
unusual facts about Refuge: Stories of the Selfhelp Home

Refuge: Stories of the Selfhelp Home

The film is narrated by historians, including Christopher Browning, Frank Porter Graham Professor of History at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.


The Távora family took refuge there, in the 18th century, when they were being persecuted by the Marquess of Pombal.

Abbot Oliba

Oliba promoted the movement of Peace and Truce of God (Pau i treva), towards 1022 and in 1027 the agreement of this treaty with other bishops and noblemen took place in Toulouges (Roussillon) and was said that all, noblemen, knights, farmers and monks, agreed to make, days in which nobody could quarrel with anybody and in which the fugitives could take refuge in churches and places holy, sure of being protected and respected, some days every year, be days of Peace.

Abū al-Ḥasan ibn ʿAlī al-Qalaṣādī

al-Qalasādī eventually left his homeland and took refuge with his family in Béja, Tunisia, where he died in 1486.

Alexandru Mironov

Born in the Bessarabian locality of Vertujeni, now part of Moldova, Mironov was from a family which took refuge in southern Romania following the region's second occupation by the Soviet Union before the end of World War II.

Alexios I Komnenos

At the emperor's further insistence, and for their own protection, they took refuge at the convent of Petrion, where they were eventually joined by Maria of Bulgaria, mother of Irene Doukaina.

Anna Dalassene

As stated in the Alexiad, when Isaac and Alexios left Constantinople in mid-February 1081 to raise an army against Botaneiates, Anna quickly and surreptitiously mobilized the remainder of the family and took refuge in the Hagia Sophia.

Attwater Prairie Chicken National Wildlife Refuge

Many of the Attwater's Prairie Chickens in the refuge are hatched at captive breeding programs at Fossil Rim Wildlife Center, Texas A&M University, SeaWorld San Antonio, Abilene Zoo, Caldwell Zoo, Houston Zoo and San Antonio Zoo.

Bald Knob National Wildlife Refuge

The Bald Knob National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1993 when the U.S. government purchased a large rice farm from the John Hancock Insurance Company.

Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration

As with many other monastic groups, they looked to the New World for a place of refuge.The monks went on to found Conception Abbey in nearby Conception, Missouri, and began to minister to German and Irish immigrants of the region.

Blackwall Buildings

In "Child of the Jago" by Arthur Morrison (1896) mention is made of the fact the slums offered refuge from the police and a place of sanctuary when this was needed.

Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge

An annual 'festival of the cranes' is held the weekend before Thanksgiving as large numbers of cranes begin arriving in the refuge.

Château de Domfront

In 1574, the Château de Domfront, serving as a refuge for the Count of Montgomery, was besieged by royal troops under Marshal Matignon, capitulating on 27 May.


She dedicated 20 years of her life turning the convent into a school, an orphanage and refuge for women.

Cowasji Jehangir Readymoney

Readymoney built colleges, hospitals, insane asylums; founded a refuge for people of "respectability" who found themselves destitute or friendless in Bombay; erected several drinking fountains of artistic merit; gave donations to the Catholic and the Presbyterian missions in India.

Delta National Wildlife Refuge

Catfish, largemouth bass, and various sunfish species are found in the freshwater areas of the refuge.

Déodat Gratet de Dolomieu

His ship, caught in a storm, sought refuge at the port of Taranto, Italy where De Dolomieu was made a prisoner of war.

Desiderio Costa

In Germany, he found his first refuge in a physician's family in Lüdenscheid, where he also worked in a factory and started to learn German.

Eastern Shore of Virginia National Wildlife Refuge

The refuge is an important staging area for migratory birds, and is used as well for the management and study of endangered species such as the Northeastern Beach Tiger Beetle and Piping Plover.

Edict of Fontainebleau

Though Protestants had lost their independence in places of refuge under Richelieu, they continued to live in comparative security and political contentment.

Emilia of Gaeta

In 1027, when Duke Sergius IV was forced to flee Naples, Emilia gave him refuge, for John V was his nephew.

Florida State Road 29

From Immokalee, SR 29 travels along the western edge of the Big Cypress National Preserve and the eastern edge of the Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge and the Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Forest before reaching its southern terminus at US 41 (Tamiami Trail).

Giulio Alberoni

He went to Italy, escaped from arrest at Genoa, and had to take refuge among the Apennines, Pope Clement XI, who was his bitter enemy, having given strict orders for his arrest.


Noddfa Newton Chapel was built in 1862 and rebuilt in 1924.

Iguanita Wildlife Refuge

Consequently, the proposal was approved by Executive Order 23217 from MIRENEM ( currently MINAE ) ICT ( The National Tourism Board) created Iguanita Wildlife Refuge in 1994 to maintain and develop low-impact tourism.

Ismail ibn al-Ahmar

He fled al-Andalus with his father as an infant and took refuge in Morocco where he was welcomed by the rival dynasty of the Marinids.

Jean Gottmann

He found refuge in the United States, where he received a Rockefeller Foundation fellowship to attend the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey.

John Clark Salyer II

In 1966, the Fish and Wildlife Service renamed the Lower Souris National Wildlife Refuge in North Dakota as the J. Clark Salyer National Wildlife Refuge to honor his legacy of contributions to the preservation of America's wildlife.

Juan Bautista Aguirre

On August 20 of that year he left South America from Guayaquil bound for Faenza, Italy, where the Jesuits of Quito had taken refuge.

Karl Friedrich Knorre

The family had taken refuge with Knorre's uncle, Karl August Senff, a professor of painting at the university and with his help, Knorre was able to enter into a course of study there at the age of 15.

Kim Taylor

Taylor recently starred in director Matthew Porterfield's forthcoming independent film, I Used to Be Darker, about a pregnant Northern Irish runaway who seeks refuge with family in Baltimore, MD, only to find her aunt on the verge of divorce.

Long Island, Marlborough

The island itself is also an important wildlife refuge and a number of species of threatened endemic birds which have been reintroduced to it including Little Spotted Kiwi (late 1980s), Yellow Crowned Kakariki (2001) and South Island Saddleback (2005) - all these reintroductions have been successful with healthy breeding populations of each species now present on the Island.

Machu Picchu

As an American historian employed as a lecturer at Yale University, Bingham had been searching for the city of Vilcabamba, the last Inca refuge during the Spanish conquest.

Marco I Sanudo

Thus, the archbishop of Athens, Michael Choniates, who had taken refuge from the Latin troops on Kea wrote at the end of 1208 or at the beginning of 1209 a letter to the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople in which he refused to take charge of the vacant bishop seat of Paros-Naxos.

Mare Island Naval Shipyard

The Navy is also transferring property at the shipyard to other government agencies such as Fish and Wildlife Service refuge, a Forest Service office building, an Army Reserve Center, a Coast Guard communications facility, and a Department of Education school.

Mariastein Abbey

The abbey was secularised twice, in 1792, because of the French Revolution, and in 1874, as a result of a conflict between the state and the Roman Catholic Church known as Kulturkampf, after which the monks were obliged to seek refuge first in France, at Delle, and then, when in 1902 they were expelled as a result of legal changes in France, for a short time at Dürrnberg near Hallein in Austria, and finally in Bregenz, also in Austria.

Marius Jacob

On April 19, 1900, he escaped from the asylum in Aix-en-Provence with the assistance of a male nurse and took refuge in Sète.

Norman Stansfield

When Stansfield learns that the holder has been stealing some of the drugs for himself, he and his henchmen gun down the man's entire family, with the exception of 12-year-old Mathilda (Natalie Portman), who is able to find refuge with neighbor, and professional hitman, Léon (Jean Reno).

Nütschau Priory

Occupying the former Nütschau manor house (Herrenhaus Nütschau), built in 1577-79 by Heinrich Rantzau, this community originated after World War II as a refuge for displaced persons, particularly Catholics from the former German territories.


The Mongols attack the city and Padmâvatî and the wounded Ratan-Sen take refuge in the temple of Siva.

Presidio San Augustin del Tucson

After the Civil War, the fortress would no longer play a direct role in warfare, though the presidio walls would continue to serve as sought-out refuge by settlers until Geronimo's surrender in 1886.

Rana dynasty

Many of Crown Prince General Dhoj Narsingh's children and family remained with Sri Teen Ranodip Singh's widow in Benares and were then relocated later to Udaipur upon the invitation by Maharana Fateh Singh, who sought to give refuge to his Rana cousins.

Raymond Eddé

Eddé was born in Alexandria, Egypt, where his father, a native of the town of Edde in the Jbeil District and an opponent of Ottoman control of Lebanon, had taken refuge after being sentenced to death for subversion.

Rudolf Dulon

In November 1849 he protected the leftist Arnold Ruge, granting him church asylum from an impending arrestation, and organised a further hiding place at Hermann Allmers's, before finding refuge in Brighton.

Saint Fiacre

Seeking greater solitude, he left his native land and sought refuge in France, at Meaux.

Sempronius Densus

While most of the assassins hacked Galba's corpse to pieces and paraded his severed head on a pole, two of them sought out Piso, who had taken refuge in the Temple of Vesta.


In 1825 the playwright, diplomat and journalist, Mordecai Manuel Noah - the first Jew born in the United States to reach national prominence - tried to found a Jewish "refuge" at Grand Island in the Niagara River, to be called "Ararat," after Mount Ararat, the Biblical resting place of Noah's Ark.

Theodore Roosevelt National Wildlife Refuge

Established in 2004, the Theodore Roosevelt National Wildlife Refuge is part of the Theodore Roosevelt National Wildlife Refuge Complex in Mississippi.

William Parker Snow

He supported many good causes including services to the poor in London and marine safety, including the efforts of Samuel Plimsoll and proposals for harbours of refuge and a system of linked floating relief stations around the globe.

Wuntho Township

After the British annexed Upper Burma in 1885, Wuntho became a refuge for rebels and Dacoit leaders until in 1891, when a force of 1,800 British soldiers under General Sir George Wolseley occupied the town of Wuntho.

Yemi Adenuga

Yemi's work with AWDI supports Women refuges in Ireland including Drogheda Women Refuge and Meath Women's refuge through fundraising programmes to help female victims of domestic violence and their children, and building on its current leadership project, to educate, give Moral support to, and develop women for leadership positions.

see also