Internet Message Access Protocol | Server Message Block | A Message to Garcia | Specific Area Message Encoding | Short Message Service | The Message in the Hollow Oak | Short message service center | Short message service | Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism | Message-oriented middleware | message | letter (message) | Java Message Service | Intercept message | Digital Message Device | Variable-message sign | variable-message sign | The Cosmonaut's Last Message to the Woman He Once Loved in the Former Soviet Union | short message service center | Short Message Peer-to-Peer | Message Stick | Message Passing Interface | Message passing | Interface Message Processor | Electronic message journaling | Digital Message Device (DMD) | A Message to Garcia (1936 film) | A Message to Garcia (1916 film) | Alternative Christmas message | AKPD Message and Media |
He is best known for his politically conscious song "Bad Times (I Can't Stand It)", which was a West Coast response to Grandmaster Flash's "the Message".
In 1983, the television adverts employed a "Green Cross Code" rap based on the hit "The Message" by Grandmaster Flash.
Their most well-known songs are "Planet Rock", "Looking for the Perfect Beat" and "Renegades of Funk" (which is one of the earliest political-conscious rap songs, alongside Grandmaster Flash and The Furious Five's "The Message").
We come back to when George is being arrested and discovers the message reveals the vampires plan – a "feeding" in Barrow, Alaska, which will take place the following night.
The message was then relayed to the submarine operating in the area: HMS Taurus under the command of Lieutenant Commander Mervyn Wingfield operating from a base in Ceylon.
On Christmas Eve in 1800, amid the French Revolution, knowing they could face the guillotine for their actions, Peter Coudrin and Henriette Aymer de Chevalerie established the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary with a mission to spread the message of God's love manifested through the Hearts of Jesus and Mary and through the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
Database-as-IPC: Using a database as the message queue for routine interprocess communication where a much more lightweight mechanism would be suitable
With the bless of Hinglaj Mata (Chief Goddess of Aghora) at Lyari district of Balochistan (Pakistan), Baba Keenaram started his spiritual journey with the message of social welfare and humanity.
The Kalurghat Radio Station's transmission capability was limited, but the message was picked up by a Japanese ship anchored in Chittagong port.
Meanwhile, Mughal reinforcements in the shape of war-vessels and imperial officers (Omraos) reached Ram Singh, along with the Mughal admiral, Munnawar Khan and the Mughal Viceroy Shaista Khan, sent the message that Ram Singh was sent to fight the Assamese, not make friends with them.
In a Huisgenoot article the magazine challenged Minister Pallo Jordan to comment on the song and the message it is said to contain.
In 1987 several people in the group formed a company called Parasoft to commercialize the message passing interface developed for the Cosmic Cube.
The Lady Eagles are a division of Missionary Athletes International (MAI), an organization committed to sharing the message of Christianity through sports ministry.
The third messenger was the Dipper Bird, who listened respectfully for six full days until Chikap Kamuy finally completed the recitation of the message.
As of April 2009, the message is Dr. Cox advertising the new season on ABC.
On Christmas Eve in 1800, knowing they could face the guillotine for their actions, Father Coudrin and Henriette Aymer de Chevalerie officially established the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary with a mission to spread the message of God's unconditional love as manifested through the Hearts of Jesus and Mary and finding God's mercy through the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
The Pope traces the message of divine mercy back to earlier books in the Bible.
Moreover, with the Kanji for eight, 八 (hachi), resembling a folding fan spreading out, and the symbol for Infinity, ∞, being similar to the number 8 flipped on its side, the message conveyed in the title is that "an infinite amount of happiness is spreading out in the eighth world of Misia".
This coin was reportedly designed by Benjamin Franklin; as a reminder to its holders, he put at its bottom the message, "Mind Your Business".
For instance, upon the death of the player character Little King's Story shows the message "LIFE OVER" and Catherine displays the message "LOVE IS OVER".
In conjunction with the New Zealand AIDS Foundation which has a particular focus on "high risk" groups within New Zealand, works closely to promote the message of "safe sex".
The message is recorded by Gildas in his De Excidio Britanniae, written in the second quarter of the sixth century, and much later repeated by Bede.
He lived during the days of Mogal Emperor Aurangzeb, preaching the message of peace and love and showering blessings on all mankind.
The location of her death makes it certain that Henry Glapthorne is the "one Glapthorne, who lived in Fetter Lane", that on 12 January 1643 was identified to the House of Lords as the author of the tract His Maiesties Gracious Answer to The Message sent from the Honourable Citie of London, concerning Peace (1643).
The final track is a deliberate misspelling of the band's name — the album's CD-Text reiterating this by listing the track as "The Story of Yo La Tango", followed by the message "Yes — it should be Tango!".
The angel Jibraaiyl (Gabriel) is the most important (prominent) messenger angel, as in Islam, he delivers the message of God (Allah) to the Islamic prophets.
Stories of Joy brings together five short films that carry the message of Joy of Giving through interesting stories.
One day, the prisoners got the message that the Scandinavians were going to be released and sent back to their home countries, but to Paltiel's misfortune, Quisling had removed the Norwegian Jews' citizenship, which meant that they would not be sent back.
His book called Experience the Message: How Experiential Marketing is Changing the Brand World is published by McClelland & Stewart in Canada and Carroll & Graf in the United States.
Marshall McLuhan is the most widely read literary theorist and is best known for his claim "the medium is the message".
It was discovered at Bamberg, Germany and it contains characters that must be translated from Greek numerals to Latin text using a key in order to read the message (a form of cryptogram), hence the document's name.
This blocks access to the cap by the decapping enzyme DCP2 and protects the message.
The theme of the magazine − a celebration of alcohol and the seemingly bohemian lifestyles of functional alcoholics − runs counter to the message of moderation commonly found in mainstream America: regular features include "Alcocomics − Cartoons for the sober challenged," "Post Cards from Skid Row" (featuring poetry written by and/or for the inebriated), "Wino Wisdom," and "You Know You're a Drunkard When..."
It is rumored that it was used to send the message to order the attack by a German U-boat on the RMS Lusitania.
Zakharov also remained involved in her local community; she used her political connections to help save her historic neighbourhood in Port Melbourne from demolition, and at one point painted "NOT FOR SALE" on her roof in order to promote the message.
The first was to bearing the message, as an eye witness, of the methodical extermination of Jews in Punar, near Vilna; her fellow Jews had not heard these details until then.
In the fiftieth printing, the author hid within the copyright notice an offer to give his prized 1965 Ford Thunderbird (which was featured in several photographs in the book) to anyone who actually read the message and responded.
Two versions of the message were recorded, both of them depicting Hughes surrounded by a wreath of holly, and backed by an instrumental version of Silent Night.
Guardians Awsiyā are protectors of the message or the nation such as Joshua and Yasaʻ (Elisha) and Imāms for the Shīʻa.
President Ayub Khan also sent telegrams to Nehru and Sheikh Abdullah with the message that as Pakistan too was a party to the Kashmir dispute any resolution of the conflict without its participation would not be acceptable to Pakistan.
The visual hierarchy determined with object would receive the message first - the Stage was Z-ordered and objects closer to the front got the messages first.
Dale Carnegie explains in his book the importance of the speaker-audience connection that is essential to the message being delivered during a speech or presentation.
Settled by monks from St. Gall and dedicated to Saint Quirinus of Rome, whose relics were brought here from Rome in 804, the monastery soon spread the message of Christianity as far as the Tyrol and Lower Austria.
Teleflora ran an advertisement during the 2011 Super Bowl featuring Faith Hill; in it, a man sends flowers to his girlfriend with the message "Dear Kim, your rack is unreal".
Through the message board, It's Alive Records owner Adam Ali sought out the trio and offered to release what would become the band's 2008 self-titled début album.
The Message of the Sphinx (Keeper of Genesis in the United Kingdom) was a book written by Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval in 1996 which argued that the creation of the Sphinx and Pyramids can be pushed back as far as 10,500 BC using astronomical data.
This presented a dilemma and also sparked a debate that reached as far as outer space when Frank Borman, an astronaut aboard Gemini 7, talked back to earth with the message, "tell Nobis to sign with Houston." Tommy Nobis instead signed with Atlanta on December 14, 1965 and became the first ever member of the Atlanta Falcons.
After the Godhra riots in Gujarat, disregarding her advancing years, at the request of Sonia Gandhi, she went from district to district, to spread the message of peace and communal harmony in Gujarat.
This joke email claims to be authored by the Amish or other similar low-technology populations who have no computers, programming skills or electricity to create viruses and thus ask you to delete your own hard drive contents manually after forwarding the message to your friends.
on systems that support the Message Passing Interface (MPI).
On May 1, 1995, the number of calls and threats rose to a crescendo when a conservative radio personality known as Mark Shannon read the message on an Oklahoma City radio station, KRXO, then owned by Diamond Broadcasting.