Knoll has seen sightings of the Small Blue butterfly and its sole larval foodplant Kidney Vetch Anthyllis vulneraria grows there.
Craveri's Murrelet feeds far out at sea on larval fish such as herring, rockfish, and lanternfish.
Several species of the genus Banksia, including B. serrata, B. integrifolia and B. marginata are host plants for the larval and adult stages.
Larval biology and host plants are not known, but host plants are likely to be one or more species of the plant groups common in peatland habitats such as Salix and various Ericaceae.
Dudleya cymosa is the larval host plant for the Sonoran blue butterfly, Philotes sonorensis (Lycaenidae)
The species is a larval food plant for the butterfly Pseudacraea boisduvali trimeni.
It is a larval food plant of Euptera pluto kinugnana, Pseudacraea boisduvalii trimeni, P. eurytus imitator and P. lucretia.
Mopane trees are common throughout south-central Africa, and host the mopane worm, which is the larval form of the moth Gonimbrasia belina, and an important source of protein for rural communities.
The specific name is derived from the generic name, Manilkara, one of two principal larval hosts.
The specific name is derived from the generic name, Pouteria, of the only recorded larval host.
Foray 48B in an insecticide manufactured by Valent BioSciences used in forestry to selectively kill the larval stage of insect in the order Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies).
Introducing Hypoaspis miles mites or applying the biological larvicide Bacillus thuringiensis (subspecies israelensis) to kill the gnats in their larval stage; the larvacide must be applied weekly as a soil drench for 4–5 weeks.
Here the main issue appears to be re-establishing the native plant "silver bush lupine", whose leaves are the larval food of these butterflies.
Various species of native violets have reported to serve as a larval host plant for the Great Spangled Fritillary, including the native Round-leaf Violet (Viola rotundifolia), the Arrow-leaf Violet (Viola fimbriatula) and the Common Blue Violet (Viola sororia).
The yellow flowers attract many kinds of insects, including bees and butterflies, some of which, such as the Painted Lady and the Silvery Checkerspot, use the plant as a larval host.
The larval hosts are unknown, but they will probably feed on a wide range of plants including Epilobium, Mirabilis, Oenothera, Vitis, Lycopersicon, Portulaca, Fuchsia, Gaura lindheimerii, Alternanthera pungens and Euphorbia dentata or related plants found in a dry climate.
Warén's larva (named after Anders Warén of the Swedish Museum of Natural History), is the first new gastropod larval form to have been described in more than 100 years.
Cytotaxonomic analysis of larval chromosomes from the Kulfo River area has revealed the existence of two newly recognized species of Black flies in the river, Simulium kulfoense and S. soderense; yet unlike other Black flies these species are not carriers of Onchocerca volvulus.
Physiologically, Nigronia serricomis larva are adapted to maintain a constant oxygen consumption regardless of temperature, season or stage of larval development.
N. curvifascia is commonly found in many regions of temperate and tropical East Asia, Indonesia, and the Indian subcontinent, wherever its preferred larval host plant, Alpinia speciosa can be found.
Kluge & Claassens (1990) reported a potential biocontrol agent using Klugeana philoxalis, a larval feeder on shoots of O. pes-caprae.
There is no planktonic larval stage and the directly developing juveniles are cannibalistic, feeding on other embryos and juveniles while in the brood pouch.
Larval host: Florida fishpoison tree is a larval host plant for several butterfly species including: the native cassius blue butterfly (Leptotes cassius) and hammock skipper (Polygonus leo) and the introduced fulvous hairstreak (Electrostrymon angelia).
Some of the largest polytene chromosomes described thus far (see scale bar in figure below) occur in larval salivary gland cells of the Chironomid genus Axarus.
Hydatid disease caused by infection of various organs with larval stages of tapeworms of the genus Echinococcus
The larval food plant is unknown, but the vegetation in the areas where it is found are dominated by Tamarix Prosopis, Acacia and desert shrubs.
The main larval food plant of the species is the common dog violet Viola riviniana.
It was previously thought that the larvae of this species fed on both White Ash (Fraxinus americana) and Blueberry (Vaccinium), but recent observations suggest that the only larval host plant is Black Ash (Fraxinus nigra) which grows at the edges of swamps.
Burlingame decides that the creature is similar to the larval Thaumetopoeidae, which forms processions when it travels from its nest.
Included are numerous pellets of Lepidoptera frass, several kinds of plant parts and fragments, parts of dead insects, cast larval skins of insects, the larval cases of two species of Hyposmocoma, and representatives of terrestrial Mollusca of the families Tornatellinidae and Endodontidae.
This species is one of the larval foodplants of four species of butterfly; Eurytela hiarbas, Eurytela dryope, Byblia ilithyia and Byblia anvatara.
In 1835, James Paget, a first-year medical student, first observed the larval form of T. spiralis while witnessing an autopsy at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital in London.
Pork: Freezing cuts of pork less than 6 inches thick for 20 days at 5 °F (−15 °C) or three days at −4 °F (−20 °C) kills T. spiralis larval worms; but this will not kill other trichinosis larval worm species, such as T. nativa, if they have infested the pork food supply (which is unlikely).
The larval host plants of these butterflies are small creepers and climbers of the family Aristolochiaceae such as Aristolochia indica, Aristolochia tagala and Thottea siliquosa.
The host plant toxins sequestered by the butterfly during its larval stage make it unpalatable to predators.