
unusual facts about The Catalogue

Kraftwerk 2

Kraftwerk has hinted that the album may finally see a re-mastered CD release after their Der Katalog box set.

see also

Adriaen Isenbrandt

Till-Holger Borchert - "Adriaan Isenbrant" in the catalogue of the exhibition "Bruges and the Renaissance"; Bruges, 15 August-6 December 1998; ISBN 90-5544-230-5

Alexander Nicoll

He first arranged those acquired by Edward Daniel Clarke, and published in 1815 a second part of the catalogue, which dealt with the oriental manuscripts; the first part, dealing with the classical manuscripts, had been issued by Thomas Gaisford in 1812.

Carl Eduard Hellmayr

His books included 13 of the 15 volumes of the Catalogue of Birds of the Americas (1918–1949), a work initiated by Hellmayr's predecessor, Charles B. Cory.

Crass Records

The catalogue numbers of Crass Records releases were intended to represent a countdown to the year 1984 (e.g., 521984 meaning "five years until 1984"), both the year that Crass stated that they would split up, and a date charged with significance in the anti-authoritarian calendar due to George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four.

David Shterenberg

In the same year he wrote an essay for the catalogue of the First Russian Art Exhibition at the Gallery van Diemen, in Berlin.

Giovanni Battista Bertucci

Crowe and Cavalcaselle also claim for Bertucci an Adoration of the Magi in the Berlin Gallery, there ascribed to Pinturicchio, and a Glorification of the Virgin in the National Gallery, given in the catalogue to Lo Spagna, who was a pupil of Perugino.

Gui Rochat

Examples of these are two canvases by the French/Italian master Michele DeSubleay or his Italian name Michele Desubleo, both now illustrated in color in the catalogue raisonné of his work, one of which was already recorded as lost, mentioned in his testament (cf Thieme Becker and Milantoni).

Guy Wildenstein

The BBC programme Fake or Fortune? criticized Guy Wildenstein in June 2011, after the Wildenstein Institute controversially refused to allow the painting Bords de la Seine à Argenteuil into the catalogue raisonné, despite the programme submitting conclusive documentary evidence to prove its authenticity.

Johann Weyer

Moreover, Weyer did not only write the catalogue of demons Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, but also gave their description and the conjurations to invoke them in the appropriate hour and in the name of God and the Trinity, not to create illusions but to oblige them to do the conjurer's will, as well as advice on how to avoid certain perils and tricks if the demon was reluctant to do what he was commanded or a liar.

Karchag Phangthangma

The Karchag Phangthangma (dkar-chag 'Phang-thang-ma) is one of three historically attested Tibetan imperial catalogues listing translations mainly of Sanskrit Buddhist texts translated to Tibetan. The title, in Tibetan dkar-chag 'phang-thang-ma, simply means the catalogue/index (karchag) from Phangthang (a place in Central Tibet).

Kenneth Rowntree

The Catalogue, which was written and researched by Steven Moore, included an introduction by Rowntree's friend and colleague John Milner.

La Mujer

Issued on the Mercury Records label with the catalogue number Mercury 4127, this single did not chart.

Lawrence Charteris

The catalogue of Scottish divines in James Maidment's Catalogues was drawn up by Charteris for his friend Sir Robert Sibbald.

Mary Miller

For that exhibition, she wrote the catalogue of the same title—a finalist for the Alfred H. Barr Jr. Award of the College Art Association—with Simon Martin, senior epigrapher at the University Museum, University of Pennsylvania.

Messier object

The first such addition came from Nicolas Camille Flammarion in 1921, who added Messier 104 after finding Messier’s side note in his 1781 edition exemplar of the catalogue.

Neue Künstlervereinigung München

The catalogue of the first NKVM exhibition lists 128 items by 16 artists: Paul Baum, Wladimir von Bechtejeff, Erma Bossi, Dresler, Eckert, Erbslöh, Pierre Girieud, Karl Hofer, Jawlensky, Kandinsky, Kanoldt, Kogan, Alfreds Kubin, Münter, Pohle, Werefkin, and is accompanied by 14 reproductions and a list of prices.

Nixa Records

Nixa Records was set up principally to market the catalogue of Compagnie Générale du Disque, Paris, in Commonwealth of Nations countries.

Portuguese guitar

In 1649 was published the catalogue of the Royal Music Library of King John IV of Portugal containing the best known books of cittern music from foreign composers of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, in which the complexity and technical difficulty of the pieces allow us to believe that there had been highly skilled players in Portugal.

Richard Risby

12, together with Elizabeth Barton, Edward Bocking, Hugh Rich, warden of the Observant friary at Richmond, John Dering, B.D. (Oxon.), Benedictine of Christ Church, Canterbury, Henry Gold, M.A. (St.John's College, Cambridge), parson of St. Mary Aldermanbury, London, and vicar of Hayes, Middlesex and Richard Master M.A. (King's College, Oxon)rector of Aldington, Kent, who was pardoned; but by some oversight Master's name is included and Risby's omitted in the catalogue of praetermissi.

Silverton Park

The art forger Shaun Greenhalgh and his father bought a copy of the 1892 sale catalogue and used the unillustrated catalogue descriptions to recreate items, for which the catalogue would provide a spurious provenance.

Simion Stoilow

In July 1947 he organized at Club de Chaillot the exhibit "L'art français au secours des enfants roumains"; Constantin Brâncuși participated, Tristan Tzara and Jean Cassou wrote the preface to the catalogue.

Under One Flag

Under One Flag bought the rights to a number of previously released thrash metal albums, among which a significant part of the catalogue of Combat Records.

William Ockelford Oldman

The catalogue of Polynesian and Maori items in Oldman’s private collection was published in sections in The Journal of the Polynesian Society based in the University of Auckland, New Zealand.

Xiqing Gujian

The supplement added a further 1875 items to the catalogue and included another 900 items stored at the Imperial palace in Shèngjīng (盛京, which is modern day Shěnyáng 瀋陽).