
unusual facts about Pupil

Alastair Balls

Alastair Balls served as secretary to the U.K. government's Channel Tunnel advisory committee of experts (the Cairncross Committee of 1974-75) chaired by another Scottish economist Sir Alexander Cairncross, also a former pupil of Hamilton Academy.

Amateur Astronomers Association of Pittsburgh

The club's motto is "We have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night," from the Sarah Williams poem "The Old Astronomer to his Pupil".

Annibale Carracci

He was one of the first Italian painters to paint a canvas wherein landscape took priority over figures, such as his masterful The Flight into Egypt; this is a genre in which he was followed by Domenichino (his favorite pupil) and Claude Lorrain.

Anton Zilzer

He was a pupil of Rauscher, Gregusz, and Székely at the national model school of design, and later studied at the Munich Academy under Raupp, Hackl, Seitz, and Herterich, completing his education at Berlin, Paris, and London.

Ascanio Mayone

He trained as a pupil of Giovanni de Macque in Naples, and worked at Santissima Annunziata Maggiore there as organist from 1593 and maestro di cappella from 1621; he was also organist at the royal chapel from 1602.

Basil Harwood

During this time, he met and married Mabel Ada Jennings (the daughter of George Jennings) (who had become a pupil of his in 1896) at All Souls St. Marylebone, London (27 December 1899).

Charles Enrique Dent

He began research into a hereditary disease of the kidneys which was greatly expanded by his pupil Oliver Wrong and named Dent's disease.

Dolan Mor

He was pupil of Joseba Sarrionandia, a mysterious writer and linguist of The Basque Country.

Domingo Valdivieso y Henarejos

He was first a pupil of Juan Albacete, and then studied successively in the Schools of Art at Madrid, in Paris, and in Rome.

Don Dubbins

Child actor Stephen Talbot delivers a compelling role as Ab Martin, Cantwell's prize pupil who at the end of the episode recites to his dying teacher part of Patrick Henry's 1775 address at St. Johns' Church.

Ernest Gagnon

In 1857 he travelled to Paris after obtaining a study leave and became a pupil of Henri Herz and Alexandre Goria.

Francis Dennis Ramsay

His formal training included reading Architecture at University College London and three years’ study in Florence (1953–1955) as a pupil of Pietro Annigoni (1910–1988), the internationally renowned grande maestro portrait painter of the 20th century (Annigoni subsequently became a godfather to Ramsay’s younger son, Justin).

George Folingsby

He then went to Paris and for a few months was a pupil of Thomas Couture.

Giovanni Battista Bertucci

Crowe and Cavalcaselle also claim for Bertucci an Adoration of the Magi in the Berlin Gallery, there ascribed to Pinturicchio, and a Glorification of the Virgin in the National Gallery, given in the catalogue to Lo Spagna, who was a pupil of Perugino.

Harry Halpern

Halpern served as the first "pupil rabbi" for the Talmud Torah "junior congregation" of Congregation Beth Jacob Ohev Sholom in Long Island, New York.

Jamie Shepherd

At 18 years of age, the former Ysgol Eifionydd, Porthmadog pupil started reading bilingual Welsh news bulletins for local radio stations Heart Cymru and Heart North Wales Coast.

Joakim Eskildsen

Eskildsen was a pupil of Rigmor Mydtskov in Copenhagen and went to Finland in 1994 to study photographic book making with Pentti Sammallahti at the University of Art and Design Helsinki.

Johann Franz Ermels

Johann Franz Ermels (1641-1693), a German painter and engraver, a pupil of Holtzman, was born in Reilkirch.

Johannes le Francq van Berkhey

According to Roeland van Eynden and Adriaan van der Willigen in their dictionary of artists known as Geschiedenis der vaderlandsche schilderkunst, he was a pupil along with Petrus Camper of the genre painter Louis de Moni.

John B. Van Petten

From 1885 to 1900, he was Professor of History, Latin and Elocution at Claverack College where his pupil Stephen Crane heard Van Petten's Civil War reminiscences which became the base for The Red Badge of Courage.

John Blofeld

Blofeld became a pupil of Hsu Yun but actually received training in Chan (Zen) meditation from Hsu Yun's pupils at a monastery near Kunming, Yunnan.

John Charles Felix Rossi

Some time later, when Locatelli had moved on, and was occupying premises in Union Street, near the Middlesex Hospital, Rossi became his pupil.

Joseph Zedner

After completing his education, he acted as teacher in the Jewish school in Strelitz (Mecklenburg), where the lexicographer Daniel Sanders was his pupil.

Juan Sánchez Cotán

He was a friend and perhaps pupil of Blas de Prado, an artist famous for his still lifes whose mannerist style with touches of realism, the disciple developed further.

Kings Manor Community College

Local newspaper The Argus commented upon the irony of the school's first pupil to go onto the University of Oxford in the same year that Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families Ed Balls threatened the school with closure.

Lewis Nockalls Cottingham

Calvert Vaux became in 1843, an articled pupil of Cottingham, who was one of the elders of the English Gothic Revival, had supervised the sometimes overzealous restoration of a number of important medieval churches.

Ludwig Hans Fischer

A pupil, at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts, of Eduard von Lichtenfels in painting, of Louis Jacoby in engraving, and of William Unger in etching, he completed his studies traveling in Italy, Spain, North Africa, Egypt, and India, and afterwards settled in Vienna.

Lviv Conservatory

Its first director was a pianist and composer Karol Mikuli, a pupil of Chopin, and in different years among the teachers were Ludwig Marek, Mieczysław Sołtys, his son Adam Sołtys, Henryk Melcer-Szczawiński, Józef Koffler, Ludomir Różycki, Vilém Kurz, Jan Gall, Wilhelm Stengel and others.

Manchester High School for Girls

Julia Bodmer, nee Pilkington, Manchester High School pupil: 1945 - 1953, discovered the details of the Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) with genetic differences causing transplant rejection, and was married to Sir Walter Bodmer, who was the first Professor of Genetics at the University of Oxford, Chancellor of the University of Salford from 1995 to 2005 and Principal from 1996 to 2005 of Hertford College, Oxford

MiG-29: Soviet Fighter

The original version of the game was written for the ZX Spectrum by Richard Chaney while he was a pupil at Wolfreton School, Hull, UK.

Nikoxenos Painter

The Eucharides Painter was his pupil; according to some theories they were actually identical.

North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers

Earlier in his life, Robert Stephenson, the son of George Stephenson, a contemporary of Nicholas Wood, became a pupil of his, and went on to provide numerous railway contributions.

Paul Roos Gymnasium

The Rhodes Scholarship was instituted in 1903, and Paul Roos is one of four schools in South Africa entitled to award a Rhodes Scholarship annually to an ex-pupil to study at the University of Oxford.

Pedro Hurtado de Mendoza

His nominalist tendencies were further developed by his pupil Rodrigo Arriaga and Francisco Oviedo.

Phillip Cottrell

Phillip was born in Enfield, United Kingdom, but he grew up in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, where he was a pupil at Cheshunt School.

Pierre Charles Cior

He was a pupil of Bauzin, and became miniature painter to the king of Spain.


Barbara Ployer (1765–1811), an Austrian piano and composition pupil of Mozart for whom he composed two piano concertos

Pnina Salzman

She graduated at the Ecole Normale de Musique then became a pupil of Magda Tagliaferro at the Conservatoire de Paris, where she was to win the Premier Prix de Piano in 1938, aged 16.


Alternatively, a pupilometer is a type of pupil response monitor—a monocular device measuring the amount of dilation of the pupil in response to a visual stimulus.

Ralph Barton Perry

A pupil of William James, whose Essays in Radical Empiricism he edited (1912), Perry became one of the leaders of the New Realism movement.

Richard William Jelf

This post he filled for thirteen years, residing much at Berlin before his pupil's father became king of Hanover (in 1837).

Rudolf Louis

He studied in Geneva, where he was a pupil of Friedrich Klose, and continued his studies in Vienna and then Karlsruhe under Felix Mottl before becoming conductor of the theatre orchestras in Landshut and Lübeck.


This location places SACI students in the vicinity of the Duomo, the churches of San Lorenzo and Santa Maria Novella, and is just steps away from the central market and the new Alinari photography museum.The Palazzo was remodeled as a residence in the 17th century for the mathematician Vincenzo Viviani, who had been a pupil of the astronomer and scientist Galileo Galilei.

Sherington Primary School

The school also has the distinct honour of being mentioned by former pupil Daniel Day-Lewis during his Oscar acceptance speech for his role in There Will Be Blood.

Superior cervical ganglion

Damage to the T1-T3 regions of the spinal cord is responsible for drooping of the eyelids (ptosis), constriction of the pupil (miosis), and sinking of the eyeball (Enophthalmos).

The Polish Rider

In 1993 the artist Russell Connor painted a portrait in the style of Rembrandt showing the Master, palette in hand, standing in front of the incomplete Polish Rider. Connor attributed the painting to Rembrandt's pupil Carel Fabritius and indicated the canvas was found in a basement in Pinsk.

Vilna Gaon

He also wrote on mathematics, being well versed in the works of Euclid and encouraging his pupil Rabbi Baruch of Shklov to translate the great mathematician's works into Hebrew.

Way of the Tiger

The world of Orb was originally drawn up by Mark Smith for a Dungeons and Dragons game he dungeon-mastered while a pupil at Brighton College in the mid-1970s.

Wolfgang Windgassen

Born in Annemasse, France, he was the son (and pupil) of a well known German Heldentenor, Fritz Windgassen (who was also the teacher of Gottlob Frick).

see also