
63 unusual facts about Skopje "Alexander the Great" Airport

317 Roxane

The name was chosen by F. Bidschof, an assistant at the Vienna Observatory, at Charlois's request; Bidschof chose to name it after Roxana, the wife of Alexander the Great, and at first used the spelling Roxana.

Alejandro Sabella

As Estudiantes manager he would be called Magno (from Alejandro Magno) because of the great Club World Cup final they took part in: the favourites, star-studded Barcelona, would only manage to beat his squad in extra time, by 2–1.

Alexander Barkashov

While uninterested in his work, he was passionate about reading books about great conquerors of history (especially Alexander the Great and Genghis Khan), learning karate (even setting up his own club), and making weapons (bows and daggers) with his own hands.

Alexandrine Parakeet

The species is named after Alexander the Great, who is credited with the exporting of numerous specimens of this bird from Punjab into various European and Mediterranean countries and regions, where they were considered prized possessions for the nobles and royalty.

Arima, couch of Typhoeus

an identification first made by Alexander's historical advisor, Callisthenes: "the Arimoi are located by the Corycian cave near Calycadnus and the promontory of Sarpedon; the neighboring mountains are called 'Arima'".


By the time of Alexander the Great, the walnut forest was locally known for hunting.

Ben Willbond

He is perhaps best known for his regular role in CBBC's Horrible Histories, in which he plays a wide variety of historical figures, most memorably recurring roles as Henry VIII and Alexander the Great.

Bilal Ibn Rabah

And it has been remarked that even Alexander the Great is in Asia an unknown personage by the side of this honoured Negro.


It has been proposed that Alexander the Great was poisoned by drinking the water of the river Styx (Mavroneri) which happened to be contaminated by this compound.

Cursor Mundi

He explains in an elaborate prologue how folk desire to read old romances relating to Alexander the Great, Julius Cæsar, Troy, Brutus, King Arthur, Charlemagne etc., and how only those men are esteemed that love "paramours".


On its eastern side, neighboring Scythia, were the peoples Gog and Magog, whom Alexander the Great had walled in.


The genus name comes from Ἐπόκιλλος (Epocillus), a soldier of Alexander the Great.


This dye was used for the colouring of the uniforms of many armies including that of Alexander the Great.

Gentlemen of Fortune

The movie follows the story of an amiable kindergarten director named Troshkin who looks exactly like a cruel criminal nicknamed Docent (Доцент, literally associate professor) that has stolen Alexander the Great's helmet at an archaeological excavation.


In 328 BC, Alexander the Great introduced into his court etiquette some form of genuflection already in use in Persia.


This version is mostly found in Oltenia, were three Iele are considered the daughters of Alexander the Great, called Catrina, Zalina and Marina.


Aristotle, mentor to Alexander the Great, was almost charged with impiety for refusal to recognize the divinity of his pupil and not holding the gods in honor.

Infantry in the Middle Ages

Alexander the Great combined both methods in his clashes with the Asiatic horseman of Persia and India, screening his central infantry phalanx with slingers, archers and javelin-men, before unleashing his cavalry against the enemy.

Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization – Democratic Party for Macedonian National Unity

VMRO–DPMNE has been criticised for it's "Antiquisation" policy (known locally as "Antikvizacija"), in which the country seeks to claim ancient Macedonian figures like Alexander the Great and Philip II of Macedon for itself and denying their Greek heritage.


Iskandar or Eskandar is the Persian version of the name Alexander, after Alexander the Great.


Alexander the Great relaxed on its shore preparing for the attack on Tyre.

Jock Purdon

He is reported to have said "For me there's three great generals - Geronimo, Alexander the Great and Arthur Scargill".

Johan Hadorph

He also had access to de la Gardie's extensive library and made a Swedish verse translation of the history of Alexander the Great, which was published in Visingsborg in 1672.

Kach and Kahane Chai

Kahane often pejoratively called other Knesset members "Hellenists" in Hebrew (a reference from Jewish religious texts describing ancient Jews who assimilated into Greek culture after Judea's occupation by Alexander the Great).


The town does not appear to be of any great antiquity, although after Alexander the Great's sack of Marakanda (Samarkand) the centre of cultural life in that part of the Zeravshan valley may briefly have shifted west to the region around Katta-Kurgan.

Kyriakos Velopoulos

He is the author of Greece Bleeds, which he claims deals with the corruption of Greek society, army, legal system and politics, and Alexander, the Greatest of the Greeks, a detailed biography of Alexander the Great which includes arguments on the subject's Greek origins.


The existence of this clan is known from the time of Alexander the Great.

Land of Darkness

In the Alexander Romance, Alexander the Great crosses the Land of Darkness in his search for the Water of Life.

Late Period of ancient Egypt

The Late Period of Ancient Egypt refers to the last flowering of native Egyptian rulers after the Third Intermediate Period from the 26th Saite Dynasty into Persian conquests and ended with the conquest by Alexander the Great.

Lebanese wine

Vitis vinifera evidence from ancient Rome shows wine was cultivated and then domesticated in Lebanon, at least two thousand years before Alexander the Great.

Ludovico Trevisan

An account of his victory is also available in an important contemporary war poem, Trophaeum Anglaricum by Florentine humanist Leonardo Dati, which praises Trevisan's caution as much as his impetuosity, comparing him to captains of antiquity such as Alexander the Great and Hannibal.

Macedon, New York

The Town of Macedon is named after the birthplace of Alexander the Great, the Republic of Macedonia (Located in the central Balkan peninsula in Southeast Europe).

Malana, Himachal Pradesh

According to one of them, it is believed that they are the descendants of Greek soldiers of Alexander's army.

An alternative tradition suggests that Malana was founded by remnants of Alexander the Great's Army.

Malling series

Alexander the Great sent samples of dwarf apple trees back to his teacher, Aristotle in Greece.

Mares of Diomedes

Bucephalus, Alexander the Great's horse, was said to be descended from these mares.

Marlborough, Queensland

Marlborough is famous for producing the world's finest chrysoprase, a semi-precious gem once coveted by Alexander the Great and Cleopatra.

Mount Macedon

Several other geographic features along the path of his third Australia Felix expedition were named after figures of Ancient Macedonia including the nearby Campaspe River and Mount Alexander near Castlemaine (named after Alexander the Great).


Nurata was founded as the ancient town Nur, in 327 BC by Alexander the Great.


One of the earliest literary references to Pilaf can be found in the histories of Alexander the Great when describing Bactrian hospitality.


Around 326 BC when Alexander the Great invaded the lower Jhelum belt to fight with Porus, this region was known as Dravabhisar.

Quintus Curtius Rufus

His only surviving work, Historiae Alexandri Magni, is a biography of Alexander the Great in Latin in ten books, of which the first two are lost, and the remaining eight are incomplete.


The closest airport is Skopje Alexander the Great Airport located near the capital Skopje, 108 km north from Radoviš.

Rainbow sherbet

It is said that sherbet, along with ice cream, was made from chilled wines and other juices in the era of Alexander the Great.

Rauvolfia serpentina

The extract of the plant has also been used for millennia in India – Alexander the Great administered this plant to cure his general Ptolemy I Soter of a poisoned arrow.

Red Jews

Andrew Colin Gow studied the original German language texts and concluded that the legend of the Red Jews was a conflation of three separate traditions: the Biblical prophetic references to Gog and Magog, the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, and an episode from the Alexander Romance, in which Alexander the Great encloses a race of heathens behind a great wall in Caucasus.

Red-breasted Parakeet

The scientific specific name commemorates Alexander the Great whose armies introduced eastern parakeets to Greece.

Regio Patalis

Siltation has caused the Indus to change its course many times since the days of Alexander the Great, and the site of ancient Patala has been subject to much conjecture.

Riverside Airport

Richard Lloyd Jones Jr. Airport, a public use airport with tower call sign "Riverside", in Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States (FAA/IATA: RVS)

Roger Peyrefitte

Roger Peyrefitte wrote popular historical biographies about Alexander the Great and Voltaire.

Saitō Chikudō

He knew the history of Western countries and was using Noah, the history of Babylonia, Alexander the Great, Aristotle, Napoleon and George Washington as poem themes.


The Sambation was also a popular subject in medieval literature, for instance, some versions of the Alexander Romance have Alexander the Great encounter the river on his travels.


Graeme comments to Bill that there are only three people who had ever received the "World Domination Badge" — Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar and David Frost (although, Graeme says, David Frost had actually pinched his badge).

Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century

Beth knows that Holmes survived and actually lived to a ripe old age, and further knows that his corpse is preserved in a glass-walled, honey-filled coffin in the basement of New Scotland Yard (this may be both a reference to the legend that Alexander the Great's body was preserved in honey, which does not rot, and also to the fact that, as stated in the original stories by Doyle, Holmes became a beekeeper once he retired).

Sikanderpur, Punjab

It was founded by Alexander the Great, as its name indicates (Sikander is how Alexander is called in many Eastern languages).

Skandalopetra diving

It was the only tool used by divers, since the time of Alexander the Great.


The remaining crew, together with new members Charlie Mariano (wind instruments) and Herman van Boeyen (drums) released the album Iskander in 1973, which is a jazz-rock oriented concept album based upon the life of Alexander the Great.

Susanna Centlivre

Joseph Centlivre was smitten with her when she played the role of Alexander the Great in Nathaniel Lee's tragedy The Rival Queens; or, the Death of Alexander the Great for the court at Windsor Castle.

The Kane Chronicles

Iskandar — 'Chief Lector' of the House of Life, from the time of Alexander the Great to the present day.

The Treasure of the Ten Avatars

Left on their own, the Ducks begin their quest, when they accidentally discover a stone pillar, dating back to 326 BC, and tells the tale of Alexander the Great's attempt to conquer the Punjab.

Tuna el-Gebel

The tomb was constructed around the time of the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great, and seems to have been decorated like this to curry favour with the new rulers of Egypt.

Yali Dream Creations

Besides Devi Chaudhurani, YDC has two other graphic novels in production: Warpath of the Kings, an epic action adventure depicting the little known last battle of Alexander the Great in his campaign for a global empire; and Scions of the Cursed King, a tale of love, lust, war and political intrigue set in a fantasy world inspired from Indian myths.


The castle was built on the place of the legendary tomb of Alamir-Sultan (Alexander the Great "Macedonian").

Attock Khurd

In the spring of 326 BCE Alexander III of Macedon passed into the Punjab (at Ohind, 16 m. above Attock), using a bridge over the Indus constructed by Perdiccas and Hephaestion.

Battle of Desna

The crossing had been successful and was often compared to Alexander the Great's crossing of the Granicus.

Brooklyn Station, Terminus Cosmos

Valérian and Albert leave France by air from Roissy (Charles de Gaulle) Airport.

Celestial Matters

In this world, the Delian League (Greeks) and Middle Kingdom (Chinese) have been fighting a war for nearly a thousand years, ever since the time of Alexander the Great when the warrior-culture of Sparta and the Athenian Akademe were fused into a half-world conquering force.

Citadel of Aleppo

After Aleppo was taken by the armies of Alexander the Great, Aleppo was ruled by Seleucus I Nicator, who undertook the revival of the city under the name Beroia.

Clément Prinsault

# De ceulx qui premier trouvèrent armes (he names Alexander the Great and Hector as the first armigers)

Haplogroup I-M438

Of historical note, both haplogroups I-M253 and I-M223 appear at a low frequency in the historical regions of Bithynia and Galatia in Turkey, possibly descendants of the Thracians, Cataphract of Alexander the Great at 334 BC, and Varangians, who are historically recorded to have invaded those parts of Anatolia from the 9th to 11th centuries.

History of Greek

As Greek culture under Alexander the Great (356–323 BC) and his successors spread from Asia Minor to Egypt and the border regions of India the Attic dialect became the basis of the Koiné (Κοινή; "common").

History of Jhelum

Modern research has fixed the site of the conflict between Alexander and Porus as within Jhelum district, though the exact spot at which the Macedonian king effected the passage of the Jhelum (or Hydespes) has been hotly disputed.


Under Alexander III of Macedon and the Egyptian Ptolemies(from 336 B.C.) the town developed into one of the great centers in the Ægean; Josephus ("Ant." xiv. 7, § 2) quotes Strabo to the effect that Mithridates was sent to Kos to fetch the gold deposited there by the queen Cleopatra of Egypt.

Legio I Italica

In the aftermath of the Roman–Parthian War of 58–63, Emperor Nero levied the I Italica with the name phalanx Alexandri Magni ("phalanx of Alexander the Great"), for a campaign in Armenia, ad portas Caspias - to the pass of Chawar.

Museum of Antiquities of the University of Leipzig

In the first decade of the 20th century, under Franz Studniczka, the collection grew again with around 300 valuable exhibits endowed by Edward Perry Warren and John Marshall, including an important marble bust of Alexander the Great.

Peter Derow

First issued in 1981 as Greek Historical Documents: The Hellenistic Period (Chico, Calif.: Scholars Press), it was somewhat overshadowed by M. M. Austin’s comparable (and excellent) collection of sources, The Hellenistic World from Alexander to the Roman Conquest (Cambridge University Press, 1980).

Pietro Citati

He has written critical biographies of Goethe, Alexander the Great, Kafka and Marcel Proust as well as a short memoir on his thirty-year friendship with Italo Calvino.


Pozantı has successively passed though the hands of Hittites, Persians, Alexander the Great, Rome and Byzantium.


He was conceived as the perfect warrior, extracted from the unearthed remains of some of the greatest generals of all time--Julius Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte, Attila the Hun, Philip II of Macedon and his son Alexander the Great, Ivan the Terrible, Vlad the Impaler, Hannibal, Genghis Khan, Grigori Rasputin, Montezuma, Geronimo and Egyptian general Xanuth Amon-Toth.

Skull Cave

The Skull Cave includes two treasure rooms, The Minor Treasure room with gold and jewels, and the major treasure room which includes invaluable, historical treasures, like the snake that killed Cleopatra, Excalibur, sword of King Arthur, the diamond cup of Alexander The Great, Shakespeare's original Hamlet script, and much more, including one of Alfred Nobel's first sticks of dynamite.

Standard 52-card deck

The United States Playing Card Company suggests that in the past, the King of Hearts was Charlemagne, the King of Diamonds was Julius Caesar, the King of Clubs was Alexander the Great, and the King of Spades was the Biblical King David (see King (playing card)).

The Humorous Lieutenant

It is set in the ancient Middle East after the death of Alexander the Great, and features the major historical figures of the era: Antigonus, his son Demetrius, and Seleucus, Ptolemy, and Lysimachus.

The Valley of the Thracian Rulers

As far as coins are concerned – they represented Macedonian rulers (Philip II, Alexander III, Cassander, Lysimach, etc.) together with single coins from towns such as Messambria, Apollonia Pontica, Enos, Lysimachia.

Three Versions of Judas

"God became a man completely, a man to the point of infamy, a man to the point of being reprehensible - all the way to the abyss. In order to save us, He could have chosen any of the destinies which together weave the uncertain web of history; He could have been Alexander, or Pythagoras, or Rurik, or Jesus; He chose an infamous destiny: He was Judas."

Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

FNTI is Canada's only Aboriginal owned and controlled college, offering program in Aviation (in partnership with the Tyendinaga (Mohawk) Airport), Law, Public Relations, Indigenous Community Health and the Mohawk language.


Andronikos claimed that these were the burial sites of the kings of Macedon, including the tomb of Philip II, father of Alexander the Great (Tomb II).

Vinko Pribojević

Its passionate glorification of Slavs (in which the book includes Alexander the Great and Aristotle, Diocletian and Jerome) and its strong pathos played a major role in the birth of the pan-Slavic ideology.


She is notable for fighting alongside her brother against Greek Macedonian King Alexander the Great at the Battle of the Persian Gate in the winter of 330 BC.