
2 unusual facts about Sophocles'

Habib Dembélé

Dembélé co-adapted and performed in Sophocles' Antigone and his writing credits include plays such as A vous la nuit, and a novel Sacré Kaba.

John William Donaldson

Of his numerous other works the most important are The Theatre of the Greeks; The History of the Literature of ancient Greece (a translation and completion of Otfried Müller's unfinished work); editions of the Odes of Pindar and the Antigone of Sophocles; a Hebrew, a Greek and a Latin grammar.


Lloyd-Jones, Hugh, Sophocles Fragments Volume 1, edited and translated by Hugh Lloyd-Jones, Harvard University Press 1996 ISBN 0674995325.

Jebb, Richard Claverhouse, W. G. Headlam, A. C. Pearson, The Fragments of Sophocles, Cambridge University Press, 2010, 3 Volumes.

André Dacier

The most important of his works were his editions of Pompeius Festus and Verrius Flaccus, and his translations of Horace (with notes), Aristotle's Poetics, the Electra and Oedipus Coloneus of Sophocles; Epictetus, Hippocrates and Plutarch's Lives.

Andrea Eckert

Her roles have included the eponymous heroines in Hebbel's Judith, Schiller's Maria Stuart, Jelinek's Clara S., Sophocles's Elektra, Kleist's Penthesilea, and Maria Callas in Terrence McNally's Meisterklasse (Master Class).

Auguste Vacquerie

His earlier romantic productions include a volume of poems, L'Enfer de l'esprit (1840); a translation of the Antigone (1844) in collaboration with Paul Meurice; and Tragaldabas (1848), a melodrama.

Bernhard Rudolf Abeken

Abeken retired in 1863, but nevertheless continued to teach about Sophocles and Cicero till his death in 1866.

Bryn Athyn College

Some recent Bryn Athyn College productions include The Glass Menagerie, Antigone, You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown, Wit, Into the Woods, The Crucible, The Miracle Worker, and more.

C. K. Williams

Williams is also an acclaimed translator, notably of Sophocles’ Women of Trachis and Euripides’ The Bacchae, as well as of the Polish poet Adam Zagajewski and the French poet Francis Ponge.

Colony High School

They have also performed other theatrical shows, such as Hairspray, A Dinner With Zombies (which made its theatrical debut at Colony High School) and Sophocles' Antigone.


The music was composed for Wajdi Mouawad's production of a trilogy from Sophocles titled Le Cycle des Femmes: Trois histoires de Sophocle or just Des Femmes.

Fotos Politis

He soon starts the translation in modern Greek iambic verse of Sophocles' Oedipus Rex and chooses one of Greece's greatest actors, Aimilios Veakis, whose memorable performance as King Lear at the Royal (National) Theater of Greece in 1938 has remained indelibly written in the history of 20th century Greek theater, to appear in the homonymous role.

Frank McGuinness

As well as his own works, which include The Factory Girls, Observe the Sons of Ulster Marching Towards the Somme, Someone Who'll Watch Over Me and Dolly West's Kitchen, he is recognised for a "strong record of adapting literary classics, having translated the plays of Racine, Sophocles, Ibsen and Strindberg to critical acclaim".

John Talbott Donoghue

It is a full-length nude sculpture of the Greek dramatist Sophocles playing a lyre while leading the chorus of victory after the Battle of Salamis in 480 BCE.

La Thébaïde

Thus, the young playwright, still fairly inexperienced, drew particularly from the Antigone of Sophocles, the Phoenician Women of Euripides, but especially the Antigone of Jean Rotrou and the tragedies of Pierre Corneille.

Miloslav Kabeláč

Suite from the music to Sophocles' Electra for alto, female choir and orchestra, Op. 28a (1956)

National Players

After 63 consecutive seasons of touring, this acting company has given approximately 6,600 performances and workshops on plays by Shakespeare, O'Neill, Molière, Shaw, Kafka, Sophocles, Aeschylus, Aristophanes, Stoppard and Peter Shaffer.

Nicolas Stemann

The first time he received national attention was through the production of his Trilogy of Terror in 1997 at Kampnagel in Hamburg and Hoftheater Gostner in Nuremberg (Antigone by Sophocles, The Seagull by Anton Chekhov, Leonce and Lena by Georg Büchner).


Such notables as Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, and Aristophanes established forms still relied on by their modern counterparts.

Rachel Carter

She has also just been named the program director for "The Classics Live," a touring troupe that brings classic works of drama (e.g. Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare, a dramatic adaptation of Beowulf, and Antigone) before a variety of audiences.

Shahrokh Meskoob

His major published works include translations of Sophocles' Antigone, Oedipus Rex, and Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath; he has also written Moqaddame-'i bar Rostam va Esfandiar (a study of the ethics of Ferdowsi's Shahnameh); Soug-e Siavosh (a study of the myth of martyrdom and resurrection in the Shahnameh); and Dar kuy-e dust (an interpretive study of Hafez's views on man, nature, love, and ethics).

Sinfonía de Antígona

The Sinfonía de Antígona originated from the incidental music which Chávez composed for a production of Jean Cocteau's adaptation of Sophocles' tragedy Antigone, given by the group Teatro Orientación at the Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City in 1932.

The Dead of Jericho

As do Ms Scott's neighbours, including the nosy handyman George Jackson, and Sophocles's Oedipus Rex (the latter also figures in episode 3.1 of the spin-off TV series Lewis).

The Years

At Oxford it is a rainy night and undergraduate Edward, the last Pargiter sibling, reads Antigone and thinks of his cousin Kitty Malone, with whom he is in love.

see also