In this condemnation were included not only the Ecthesis (the exposition of faith of the Patriarch Sergius for which the emperor Heraclius had stood sponsor), but also the typus of Paul, the successor of Sergius, which had the support of the reigning Emperor (Constans II).
Constantinople | Photios I of Constantinople | Fall of Constantinople | Sergius | Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople | Third Council of Constantinople | Sergius IV of Naples | Pope Sergius III | Patriarch Germanus I of Constantinople | Fourth Council of Constantinople | St. Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute | Patriarch Polyeuctus of Constantinople | Mese (Constantinople) | Great Palace of Constantinople | Synod of Constantinople | Sergius of Radonezh | Sergius Kagen | Sergius I | Patriarch Manuel I of Constantinople | Patriarch Jeremias II of Constantinople | Patriarch Ignatius of Constantinople | Patriarch Germanus V of Constantinople | Nikephoros I of Constantinople | Latin Patriarch of Constantinople | Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius | Stephen I of Constantinople | Sergius Paulus | Sergius I of Constantinople | Sergius I of Amalfi | Second Council of Constantinople |