
unusual facts about Thou

Upside Down

Linguistically the song is notable for its use of the archaic form of the second person singular pronoun, Thou/Thee, in the phrase: "Respectfully I say to thee I'm aware that you're cheatin'."

Abd Allah ibn Abbas

Al Hakim records on the authority of ibn Abbas that Mohammed advanced, carrying upon his neck Hassan ibn Ali, and a man met him and said, 'an excellent steed thou ridest, lad!'.

Anga Kingdom

The Rishi replied, 'No, they are mine. They were begotten by me upon a Sudra woman. The king Vali then again sent unto him his queen Sudeshna. The Rishi by merely touching her said, 'Thou shalt have five children named Anga, Vanga, Kalinga, Pundra and Suhma.

Ashes to Ashes

It is based on scriptural texts such as "Dust thou art, and unto dust thou shalt return" (Genesis 3:19), and "I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee" (Ezekiel 28:18).

Bares y Fondas

# "Vos Sin Sentimiento" ("Thou Without Feeling") (Flavio Cianciarulo) – 4:38

Blue Ridge Quartet

1965 The Blue Ridge Quartet (Canaan Records CA-4605/CAS-9605): The Streets Of Gold; Precious Memories; Lord I'm Coming Home; I Dreamed I Searched Heaven For You; Not My Will; Stop And Pray; Lead Me Guide Me; Mansion Can't Be Bought; Suppertime; The Haven Of Rest; How Great Thou Art; Take My Hand.

Cakes and Ale

Maugham drew his title from the remark of Sir Toby Belch to Malvolio in William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night: "Dost thou think, because thou art virtuous, there shall be no more cakes and ale?" Cakes and ale are the emblems of the good life in the tagline to the fable attributed to Aesop, "The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse": "Better beans and bacon in peace than cakes and ale in fear".

Come Thou Long Expected Jesus

Fernando Ortega also recorded "Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus" on his 2011 album, "Christmas Songs".

Derekh Eretz Rabbah

This sentence was amplified by a later editor, who added: "This rule of behavior is taught out of the mouth of God Himself, who stood at the gate of paradise and called to Adam, 'Where art thou?'" (Gen. iii. 9); and to this is added the story of a journey of Jewish scholars to Ancient Rome, and how they comported themselves there (section v.).

Elbeg Nigülesügchi Khan

As the Taifu entered the ger, Lady Öljeitü gave him a cup and says: “Thou raisedst me to a high noble rank. I was a Behichi, thou madest me a Taihu. I was a Princess, thou madest me a Queen.”

Eleazar ben Arach

Eleazar also distinguished himself in the mystical interpretation of the Tanakh, and to such an extent as to call forth his master's ecstatic exclamation, "Happy are thou, O father Abraham, from whose loins sprang Eleazar ben Arach" (Jerusalem Talmud, Hagigah ii. 77a).

Grammatical conjugation

Some historic verb forms are used by Shakespeare as slightly archaic or more formal variants (I do, thou dost, she doth, typically used by nobility) of the modern forms.

John Warr

John in fact in these two Tests took one for 281, which caused a few of us thereafter childishly to hum in his presence the Ancient and Modern Hymn number 281, 'Lead us Heavenly Father, lead us', with emphasis on the lines "Lone and Dreary, Faint and Weary, Through the Desert thou did'st go."

League of Christian Socialists

In its manifesto of principles called "God, Thyself, Thy neighbour", the BCS took the second commandment of Christ from the Gospel of Matthew, "Thou shall love thy neighbour like thyself", as its leading principle.

Malcolm Boyle

His anthem "Thou, O God, art praised in Sion" still enjoys a place in the musical repertoire of the Anglican Communion.

Maria Zambaco

In Georgiana Burne-Jones's The Memorials of Edward Burne-Jones, the affair is not mentioned but the years 1868-71 are described as 'Heart, thou and I here, sad and alone'.

Michael Boatman

Later, he appeared in the feature films The Peacemaker, with George Clooney and Nicole Kidman, and Woman Thou Art Loosed, and in several made-for-TV movies.

Michael Parenti

In addition, he was interviewed for two episodes of the Showtime series Penn & Teller: Bullshit!, speaking briefly about the Dalai Lama (Episode 305 – Holier Than Thou) and patriotism (Episode 508 – Mount Rushmore).

Nancy Ruth

In 2010, Nancy Ruth took credit for the Throne Speech's including a proposal to study changing the line of "O Canada" from "all thy sons command" to "thou dost in us command", the original wording.

Nicolas de Thou

De Thou became a canon of the Cathedral of Paris in 1547, and Bishop of Chartres by a bull of April 8, 1573.

Nicolas de Thou (1528 – November 5, 1598) was an eminent French cleric, Bishop of Chartres, and in politics a figure instrumental in the coronation of Henry IV of France, the first monarch of the Bourbon dynasty in France.


NuBlues were discovered by Grammy Award-winning artist Chris Thomas King, known to many for his performance in O’ Brother Where Art Thou, but well known also as a performer in his own right.

Pat Toomay

Their first rule, "Thou Shalt Not Seek Publicity", kept their members (Toomay, Blaine Nye and Larry Cole) out of the limelight.

Pirsig's metaphysics of Quality

In 1950, Pirsig continued his philosophical studies at Banaras Hindu University, where he came across the Sanskrit doctrine of Tat tvam asi—in his words, "Thou art that, which asserts that everything you think you are (Subjective), and everything you think you perceive (Objective), are undivided. To fully realize this lack of division is to become enlightened."

Rabbi Ishmael

He said, "The Scripture tells us, 'Thou shalt teach them the things thou hast seen at Horeb to thy sons and to thy sons' sons;' and how may one live to teach his sons' sons unless one marries early?" (Deuteronomy 4:9 Yerushalmi Kiddushin, i. 29b; Kiddushin 61a)

Sacred ashes

In Christianity, on Ash Wednesday, ashes of burnt palm leaves and fronds left over from Palm Sunday, mixed with olive oil, are applied in a cross-form on the forehead of the believer as a reminder of his inevitable physical death, with the intonation: "Dust thou art, and to dust will return" from Genesis 3:19 in the Old Testament.


Moses was disquieted when he looked upon them, but Metatron embraced him, and said, "Moses, Moses, thou favorite of God, fear not, and be not terrified," and Moses became calm.


Being ashamed they bowed and prayed that, "In fact, thou are Shakti, we all - Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are capable by getting Shakti from you."

Solomon Perel

The Dutch playwright Carl Slotboom wrote a play based on Perel's story titled Du sollst leben (Dutch: Je zult leven; English: Thou Shalt Live), which was first aired in Zevenbergen, Netherlands, on May 4, 2012, which is also Remembrance of the Dead in the Netherlands.


In the late 1680s, the term appears in the satirical Williamite ballad Lilliburlero which includes the line "Ho brother Taig hast thou heard the decree?" In 1698, John Dunton wrote a mocking account of Ireland titled Teague Land - or A Ramble with the Wild Irish.

The Almighty RSO

In 1998, Scott (now known as Benzino) and Ennis (now known as Twice Thou) formed the group Made Men with Cool Gsus and released an album entitled Classic Limited Edition.

The Noble Spanish Soldier

The de Thou volume tells of how Henry IV of France reneged on a written promise of marriage to Hentiette d’Entragues, by marrying Marie de' Medici in 1600; both women bore sons by the King, who is later assassinated.

This Above All

The title of the novel is derived from a quote by Polonius in William Shakespeare's Hamlet (Act 1, scene 3): "This above all: to thine own self be true,/ And it must follow, as the night the day,/ Thou canst not then be false to any man."

Thou Art in Heaven

Unlike the full "Art in Heaven", "Thou Art in Heaven" does not include "Ode to Joy" from Ludwig van Beethoven's Ninth Symphony.

"Thou Art in Heaven" is a cut-down version of the 13-minute "Art in Heaven", which featured on The Art in Heaven Concert, live in Berlin on Millennium night.

Thou Art the Man

"Thou Art the Man", originally titled "Thou Art the Man!", is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe, first published in 1844.

Wiccan Rede

According to Don Frew, Valiente composed the couplet, following Gardner's statement that witches "are inclined to the morality of the legendary Good King Pausol, 'Do what you like so long as you harm none'"; he claims the common assumption that the Rede was copied from Crowley is misinformed, and has resulted in the words often being misquoted as "an it harm none, do what thou wilt" instead of "do what you will".

see also