
unusual facts about Tribes

Ahmad Shah Durrani

He declared a jihad (Islamic holy war) against the Marathas, and warriors from various Pashtun tribes, as well as other tribes such as the Baloch, Tajiks, and Muslims from South Asia answered his call.

Aleksandr Baryatinsky

Baryatinsky also conquered many of the tribes of the western Caucasus dwelling between the rivers of Laba and Belaya.


Aligider is located ten kilometers to the west of Teseney and was home to the Barattolo cotton plantation where Hedareb tribes and 1500 ex-fighters and their families farm cotton, sesame and sorghum.


In Arabic, the corresponding term for the Biblical Amalek is Imlīq, whose descendants Al-′Amālīq were early residents of the ḥaram at Mecca, later supplanted by the Banu Jurhum, and formed one of the first tribes of ancient Arabia to speak Arabic.

Ancient towns in Saudi Arabia

In fact, after the demolition of the Ma'rib dam the kingdom of Saba' was divided into three tribal areas, one of the tribes being the Kindha, which was a part of the Sabaean Kingdom of Ma'rib.

Andrés Niño

They landed in the possessions of a cacique called Nicarao, and, after many encounters with the warlike tribes, penetrated to the interior and discovered there a large fresh-water lake, which they called Mar Dulce, or sweet lake (now Lake Nicaragua), and the volcano of Masaya.


Ankole-Watusi have played a pivotal role in the lives of various African tribes – Tutsi, Ankole, Bahima, Bashi, Bakiga, and the Kivu – although the Tutsi are most often associated with the breed.

Black Monday

Although now a relatively obscure event in history, it was commemorated by a mustering of the Mayor, Sheriffs and soldiers on the day as a challenge to the native tribes for centuries afterwards.

Bodonchar Munkhag

At the time Butunchar Munkhag was born (around 900CE) the Mongol tribes were located around Mount Burkhan Khaldun at the source of the Onon River.

Book of Tobit

This book tells the story of a righteous Israelite of the Tribe of Naphtali named Tobit living in Nineveh after the deportation of the northern tribes of Israel to Assyria in 721 BC under Sargon II.


Two years later, in 1221, the Mongol conquest pushed the Turko-Iranian Oghuz tribes including the Choudur from the Syr Dara region into the Kara Kum area and along the Caspian Sea.

Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation

The Confederated Tribes' traditional territories were along the Black, Chehalis, Cowlitz, Elk, Johns, Newaukum, Satsop, Shookumchuck, and Wynoochee Rivers, and near Grays Harbor and on the lower Puget Sound of Washington.

Harb tribe

The origins of Harb tribe came from the 2nd century of the Islamic calendar, when Qahtani tribes emigrated from the south of Arabian Peninsula to Hijaz around 131 AH for water and land space after some battles with their cousins Banu Ar-Rabi'ah bin Saad.


According to the Hesiodic Catalogue of Women, his sons were themselves progenitors of primary tribes of Greece: Aeolus the Aeolians, Dorus the Dorians, and Xuthus the Achaeans and Ionians through his sons Achaeus and Ion.

History of Khuzestan Province

In retaliation, Shapur II led an expedition through Bahrain, defeated the combined forces of the Arab tribes of Taghleb, Bakr bin Wael, and Abd Al-Qays and advanced temporarily into Yamama in central Najd.

History of slavery in Alaska

Whereas the continental United States mostly saw enslavement of Africans brought across the Atlantic Ocean, in Alaska indigenous people, and some whites, enslaved indigenous people from other tribes.

Kevin Buzzacott

In 2002 Buzzacott reclaimed his tribes' Emu and Kangaroo totems used in the Australian Coat of Arms from outside Parliament House, Canberra.

Khabarovsk Krai

According to various Chinese and Korean records, the southern part of Khabarovsk Krai was originally occupied one of the five semi-nomadic Shiwei, the Bo Shiwei tribes and the Black Water Mohe tribes living respectively on the west and the east of the Bureinsky and the Malyi Khingan ranges.

Khanate of Sibir

Throughout its history rule over the Khanate was often contested between members of the Shaybanid and Taibugid dynasties; both of these competing tribes were direct patrilineal descendants of Genghis Khan through his eldest son Jochi and his fifth son Shayban (Shiban).

Laxman Mane

His autobiography Upara (उपरा) brought to the attention of the public in Maharashtra the problems of nomadic tribes arising out of their social and economic conditions.

Louis-Hector de Callières

The treaty of Montreal (1701), agreed to by representatives of all the tribes, was the crowning result of all his efforts.

Lý Nam Đế

Upon resignation of his post he gathered the local nobility and tribes within the Red River Valley (North Vietnam) mobilized the imperial troops and naval fleet of Jiaozhou and successfully expelled the Liang administration and led the insurrection that ended in 543.

Mist, Oregon

The Nehalem River valley widens between Mist and Jewell, and was favored by the Native American tribes of the area for hunting; it was later favored by early European American settlers for agriculture.

Naga people

The Naga tribes live in the Indian states of Nagaland, Assam, Manipur and Arunachal Pradesh and the northwestern hill tracts of Burma, such as the Naga Self-Administered Zone (formerly in Sagaing Division).

Namara inscription

This is soul of Imru' al-Qays bin ʿAmrū, king of all Arabs, holder of the crown of Asad, and king of all of Asad tribes and Nazār tribes and their kings.


While the governor Gaius Suetonius Paullinus and his troops were busy capturing the island of Mona (Anglesey) from the druids, the tribes of the southeast staged a revolt led by queen Boudica of the Iceni.

New Mexico Campaign

The best men from the New Mexico volunteers were formed into the 1st New Mexico Cavalry with Kit Carson in command; the regiment spent the rest of the war fighting Indian tribes in the territory.

North Point Douglas

The eastern point of the neighbourhood was a traditional gathering place for Aboriginal tribes for ceremonial rites (while The Forks nearby was traditionally used for trading purposes).

Oxbow Regional Park

The two-day event draws up to 10,000 visitors who can see spawning salmon; enjoy music, food, art, storytelling, and a fish maze; and encounter a variety of traditional activities and cultural exhibits at Wy-Kan-Ush-Pum village hosted by the fishing tribes of the Columbia Basin, including the Nez Perce, Umatilla, Yakama, and Warm Springs tribes.

Pachycondyla analis

Matabele ants are named after the Matabele tribe of fierce warriors who overwhelmed many other tribes during the 1800s.

Patrizius Wittman

His "Allgemeine Geschichte der katholischen Missionen" (1846 and 1850) was the first treatment of this subject in German; the second volume of the work treats mainly of the conversion of the Indian tribes in America.


An Algonquian-speaking tribe, they were more closely related to the Abenaki tribes to the west, north and east such as the Penobscot, Piguaket or Pawtucket than to the other Algonquian tribes to the south, such as the Massachusett or Wampanoag.

Rawalpindi District

The Dhunds and other tribes of the Murree Hills, incited by Hindustani agents, rose in insurrection, and the authorities received information from a faithful native of a projected attack upon the station of Murree in time to organise measures for defence.


After the bloody fight on the Sambre (57 BCE) Julius Caesar sent Publius Licinius Crassus with a single legion into the country of the Veneti, Redones, and other Celtic tribes between the Seine River and the Loire, all of whom submitted.

Salazar v. Ramah Navajo Chapter

Amicus curiae briefs were filed in support of the Chapter by the National Congress of American Indians (joined by the Coalition of Indian Tribes and Tribal Organizations), the Arctic Slope Native Association, and the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America (joined by the National Defense Industrial Association).

Seistan Force

Raids on the lines of communication of the force were made by certain tribes of Persian Baluchistan, notably the Damanis of Sarhad.

Siegfried Frederick Nadel

During a brief fieldbreak in Al-Ubayyid Nadel wrote Black Byzantium on the Nupe (which would not be published until 1942) and The Nuba: An Anthropological Study of the Hill Tribes in Kordofan (which would not appear in print until 1947).

Simon Favre

At the outset of the War of 1812, the Americans were interested in assessing the alignment of the native tribes in regards to their loyalty to Britain.

Skagit County, Washington

Three Salish Native American tribes have reservations in the county: the Swinomish, Upper Skagit, and Samish.

South Turkmenistan Complex Archaeological Expedition

The culture of Geoksyurtepe was correlated with an eastern Anau group of tribes linked to Elam and Mesopotamia.


The two tribes that lived along the river Astibo, an estuary to the Axius, were the Derrones, named after their god of healing, Darron, and the Laeaeans, who minted their own heavy coins as a sign of their sovereignty following the example of the Greek city-states on Chalkidiki.


Sudhans are one of the major tribes from the districts of Poonch, Sudhanoti, Bagh and Kolti in Kashmir.

Teck Resources

After a long running court case filed by Washington state’s Native American Colville Confederated Tribes over environmental damage from smelter effluents, Teck Resources confessed to polluting the upper reaches of the Columbia River for nearly a century.


The Battle of the Teutoburg Forest fought there in AD 9 between Germanic tribes and the Roman Empire.

Torghar District

The British sent more than four expeditions to subdue the Black Mountain tribes between 1852 and 1892 because Ata Mohammad Khan Swati, the Khan of Agror and Arsala Khan of Allai, and his sons intrigued against the British government.

Treaty of Prairie du Chien

By this treaty, the tribes ceded to the United States an area in present-day northwestern Illinois and southwestern Wisconsin, as well as the areas currently occupied by the cities of Wilmette and Evanston.

Tribal-state compacts

As Marshall had already confirmed in Cherokee Nation v. Georgia where he labeled tribes as having a ward relationship to the "guardian" national government.

Turkic migration

Thus the ethnonym "Turk" for the diverse Islamized Turkic tribes somehow served the same function as the name "Tajik" did for the diverse Iranian peoples who converted to Islam and adopted Persian as their lingua-franca.


Urraca Mesa, a mesa in northern New Mexico on the property of Philmont Scout Ranch, which is the most lightning-struck place in the state and has religious significance to a number of local indigenous tribes

Vjekoslav Ćurić

Fra Vjeko, a young and capable priest, gained worldwide recognition during the time of the 1994 Rwandan genocide, when he worked to help the victims of both tribes involved, the Hutu and the Tutsi.

see also