
unusual facts about Society of Composers, Authors, and Music Publishers of Canada

Advocates Library

Librarian Samuel Halkett began an ambitious catalogue, based on the rules of John Winter Jones for the British Museum catalogue of 1839, but with extensive biographical information on authors.


In 1996, a molecular phylogenetic study of the rbcL gene showed that Agapanthus was misplaced in Alliaceae, and the authors excluded it from the family.

Amin J. Barakat

In 1977, Barakat and co-authors J.B. D'Albora, M.M. Martin, and P.A. Jose described four siblings with familial nephrosis, nerve deafness, and hypoparathyroidism.

Andersen Press

Andersen Press specialises in picture books and children’s fiction and the authors that it publishes include Melvin Burgess, Max Velthuijs, Ralph Steadman, Quentin Blake, Jeanne Willis and Emma Chichester Clark.

André Pratte

The book counts 14 authors from various political affiliations: André Pratte, Daniel Fournier, Jean Leclair, Benoît Pelletier, Marie Bernard-Meunier, Patrice Ryan et Frédéric Bérard, François Pratte, Martin Cauchon, Pierre Gerlier-Forest, Hervé Rivet and Fabrice Rivault, Marc Garneau, Mathieu Laberge.

Andrey Kistyakovsky

Kistyakovsky's translations of William Faulkner, Robert Duncan, Charles Percy Snow, Flannery O'Connor and of some other authors were published in the former Soviet Union.

Aroon Tikekar

His Ph.D. thesis The Kincaids, Two Generation of a British Family in the Indian Civil Service was published as a book, exploring the lives of the civil servants and authors Charles Augustus Kincaid and his son Dennis Kincaid.

Australopithecus sediba

Because of the wide range of mosaic features exhibited in both cranial and post-cranial morphology, the authors suggest that A. sediba may be a transitional species between the southern African A. africanus (the Taung Child, Mrs. Ples) and either Homo habilis or even the later H. erectus (Turkana boy, Java man, Peking man).

Bernard Silvestris

There is evidence of influence in the works of medieval and renaissance authors, including Hildegard of Bingen, Vincent of Beauvais, Dante, Chaucer, Nicolas of Cusa, and Boccaccio.

Birds of South Asia. The Ripley Guide

Twelve other authors are listed as having contributed to this volume, including Per Alström, Nigel Collar and Craig Robson.


In previous years, guests have included prominent Canadian writers including Élisabeth Vonarburg, Nalo Hopkinson, Patrick Senécal, Geoff Ryman, Guy Gavriel Kay, Yves Meynard, William Gibson, Peter Watts, Karl Schroeder, etc., as well as internationally renowned authors including Samuel Delany, Ted Chiang, Michael Swanwick, Jean-Claude Dunyach, James Morrow, Valerio Evangelisti, Laurent Genefort, and others.

Bunny Guinness

Gardener's Question Time: All Your Gardening Problems Solved (with co-authors John Cushnie, Bob Flowerdew, Pippa Greenwood, Anne Swithinbank, and photographs from The Garden Picture Gallery and others, paperback, 325 pages, Bookmart Limited, 2005, ISBN 1-84509-189-2)

Chern–Simons form

The theory is named for Shiing-Shen Chern and James Harris Simons, co-authors of a 1974 paper entitled "Characteristic Forms and Geometric Invariants," from which the theory arose.

Child Online Protection Act

In addition to the plaintiffs ACLU et al., several witnesses testified in defense of first amendment rights on the Internet, including the director of the Erotic Authors Association, Marilyn Jaye Lewis.

Czech literature

The avantgarde soon split, however, into the radical proletarian socialist and communist authors (Wolker, Seifert, Neumann, Karel Teige, Antonín Matěj Píša, Hora, Jindřich Hořejší), the Catholics (Durych, Deml), and to the centrists (brothers Čapek, Dyk, Fischer, Šrámek, Langer, Jan Herben).

David Riazanov

Riazanov also edited the works of other authors including Diderot, Feuerbach, and Hegel.

David Waweru

Events, dubbed BookTalkAfrica have already been held in Nairobi and Kampala where people queued waiting to speak to their favourite authors.


Authors who have recently employed it include George Santayana, in his eminent Dialogues in Limbo (1926, 2nd ed. 1948; this work also includes such historical figures as Alcibiades, Aristippus, Avicenna, Democritus, and Dionysius the Younger as speakers), and Iris Murdoch, who included not only Socrates and Alcibiades as interlocutors in her work Acastos: Two Platonic Dialogues (1986), but featured a young Plato himself as well.

Generación decapitada

They all read this poetry in the original language, by authors including Baudelaire, Hugo, Rimbaud, and Verlaine.


The herstory movement has spawned women-centered presses, such as Virago Press in 1973, which publishes fiction and non-fiction by noted women authors like Janet Frame and Sarah Dunant.

Ivan Panin

Proponents of his work include well-known authors such as Chuck Missler.

Kris Kovick

She toured nationally with Sister Spit, a group of women writers that also included such well-regarded authors as Michelle Tea, Eileen Myles, Lynn Breedlove, Sini Anderson and others.

Leadenhall Press

Other authors included Andrew Lang, Egyptologist W. M. Flinders Petrie, Lady Florence Dixie (feminist sister of the infamous Marquess of Queensberry), Max O'Rell, Louis Fagan of the British Museum, J. A. Fuller Maitland, Grant Allen, and Count Eric Stenbock.

Leadership Institute

While the Institute does not provide instruction in philosophical conservatism, it does encourage its graduates to read classic conservative authors like Edmund Burke and "classical liberal" authors like Frederic Bastiat, as well as more modern conservative thinkers including William F. Buckley Jr., Russell Kirk, Barry Goldwater, and libertarian thinkers such as economists Milton Friedman and F. A. Hayek.

M. B. W. Tent

Her books have also received praise from other authors and mathematicians like William Dunham, Peter Lax, Cathleen Synge Morawetz, Charles Ashbacher and Peter M. Neumann.

Mathilda Malling

Malling's first novel was cited by prominent American psychologist G. Stanley Hall, in his pioneering study of adolescence, as a parallel to the famously frank (and accusedly egotistic) authors Marie Bashkirtseff, Hilma Angered Strandberg, and Mary MacLane.

Maurice Coindreau

He is notable for having introduced many canonical American authors of the 20th century—such as William Faulkner, John Dos Passos, John Steinbeck, and Ernest Hemingway—to the French-speaking public.

Michigan State University School of Hospitality Business

The School’s faculty was ranked number one by the Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research in “mean productivity” from 1992–2001, and in having "the most intensely" contributing authors amongst the Top 20 universities.

Mobile Public Library

The Local History and Genealogy Division includes works by local authors, Mobile histories, periodicals, Mobile newspapers on microfilm from 1819 to the present, city directories from 1837 onward, federal census records for most of the Southeastern United States, and the Mobile Historic Development Commission's survey of historic architecture in Mobile with 10,000 images stored and indexed on CD-ROM.

Nepenthes naga

In their description of N. naga, the authors compared it to the Sumatran endemics N. ovata and N. spathulata, contending that it can be distinguished from these species on the basis of its dichotomous lid appendage and frilled lid.

New Writers Press

In addition to work by Coffey, MacGreevy, Joyce and Smith, New Writers Press authors included John Jordan, Anthony Cronin, Michael Hartnett, Augustus Young, Jack Spicer, Tom MacIntyre, Patrick Galvin, Paul Durcan, Robert Pawlowski, and Antonio Machado (in Smith's translation).

No-knead bread

In 2007, authors Jeff Hertzberg and Zoe François published Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day, which uses a no-knead method of stored and refrigerated dough that is ready for use at any time during a 5 to 14 day period.


Graeco-Roman authors equated the Parthians with a Scythian tribe called the Parni (i.e. Greek Parnoi), which has been equated by some with the Panis.

Paul Sahre

Sahre's designs for book covers are well-known and includes series by the authors Rick Moody, Ernest Hemingway and Chuck Klosterman.

Pete Hoffman

Afterwards, he returned to Toledo and stopped by to see Steve Roper authors Allen Saunders and Elmer Woggon; he had met them as a student cartoonist and had been sending them additional sketches during the war.

Pippa Greenwood

Gardener's Question Time: All Your Gardening Problems Solved (with co-authors John Cushnie, Bob Flowerdew, Bunny Guinness, Anne Swithinbank, illustrations by Bunny Guinness, and photographs from The Garden Picture Gallery and others, paperback, 325 pages, Bookmart Limited, 2005, ISBN 1-84509-189-2)

Portals in fiction

Authors Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince also write of The Stargate Conspiracy: The Truth About Extraterrestrial Life and the Mysteries of Ancient Egypt.

Robert Desoille

Authors that cite Desoille's work include Charles Baudouin, Gaston Bachelard, Juliette Favez-Boutonier, Françoise Dolto, and Daniel Lagache; parallels have also been drawn between Desoille's work and that of Milton H. Erickson and neuro-linguistic programming.

Seitsemän Veljestä

Published in 1870, Seven Brothers ended an era dominated by Swedish-speaking authors, most notable of which was J.L. Runeberg, and created a solid basis for new Finnish authors like Minna Canth and Juhani Aho, who were, together with Aleksis Kivi, the first authors to depict ordinary Finns in a realistic way.

Slovene Union

Several public figures of the Slovene minority in Italy have been public supporters of the Slovene Union, including the authors Boris Pahor and Alojz Rebula, historian Jože Pirjevec, journalist, editor and historian Ivo Jevnikar and others.

Stalin and His Hangmen

The books are based on recent publications by Russian authors, Soviet archives, starting to open after the dissolution of the USSR and some private holdings, including the Nestor Lakoba archive (acquired by the Hoover Institute).

Talented 10th

From Talented Tenth and Preaching With Sacred Fire, Sho Baraka delved into books such as The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander, Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison, and The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien, along with various works by authors such as Phyllis Wheatley, Frederick Douglass, August Wilson, and C. S. Lewis.

Theodore Beale

In 2008, as Vox Day, he published The Irrational Atheist: Dissecting the Unholy Trinity of Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchens, a nontheological book devoted to criticizing the arguments presented in various books by atheist authors Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennett, and Michel Onfray.

Treaty of Benevento

One of the chief authors of the treaty as it stands was a young notary named Matthew of Ajello, later of much fame in Sicily.

Troy VII

These dates correspond closely to the mythical chronology of Greece as calculated by classical authors, placing the construction of the walls of Troy by Poseidon, Apollo and Aeacus at 1282 BC and the sack of Troy by the Greeks at 1183 BC.

Variation and Evolution in Plants

The other key works of the modern evolutionary synthesis, whose publication also followed their authors' Jesup lectures, are Theodosius Dobzhansky's Genetics and the Origin of Species, Ernst Mayr's Systematics and the Origin of Species and George Gaylord Simpson's Tempo and Mode in Evolution.

Ward Elliott

His results led him to dismiss the claims of 37 alternative authors of the Shakespeare canon and reject the authenticity of over 30 poems and plays of the Shakespeare Apocrypha.


Yu Huan also includes a brief description of "Zesan" which probably refers to the East African coast which was known to Greek and Roman authors as Azania, and what appears to be awareness of a route around Africa to the Roman Empire - "You can (also) travel (from Zesan) southwest to the capital of Da Qin (Rome), but the number of li is not known".

William Collins, Sons

Collins's Armada Books imprint also published similar series, such as the Three Investigators, alongside such British stalwarts as Biggles, Billy Bunter, and Paddington Bear, and such well-loved authors as Enid Blyton, Malcolm Saville, Diana Pullein-Thompson.

Young Entrepreneur Council

The bill’s authors worked with Congressman Cedric Richmond (D-New Orleans, LA), who proposed in 2011 creating an Office of Youth Entrepreneurship at the Small Business Administration.

see also