
unusual facts about The Nobility

The Nobility

To promote the book, the band played full-volume rock shows in libraries across the United States.

see also

1636: The Saxon Uprising

The Swedish chancellor Axel Oxenstierna seizes this opportunity to try to reestablish the power of the nobility in the USE.

Adalbert of Mainz

Adalbert convinced the nobility that hereditary monarchy was not in their best interests, and persuaded them to instead choose the relatively weak candidate Duke Lothar of Saxony, who became Lothar III.

Alexandrine Parakeet

The species is named after Alexander the Great, who is credited with the exporting of numerous specimens of this bird from Punjab into various European and Mediterranean countries and regions, where they were considered prized possessions for the nobles and royalty.

Bardi family

The nobility of the Bardi family has been documented since the year 1164, which is when Emperor Friedrich Barbarossa relinquished the county of Vernio to Count Alberto, along with “the right to confer the noble title on his descendents.”.

Bridget Holmes

She is best known as the subject of a full-length slightly over life-size portrait dated 1686 in the Royal Collection by John Riley, painted on a scale and "in a style...normally reserved for royalty" or the nobility.

Brotherhood of Saint George

Apart from Lord Howth, who had a connection by marriage to the new Tudor dynasty, almost all the nobility associated with the Brotherhood supported the claims of the Yorkist pretender Lambert Simnel, and some of them followed him to his crushing defeat by Henry VII at the Battle of Stoke in 1487.

Caterina Sagredo Barbarigo

One reason was that both sexes from the nobility mixed freely at the casinos, which represented a development the Inquisition wished to stop: women of the Venetian nobility had formerly seldom been allowed to mix with men, but during the 18th century, this underwent a sharp contrast, a development which started when Chiara, Maddalena and Laura Contarini, daughters of doge Domenico II Contarini, had stopped using the zoccoli.

Christina of Norway, Infanta of Castile

At Palencia, the Norwegians were officially met by King Alfonso who accompanied them to the city of Valladolid on 3 January 1258, "where she was warmly welcomed by all the townspeople, the nobility, and the clergy who were gathered there for the Cortes".

Conditional noble

The "nobility" of conditional nobles was rather local, which is demonstrated by such denominations as "nobles of Turóc" (Turiec, Slovakia) or "nobles of Szepes" (Spiš, Slovakia) (Martyn Rady).


While pure blood (so-called limpieza de sangre) would come to be placed at a premium, particularly among the nobility, in a 15th-century defense of conversos, Bishop Lope de Barrientos would list what Roth calls "a veritable 'Who's Who' of Spanish nobility" as having converso members or being of converso descent.

Felicjan Sypniewski

As with most of the nobility at that time, he was home-schooled first by private teachers from Switzerland, UK and France, then he attended one of the best secondary schools in Poland at the time, Saint Mary Magdalene High School in Poznań.

Franz Rohr von Denta

On April 14, 1917, he was elevated to the nobility, taking the rank of Baron and the title Rohr von Denta.

Franz von Hillenbrand

They gave the nobility letter from Kaiser Franz von Lotharingien in 1757, when the family lived in Augsburg.

Friulian Revolt of 1511

It was the magi or event that raised the public opinion since for various years all the region was shaken by disputes and skirmishes stirred up by the peasants against the nobility, their families, soldiers, servants or their representatives (clashes occurred with Spilimbergo, Maniago, Valvasone, Portogruaro, Colloredo, Tarcento).

Fruela II of Asturias

He assassinated Gebuldo and Aresindo, sons of Olmundo, who claimed descent from King Witiza, and thus further alienated the nobility.

George Throckmorton

Their daughter, Muriel Throckmorton, married Thomas Tresham, and is the ancestor of prominent members of the royal family and the nobility, including Diana, Princess of Wales, Sarah, Duchess of York, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall and HM Elizabeth II.

Gorgona Abbey

The abbey was re-founded in 1051, when the Mediterranean was more secure, and received endowments from the nobility of Pisa and the rest of Tuscany, and of Corsica.

Hendrik Van der Noot

The Statists led by Van der Noot strived for the restoration of old privileges of the nobility and the church such as the "Joyous Entry" and sought cooperation with the Dutch Republic.

Henry Cary, 1st Viscount Falkland

Falkland believed that his difficulties with the nobility had been largely due to the intrigues of the Lord Chancellor of Ireland, Adam, Lord Loftus, After the dissolution of the assembly of the nobility in 1627, he brought a charge against Loftus of malversation, and of giving encouragement to the nobility to refuse supplies.

House of Commons of England

The division of the Parliament of England into two houses occurred during the reign of Edward III: in 1341 the Commons met separately from the nobility and clergy for the first time, creating in effect an Upper Chamber and a Lower Chamber, with the knights and burgesses sitting in the latter.


In addition to giving Ingelmarius control of the vast conquests and rights of Altruda's first husband (including the city of Geraci), the marriage also raised Ingelmarius up socially into the nobility.

Jobst II, Count of Hoya

In 1532, Jobst dissolved the abbey in Bücken and other monasteries in Hoya; only the abbey in Bassum was allowed to continue as a befitting place for unmarried daughters of the nobility.

K. B. McFarlane

The main sources for his scholarship are the book Lancastrian Kings and Lollard Knights, his Ford Lectures from 1953 published in 1980 as The Nobility of Later Medieval England, and the essays and shorter articles published by his student G. L. Harriss in 1981 under the title England in the Fifteenth Century.

Korean nobility

In Silla, the nobility was long split into two classes: sacred bone, which meant eligibility for the royal succession, and true bone, until the former was extinguished.

Lanner Falcon

Merret (1666) claimed that the "lanar" lived in Sherwood Forest and the Forest of Dean in England; such populations would seem to derive from escaped hunting birds of the nobility.

Nicola Grimaldi I

Nicola Grimaldi (1645–1717) was born at the Castello della Pietra, Naples, a member of the noble Grimaldi family of Genoa.

Nikita Zotov

Most 17th-century Muscovites received little education, and there were low levels of literacy even among the nobility, education for whom typically consisted of a little reading, writing, and a small amount of history and geography.


Its members are generally considered to be part of the nobility of the various Yoruba kingdoms of West Africa.


In the aftermath of the Seven Years' War (1756–1763) that had ravaged the country Prussian King Frederick the Great introduced the Pfandbrief system with a ”cabinets-order” to ease credit shortage for the nobility.

Pope Innocent III

It was directed not only against heretical Christians, but also the nobility of Toulouse and vassals of the Crown of Aragon.


Rapperswil Castle and the fortifications of the former locus Endingen (given by Einsiedeln Abbey) were built by Count Rudolf II and his son Rudolf III of Rapperswil around 1220/29: The town was founded when the nobility of Rapperswil moved from Altendorf (SZ) across the lake to Rapperswil.

Recreational fishing

These were major interests of the nobility, and the publisher, Wynkyn de Worde, was concerned that the book should be kept from those who were not gentlemen, since their immoderation in angling might "utterly destroy it".


Reylander is a surname of Austrian origin and sometimes used as von Reylander as part of the Austrian nobility, normally used the title Baron until the nobility was officially abolished in 1919 after the fall of Austria-Hungary.

Rhina, Hesse

The neighboring village of Werdha was the seat of the nobility and Rhina belonged to the canton of Holzheim.


He was opposed by the nobility but supported by the burgesses and yeomanry, and the king had Kraus write the suite for this occasion, consisting of a march based on the March of the Priests from Mozart's Idomeneo, and a symphony.


It is known as the "Garden of the Serenissima" after the many palaces that were constructed along the river Livenza for the nobility of the Most Serene Republic of Venice.

Saint Ermengol

He was often at odds with the nobility of Urgell and he assisted in the construction of many public works.


Though normally worn by farmers, wealthy and landed Christian Filipinos and mestizos (especially the members of the nobility called the Principalía) would also wear the salakót.

Sione Sangster Saulala

Lord Tuʻihaʻateiho, a representative of the nobility from Haʻapai, was quoted by the Taimi Media Network as pointing out that, under the amendment, persons convicted of unlicenced possession of firearms would no longer lose the right to hold government office, including a seat in Parliament.


Count Alexey Orlov of Russia obtained many Arabians, including Smetanka, from the nobility of the Ottoman Empire and other sources tracing to the Bedouin of the Arabian peninsula.

Stahleck Castle

However, although the castle was no longer the administrative centre of the Palatinate, important gatherings of the nobility continued to take place there into the 15th century, including the election of Ludwig IV as King of Germany in May 1314 and the wedding of Emperor Charles IV and Anna, only daughter of Rudolf II, Count Palatine, on 4 March 1349.

Thief II: The Metal Age

He charms the nobility into taking his "Servants" (vagabonds, beggars, lepers and prostitutes converted into placid slaves via ancient, bizarre enslavement masks salvaged from the destroyed city of Karath-Din) who are equipped with a gas canister.

Thomas Wijck

Thomas Wijck painted a View of London before the fire, and another of the north bank of the Thames, from Southwark, exhibiting the mansions of the nobility in the Strand.

Young Bengal

: free will, free ordination, fate, faith, the sacredness of truth, the high duty of cultivating virtue, and the meanness of vice, the nobility of patriotism, the attributes of God, and the arguments for and against the existence of the deity as these have been set forth in Hume on one side, and Reid, Dugald Stewart and Brosn on the other, the hollowness of idolatry and the shames of priesthood.