After Isumbras, the Thain position became hereditary in the Took family, and at the end of the Third Age his descendant Peregrin "Pippin" Took became the 19th Thain of the Took line, the 32nd in the Shire.
A smaller clan called the North-Tooks lived far up in the Northfarthing; these were descendants of the legendary hero Bullroarer Took.
Wu-Tang Clan | clan | Tokugawa clan | Shimazu clan | Clan Mackay | Taira clan | Clan Cameron | Minamoto clan | Scottish clan chief | Scottish clan | Clan Sweeney | Satake clan | Oda clan | Hōjō clan | Fujiwara clan | Clan Ross | Clan Murray | Asakura clan | Uesugi clan | Mōri clan | Clan Donald | Clan | Azai clan | Takeda clan | Soga clan | Mori clan | Late Hōjō clan | Dulo clan | Clan MacDougall | Clan Line |