
unusual facts about Stimulus-triggered acquisition of pluripotency cell

Stimulus-triggered acquisition of pluripotency cell

The technique for producing STAP cells was developed by Haruko Obokata at the Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH), while she was studying under Charles Vacanti, and then at the RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology in Japan.

Auditory evoked field

At 100 ms after stimulus onset occurs the most prominent response in the late latency range, the M100, which corresponds to the N1 peak of the auditory long latency response potential, or ALR.

Auxerre Cathedral

Stimulus was provided about 1270 by Jean de Châlons-Rochefort, who had recently become Count of Auxerre, having supported the Duke of Burgundy against his own brother, by marrying Alix, the heiress of Auxerre.

Basil Hetzel

This was part of the stimulus for the creation of the International Council for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders association, which is funded by various government, non-government and community organisations including the United Nations, the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition, UNICEF, the World Health Organization, and the World Bank.

Benton Harbor High School

In 2009, the school received a $52,000 grant from the U.S. federal government's stimulus program to upgrade its cafeteria equipment.

Broadband mapping in the United States

The Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) was funded as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (known as the "stimulus package") under the Obama administration.

Bryan Pape

his challenge to the constitutional legality of the Kevin Rudd Government's proposed $7.7 billion tax bonus payments as part of the $42 billion economic stimulus package in the High Court of Australia.

Building the Education Revolution

Economist Joseph Stiglitz commented in August 2010 that the government's stimulus package, including the BER, was well-designed by world standards and that some waste was inevitable.

California High-Speed Rail

On October 2, 2009, then-Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger unveiled California's official application for ARRA high-speed rail stimulus funding.

Claude Charles Fauriel

Fauriel had a preconceived and somewhat fanciful theory that Provence was the cradle of the chansons de geste and even of the Round Table romances; but he gave a great stimulus to the scientific study of Old French and Provençal.

Cognitive neuroscience

J.B. Watson was a key figure with his stimulus-response approach.

Differential accumulation

If the 2009 US stimulus package, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and proposed US budget are any indication, the 2008-9 crisis may see a return to the Keynesian state, at least for the United States.


According to the research done by Salovey and Rodin (1988), "more effective strategies for reducing initial envy appear to be stimulus focused rather than self-focused.".

Ermengol I, Count of Urgell

He was a stimulus to his nobles in making pilgrimages to Santiago de Compostela or Le Puy.


These authors recorded the activity in different brain areas when observers were presented with a Cornsweet visual stimulus, and compared the activities with those elicited by a similar image, which however did not elicit any brightness filling-in.

Fine Gael

The release of equity through the sale of the various state resources, including electricity generation services belonging to the ESB, Bord na Móna and Bord Gáis, in combination with use of money in the National Pensions Reserve Fund, is the means by which Fine Gael is proposing to fund its national stimulus package.


In March 2009 Washington Post reported that U.S. Secretary of Energy Steven Chu expressed support for continuing the project using stimulus funds (after some changes that have not yet been specified) and making it a part of a larger portfolio of research plants developed in collaboration with other countries.

GE Genesis

15 of these units have been rebuilt using 2009 ARRA stimulus funds and returned to service, now in the Phase V livery.

Giorgio Stassi

He has recently identified the role of certain cytokines, most importantly of IL-4, to block apoptosis in cancer cells in an autocrine fashion, i.e. the tumor cell itself provides the apoptosis-inhibitory stimulus by production of IL-4.

Great Victorian Rail Trail

On 29 April 2009, the Federal Government announced that it would contribute A$13.2 million from its community infrastructure program out of the estimated total cost of A$14.2 million needed for the completion of the trail as an economic stimulus and as part of the recovery effort in the wake of the 2009 Victorian bushfires.

Hitler's War

Ian Kershaw wrote that although Irving's thesis of Hitler's ignorance of the Holocaust in Hitler's War was almost universally rejected by historians, his book was of value in that it provided a huge stimulus for further research on Hitler's role in the Holocaust (which had not been widely explored until then) as a way of rebutting Irving.

Lactamase Bonus Compilation

This album is the bonus 10" and number 13 in the Lactamase series. If you collected all 12 records in the series (Tony Conrad/Edward Ka-Spel, Rick Reed, Stimulus, Aranos, Miroslaw Rajkowski, Vas Deferens Organization, Noise-maker's Fifes, Charalambides, Troum, Whitelodge and Coil), you were able to submit all 12 coupons (1 collected in each of the other 10"s) and receive this as a bonus.

Maine Republican Party

The new platform calls for the elimination of the United States Department of Education and the Federal Reserve System, the rejection of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, a freeze and prohibition on stimulus spending, and the prosecution of perpetrators of the "global warming myth".

Mark Zandi

Zandi's analysis of the impact of an economic stimulus package on the United States economy was cited by Christina Romer and Jared Bernstein in their report on President Barack Obama's proposed American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan, which became the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

Matija Mažuranić

By travelling in 1839 to Bosnia (from Karlovac, Sisak and Kostajnica, over Belgrade, on foot and horse, to Sarajevo, Travnik, over Romanija up to Zvornik) - Mažuranić has in a vernacular way, with no external stimulus or literary influences, as a connoisseur of vernacular literary genius, managed to create a piece which can be read both as an adventure and as a realistic account of seen and experienced.

Mighty Baby

As well as gigging regularly, the band also played many sessions for others, including Robin Scott (Woman From the Warm Grass), Andy Roberts, Keith Christmas (Stimulus and Fable Of The Wings), Shelagh McDonald, Sandy Denny, Gary Farr (Take Something with You, Strange Fruit).

Motion aftereffect

Neurons coding a particular movement reduce their responses with time of exposure to a constantly moving stimulus; this is neural adaptation.

Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument

In August 2010, funding to replace the windows at the closed center topped a list of wasteful stimulus spending examples in a report released by Senators Tom Coburn and John McCain.

Myogenic contraction

Myogenic contraction refers to a contraction initiated by the myocyte cell itself instead of an outside occurrence or stimulus such as nerve innervation.

Oddball paradigm

It has been found that an event related potential across the parieto-central area of the skull that is usually around 300 ms and called P300 is larger after the target stimulus.

Orienting response

In the 1950s the orienting response was studied systematically by the Russian scientist Evgeny Sokolov, who documented the phenomenon called "habituation", referring to a gradual "familiarity effect" and reduction of the orienting response with repeated stimulus presentations.

Output gap

The American Jobs Act reflects the liberal preference for spurring economic growth through stimulating demand, which it would achieve primarily via stimulus spending and reduced taxes on workers.

Paul Sabatier

This book gave a great stimulus to the study of medieval literary and religious documents, especially of such as are connected with the history of the Franciscan Order.


Alternatively, a pupilometer is a type of pupil response monitor—a monocular device measuring the amount of dilation of the pupil in response to a visual stimulus.

Sensory neuroscience

One common way to find the receptive field is to use linear regression to find which stimulus characteristics typically caused neurons to become excited or depressed.

Sexual fetishism

According to the DSM-IV-TR, fetishism is the use of nonliving objects as a stimulus to achieve sexual arousal or satisfaction.

South Rakkas Crew

The group's 2009 album The Stimulus Package was a longlisted nominee for the 2010 Polaris Music Prize.

State Library of New South Wales

The stimulus for this was David Scott Mitchell's offer of his extensive collection of Australiana, including the original journals of Abel Tasman and Matthew Flinders, to the people of New South Wales.

Steady state topography

Most SST studies use a visual stimulus in the upper alpha frequency range (10 Hz – 13 Hz) or gamma frequency range (30 Hz – 100 Hz) to elicit the SSVEP.

Stimulus control

In the quantitative analysis of behavior, stimulus control is examined from a number of perspectives, including Matching to Sample, and signal detection (Nevin, 1965; 1969).

Therapeutic target

Biological target, a protein or nucleic acid whose activity can be modified by an external stimulus


Signal transduction, any process by which a biological cell converts one kind of signal or stimulus into another

Types of artificial neural networks

Holographic associative memory represents a family of analog, correlation-based, associative, stimulus-response memories, where information is mapped onto the phase orientation of complex numbers operating.

see also