
2 unusual facts about Re-Define


Anatole Kaletsky – Chairman of the Institute for New Economic Thinking

John Monks – General secretary of the European Trade Union Conference

Acousmatic music

In 1955, Jérôme Peignot and Pierre Schaeffer were the first to use the term acousmatique to define the listening experience of musique concrète.

Adeline Lee Zhia Ern

However, it was found that one of her short stories “Define Happiness”, was nearly identical to the story "Happiness" by Sarah Provencal from Jack Canfield's Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul IV.

ADM formalism

-- The first lead sentence should define what it is--> developed in 1959 by Richard Arnowitt, Stanley Deser and Charles W. Misner is a Hamiltonian formulation of general relativity.

Airborne Surveillance Platform

Though observers point to these differences as the reasons contributing to the handing over of the ASP project to the Indian Navy rather than the Indian Air Force, both the Indian Navy and Air Force originally helped define the requirements.

Anglo-Saxon Attitudes

Anglo-Saxon Attitudes was also the name of an historical conference "in pursuit of the English" to define the evolution of the English "cultural self-image" held at the University of Salford on 9–11 July 1999.

Apple Partition Map

Apple Partition Map (APM) is a partition scheme used to define the low-level organization of data on disks formatted for use with 68k and PowerPC Macintosh computers.

Batalha dos Aflitos

Taking advantage of an apparent lack of organization of Náutico's defense, Marcelo Costa played the free kick to Anderson, who passed two defenders and the keeper to score the goal that would define the match, the promotion for Grêmio, and the title, 72 seconds after Náutico's second missed penalty of the match.

Christianization of Scandinavia

From that time until 1536 when Denmark became a Lutheran country under the King (or Queen) of Denmark as the titular head of the Danish National Church, (Danish: Folkekirke) the struggle between the power of the king and nobles and the church would define much of the course of Danish history.

Cotangent space

This formulation is analogous to the construction of the cotangent space to define the Zariski tangent space in algebraic geometry.

Curvilinear coordinates

In the case that they are orthogonal at all points where the derivatives are well-defined, we define the Lamé coefficients (after Gabriel Lamé) by

Danny Kortchmar

Kortchmar's work with singer-songwriters such as David Crosby, Carole King, Graham Nash, Carly Simon and James Taylor helped define the signature sound of the singer-songwriter era of the 1970s.

Dave Wainwright

As a drummer he was initially taught by Carl Stokes of Cancer (band) and later by Mick Kirton (one time stand in drummer for Hawkwind circa 1988 and The Groundhogs 1984-1989 amongst other work); before going on to define his own style.


He emphasised the boundaries for human identity by adopting the social interaction model of Fredrik Barth and argues that 'groups tend to define themselves not by reference to their own characteristics but by exclusion, that is, by comparison to "strangers"'.


Features, events, and processes, which are terms used in the field of radioactive waste management to define relevant scenarios for safety assessment studies.

Gilberto Righi

Gilberto Righi (1937–1999) was an important earthworm taxonomist from São Paulo, Brazil, who helped define the magnitude of his country's diverse soil fauna.

Glossary of vexillology

Even with such combinations, this framework is not complete: some countries define designs for usage contexts not expressible in this scheme such as air force ensigns (distinct from war flags or war ensigns, flown as the national flag at air bases; for example, see Royal Air Force Ensign) and civil air ensigns.

Google Dictionary

The Google Dictionary website was terminated on August 5, 2011 after part of its functionality was integrated into Google Search using the define: operator.

Guidelines for human subject research

After the Subsequent Nuremberg Trials many people felt compelled to create laws to codify some research guidelines to protect research participants and define acceptable relationships between researchers and research participants.

Guna, India

Towns Shivpuri and Kota are located in north and the cities Vidisha, Bhopal, and Rajgarh lie to the South.the eastern boundary of district define by Sindh river.

Hungarian Social Democratic Party

In 2007 and 2008, further defections from the MSZP to the MSZDP in Óbuda and Zugló resulted in some pressure to more clearly define an independent social democratic perspective to differentiate the party from the MSZP.

Implicit graph

For instance, in searching for a solution to a puzzle such as Rubik's Cube, one may define an implicit graph in which each vertex represents one of the possible states of the cube, and each edge represents a move from one state to another.

Introduction to M-theory

Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow, in the popular scientific book The Grand Design, take a philosophical position to support a view of the universe as a multiverse, and define it in the book as model-dependent realism which along with a sum-over-histories approach (see Path integral formulation of Quantum mechanics) to the universe as a whole, is used to claim that M-theory is the only candidate for a complete theory of the universe.

Jose Antonio Vargas

Vargas founded "Define American" in 2011, a non-profit project aimed at facilitating dialogue about immigration issues including the DREAM Act, which would allow undocumented immigrants a path to citizenship through education or service in the military.

Kansas City Confidential

The recruits are three young actors who would come to define menace in the ’50s and beyond: Neville Brand, Jack Elam and Lee Van Cleef, who here has his best role before For a Few Dollars More.

Katrin Fridriks

She also presented at the Goss-Michael Foundation for the MTV Re:Define project in 2011, at the Liverpool Biennial in 2008 and has undertaken commercial commissions for premium global brands, such as Land Rover’s 60th anniversary event or Ralph Lauren for the "Art Stars" project.


Kıymalı is used to define several Turkish dishes.

M. J. Alhabeeb

I define the traditional employment of Arabesque as either an occasional and partial use in a decorative framework out of the calligraphy space, or a full Deco art, unconnected to calligraphy, but standing by its own merit.

Macintosh IIfx

Dubbed "Wicked Fast" by the Product Manager, Frank Casanova - who came to Apple from Apollo Computer in Boston, Massachusetts where the Boston term "wicked" was commonly used to define anything extreme - the system ran at a clock rate of a then-impressive 40 megahertz, had 32 KB of Level 2 cache, six NuBus slots and included a number of proprietary ASICs and coprocessors designed to speed up the machine further.

Mario Esposito

According to Michael Lapidge, Esposito "did more than any scholar before or since to appreciate and define Latin learning in medieval Ireland".

Mark Dery

In it, he interviews three African-American thinkers—science fiction writer Samuel R. Delany, writer and musician Greg Tate, and cultural critic Tricia Rose—about different critical dimensions of Afrofuturism in an attempt to define the aesthetic.

Masonic Lodge

Lodges are governed by national, state or provincial authorities, usually called Grand Lodges or Grand Orients, whose published constitutions define the structure of freemasonry under their authority, and which appoint Grand Officers from their senior masons.

Nous, on veut des violons

The song seeks to define what the then-current generation ("Generation Gorby") wanted.

Panamericana Televisión

The early years also saw Panamericana define itself as the market leader; news programs such as El Panamericano, hosted by Humberto Martínez Morosini and Ernesto García Calderón among others, became highly-rated, while telenovelas such as Simplemente María and Natacha found success in the Latin American market.

Petronas Towers

According to Laozi, the reality of a hollow object is in the void and not in the walls that define it.

Point of difference

Brand loyalty depends upon the ability of the company to establish and maintain clarity of communication with the consumer regarding their brand; and to maintain and expand the points of difference that define the brand.


The objective of the meeting was to define requirements for a next-generation design language that would address perceived shortcomings in existing languages such as VHDL and Verilog.

Segment polarity gene

In the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, segment polarity genes help to define the anterior and posterior polarities within each embryonic parasegment by regulating the transmission of signals via the Wnt signaling pathway and Hedgehog signaling pathway.

Separatist movements of Pakistan

The name Balawaristan is used mainly by nationalists of the Gilgit, such as the Balawaristan National Front, who are seeking to define a separate identity for Gilgit, Baltistan and Ladakh regions from that of the Kashmir Valley and Jammu; Not recognised by either the Government of India, Pakistan and China.


setf, a special form in Common Lisp and Lisp that uses its first argument to define a place in memory then evaluates its second argument and stores the returned value at the memory location


In spatially enabled databases (such as IBM DB2, IBM Informix, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, Teradata, PostgreSQL and SQL Anywhere), SRIDs are used to uniquely identify the coordinate systems used to define columns of spatial data or individual spatial objects in a spatial column (depending on the spatial implementation).


Current use of the term "standards-compliance" generally refers to the adherence to coding practices in relation to the use of HTML or XHTML, with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to define the layout, colors, and fonts of a web page.

Stanley Mazor

Credited along with Faggin, Hoff, and Masatoshi Shima of Busicom as co-inventor, Mazor helped define the architecture and the instruction set for the revolutionary new chip, dubbed the Intel 4004.

Supplementary service codes

ETSI and 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) standards, such as GSM and LTE, define supplementary service codes that make it possible to query and set certain service parameters (e.g., call forwarding) directly from mobile devices.

T. J. Helmerich

Together with Australian guitarist Brett Garsed, the duo helped define the direction of instrumental guitar music throughout the '90s and establish the genre now known as "Rock Fusion".

The Concept of Anxiety

Kierkegaard argued about this in both Repetition and Fear and Trembling where he said philosophy must not define faith.

Tobias Matthay

Many of his pupils went on to define a school of 20th century English pianism, including York Bowen, Myra Hess, Clifford Curzon, Moura Lympany, Eunice Norton, Lytle Powell, Irene Scharrer, Lilias Mackinnon, Guy Jonson, Vivian Langrish and Harriet Cohen.

Trade secrets in Canada

The Civil Code of Quebec deals specifically with trade secrets in two articles (1472 and 1612); however, none of its provisions define the concept of trade secret.

Triple point

The triple point pressure of water was used during the Mariner 9 mission to Mars as a reference point to define "sea level".

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373

However, the resolution failed to define 'Terrorism', and the working group initially only added Al-Qaida and the Taliban regime of Afghanistan on the sanctions list.

Wired Smart List

Beginning as a recommended list of 15 individuals that the next president should listen to (the first Smart List was published just before the 2008 United States presidential election), the Smart List has evolved into a list that seeks to identify influencers and ideas that will shape the evolution of the global economy, define future business trends, and usher in new paradigms of thought.

see also


According to the author, the novel is an attempt to re-define nostalgia which is thought to be the essence of life of non-resident Malayalis and to pay respect to hundreds of thousands of Malayalis living as non-resident Keralites in different parts of the world.