
3 unusual facts about The Culture

72nd World Science Fiction Convention

Iain M. Banks: a writer who has received both popular and critical acclaim for his science fiction novels published over 25 years, including the Culture series, and for 15 other books published under the name Iain Banks.

The Culture

Social norms are enforced by convention (personal reputation, 'good manners' and by, as described in The Player of Games, possible ostracism and involuntary supervision for more serious crimes).

In Matter, the Morthanveld Nestworld of Syaung-un is a "Sphere World" consisting of a complex, recursive arrangement of transparent tubes within tubes within tubes, all revolving around a small central star.

see also

Abort, Retry, Fail?

In 1993, Neil Howe published 13th Gen: Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail?, a sympathetic book about the culture of Generation X.

Afanasevo culture

The culture became known from excavations in the Minusinsk area of the Krasnoyarsk Krai, southern Siberia, but the culture was also widespread in western Mongolia, northern Xinjiang, and eastern and central Kazakhstan, with connections or extensions in Tajikistan and the Aral area.

Avenham Park

These include Preston's Mela, which celebrates the culture of the city's large Asian community and on Easter Monday children have traditionally rolled decorated eggs down its grassy slopes since Victorian times.

Azykh Cave

Archaeologists have suggested that the finds in the lowest layers of the cave are of a pre-Acheulean culture, one of the world's oldest (730,00-1,500,000 years) and in many ways similar to the Olduwan culture in Tanzania's Olduvai Gorge and the culture which produced the famous Lascaux cave in southeastern France.

Boian culture

The culture's geographical extent went as far west as the Jiu River on the border of Transylvania in south-central Romania, as far north as the Chilia branch of the Danube Delta along the Romanian border with Ukraine and the coast of the Black Sea, and as far south as the Rhodope Mountains and the Aegean Sea in Greece.

Bratislava Jazz Days

Bratislava Jazz Days (BJD) is a festival of modern jazz, taking place in Bratislava (Slovakia), usually at Park kultúry a oddychu (Hall of the Culture and Leisure Park).

Carlos Manzano

He worked as Executive Director of Mayor Michael Bloomberg's Latin Media and Entertainment Commission developing business plans to spur economic development, enhance the culture of the city, and attract tourism.

Celtic nations

Festivals celebrating the culture of the Celtic nations include the Festival Interceltique de Lorient (Brittany), the Pan Celtic Festival (Ireland), CeltFest Cuba (Havana, Cuba), the National Celtic Festival (Portarlington, Australia), the Celtic Media Festival (showcasing film and television from the Celtic nations), and the Eisteddfod (Wales).

Center for Justice and Peacebuilding

As urged by founding director John Paul Lederach, CJP has sought to avoid imposing North American models on conflict resolution on the rest of the world; instead it advocates strategies suggested by “cues and patterns elicited by the culture in question,” preferably by people intimately connected to that culture.

Conor Lenihan

In 2007 he banned Gardaí and Garda reserves from wearing the Sikh turban, saying "if we are to take integration seriously, people who come here must understand our way of doing things. When the President and Ministers travel to the Middle East, they accept cultural requirements of the country and the culture in which they are operating. It is a vice-versa situation with regard to Ireland".

Cultural appropriation

This is exemplified in the novel Crick Crack, Monkey by Merle Hodge when those who are colonized appropriate the culture of the colonizers.

Daniel Block

He lived for only four years in the United States but he made important contributions on the culture of the St. Louis Jewish community to which he belonged.

Das Pop

The release featured remixes from French DJ SebastiAn and Yuksek, and was called a "monumental new single from the Belgian electro band" in the Culture section of UK newspaper The Sunday Times.

Eesh Safari

The culture was a South African tribe, called the Zulu.

Equatoguinean literature in Spanish

After Macías Nguema was overthrown by his nephew Teodoro Obiang, who is still president as of 2013, the culture of the country began to recover slowly.

European folklore

The culture of Classical Antiquity, including mythology, Hellenistic religion and magical or cultic practice was very influential on the formative stage of Christianity, and can be found as a substrate in the traditions of all territories formerly colonized by the Roman Empire, and by extension in those territories reached by Christianization during the Middle Ages.

Gertrude Emerson Sen

Eventually she settled in a village in northeastern India, participated in rural life, married Indian native Basiswar Sen on November 1, 1932, and came to love the culture of her adopted country.

Good Faith Collaboration

Good Faith Collaboration: The Culture of Wikipedia is a 2010 book by Joseph M. Reagle Jr. (a Fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School), published by MIT Press.

Isaak Markus Jost

He was also a member of the Society for the Culture and Science of the Jews alongside Joel Abraham List, Isaac Marcus Jost, Leopold Zunz, and Eduard Gans.


I'wai, the culture hero of the Koko Y'ao in Australian Aboriginal mythology

J. B. Jackson

Introduced to the writings of two contemporary social critics, Jackson gained an insight into architecture and planning from the writings of Lewis Mumford and he was fascinated by Oswald Spengler’s revelation in Decline of the West that “landscapes reflected the culture of the people that were living there.”

John Tauranac

Tauranac wrote the guidebooks for the Culture Bus Loops operated by New York’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority as a freelance project for the Municipal Art Society (1973, 1974), whereupon he was hired by the MTA to write and edit “Seeing New York: The Official MTA Travel Guide,” which included a depiction of the subway in a geographic light (1976).


The culture along the track is a rich mixture of Hindu and Tibetan Buddhism.

Josyane De Jesus-Bergey

Influenced by the culture of Mediterranean peoples, several poems of Josyane De Jesus Bergey are dedicated to the Arab nations such as the Palestinian Mahmoud Darwish and the Algerian Mohamed Dib.

Judith Shulevitz

Before that, she was one of the founding editors of Slate, the culture editor, and a daily columnist for the magazine.


For centuries, jute has been an integral part of the culture of East Bengal, in the entire southwest of Bangladesh.


A sufi saint Shah Qualander to whom this village was dedicated rescued Dara's army from Cholera epidemic during returning from one of his expedition.The culture of this village is mix.The village is situated in between Jaunpur-Azamgarh and Varanasi-Azamgarh main road.Both main road is two km away from this village.


Education holds a significant place in the culture of the village, with many of the residents being teachers at the local school and also in the High School at nearby Gauripur town.


Well-known artistic personalities like Christine Lavant, Switbert Lobisser and Gerhart Ellert have done much to promote the culture of the valley.

Lisa Ling

Ling has covered the drug war in Colombia, investigated the notorious MS-13 gang, and explored the culture of U.S. prisons.

Maarten Jansen

Jansen is an internationally renowned figure in pre-Columbian Mesoamerican studies, whose particular field of expertise concerns the culture, history and manuscripts of the Mixtec civilization from the Oaxacan region of central-southern Mexico.

Monosodium glutamate

During fermentation, selected bacteria (coryneform bacteria) cultured with ammonia and carbohydrates from sugar beets, sugar cane, tapioca or molasses, excrete amino acids into the culture broth from where L-glutamate is isolated.

Moundville Archaeological Site

The culture was expressed in villages and chiefdoms throughout the central Mississippi River Valley, the lower Ohio River Valley, and most of the Mid-South area, including Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, and Mississippi as the core of the classic Mississippian culture area.

Nadir Ali Khan

Lately the French historian Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie has studied the culture of the small French village Montaillou on the basis of Jacques Fouiern's Register's.

Nez Perce War

The 1975 David Wolper historical teledrama, I Will Fight No More Forever, starring Ned Romero as Joseph and James Whitmore as General Howard, was well received at a time when Native American issues were receiving wider exposure in the culture.

Paro District

The National Museum of Bhutan, where visitors can learn about the culture of Bhutan.

Pereira Maintains

Its story follows Pereira, a journalist for the culture column of a small Lisbon newspaper, as he struggles with his conscience and the restrictions of the fascist regime of Antonio Salazar.

Piper Reed

Mary Edwards Wertsch Journalist, Author & Military Brat, wrote the seminal work on the culture, social psychology of military brats.


Like Mawangdui and Guodian, two other tombs from the area of the old state of Chu, the Shuanggudui find has shed great light on the culture and practices of the early Han dynasty.

Somaclonal variation

Another way of reducing somaclonal variation is to avoid 2,4-D in the culture medium, as this hormone is known to introduce variation.

South Turkmenistan Complex Archaeological Expedition

The culture of Geoksyurtepe was correlated with an eastern Anau group of tribes linked to Elam and Mesopotamia.

Starčevo site

The culture of Starčevo is connected with other cites from Balkan and middle Europe where they use the term Starčevo-Keres-Kris culture in Hungary and Romania cites to symbolize the union of three close culture: culture of Starčevo, culture of Kereska and culture of Kris all of them located on the region of today southeast Hungary, Serbia and Romania.

Temirkhan Dosmukhanbetov

Nazarbayev then appointed Ermukhamet Ertysbayev, previously the Culture, Information, and Sport Minister, the Minister of the new Culture and Information Ministry while making Dosmukhanbetov the Minister of the new Tourism and Sport Ministry.

The Oakridge School

Oakridge partners with the Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA), founded by coach and author Jim Thompson in 1998, to transform the culture of youth and high school sports so that every student-athlete can have a positive, character-building experience.

The Rebel Sell

The Rebel Sell: Why the culture can't be jammed (U.S. release: Nation of Rebels: Why Counterculture Became Consumer Culture) is a non-fiction book written by Canadian authors Joseph Heath and Andrew Potter in 2004.

Vincuk Viačorka

Vincuk Viačorka worked as a professor at the Minsk State Pedagogical Institute and the Belarusian Humanities Lyceum, as a journalist and the deputy chief redactor of the culture magazine "Spadčyna" (Спадчына).

Voyage in the Dark

Through the character of Anna, Voyage in the Dark presents the tension between wanting to be integrated into English society and simultaneously resisting it, a trait it shares with other works of modernist literature written by Anglophone authors such as the Maori writer Witi Ihimaera, whose characters express a desire to engage with and absorb the best of the colonial legacy, yet simultaneously seek to assert their own identity and to avoid becoming absorbed by the culture of the colonial power.

Willard Hughes Rollings

He held a postdoctoral fellowship at the D'Arcy McNickle Center for the History of the American Indian at the Newberry Library in Chicago and a Fulbright Scholarship to New Zealand, where he studied the culture and history of the Māori and also spent time in Christchurch and Wellington.


Founded in 1982 with the intention of bridging the culture gap between the Native American population in the area and their non-Native neighbors in a time of heightened racial tension, the station is now a fixture of the northwestern Wisconsin airwaves, presenting a variety of programming, much of it presenting the culture of the local Ojibwa community and the wider Anishinaabe culture.

Zamboanga del Norte

Large foreign mining companies are in the causing adverse effect to the culture and traditions of the indigenous Subanon and even the poor Settlers.