
unusual facts about Truly, Madly, Deeply

Sous le sable

The plot of Sous le Sable bears some resemblance to that of the 1990 British romantic comedy Truly, Madly, Deeply.

Alice Beck Kehoe

She has studied Native American spiritual healers ("medicine people") and worked with Piakwutch, "an elderly deeply respected Cree man who served his Saskatchewan Cree community..." <2000:60>.

Angel Gang

Originally, Mean was nothing like his deeply antisocial family, so Pa forced a Texas City surgeon to come out to their hideout in the Cursed Earth and surgically modify him.

Archie o Cawfield

Bono was quoted in Rolling Stone magazine as saying the ballad was deeply moving since he felt a strong connection to the ballad's protagonist.

Arthur Bridgett

Bridgett was a deeply religious man, and refused to play on Good Friday or Christmas Day throughout his career.

Audrey Skirball-Kenis

The couple were deeply involved in philanthropy, largely in support of Reform Judaism.

Bad Shave

"...unique, customised but never self-indulgent or irritatingly inaccessible. It's as off as it's beautiful, as rich as it's lo fi... imagine Ray Davies emerging, blinking and bearded, Howard Hughes like, after years in the darkness and you'll have some idea of the deeply, deeply English yet marvellously, utterly alien world of Baby Bird." - Melody Maker

Barrie Rutter

When Trackers was performed at Salt's Mill, Saltaire "He was deeply affected by the raw emotion of speaking to a northern audience in a northern voice in a classical play".

Bruce Gillmer

Gillmer was deeply involved with the development and production of VH1 Divas, VH1 Hip Hop Honors, VH1 Fashion Awards, Behind the Music, The Concert for New York City, and a variety of other shows, series and events.

Charles Panati

As a radiation health physicist, Panati was deeply concerned about the accident at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, in March 1979.

Child pornography laws in the United States

CBLDF leader Neil Gaiman remarked on how this could apply to his work The Doll's House, saying, "if you bought that comic, you could be arrested for it? That’s just deeply wrong. Nobody was hurt. The only thing that was hurt were ideas."

Choi Kyung-ah

Her popular series Snow Drop is a story about star-crossed teenagers So-na and Hae-gi who fall madly in love.

Classic rally

For example, Monte Carlo Rally had long sections running through the Chartreuse mountains between Chambéry and Grenoble before crossing the Rhone valley and continuing in what was often the deeply snowbound and ice covered Ardeche, all in the same night.

ColdSpring Framework

ColdSpring has been deeply embedded within the core of the Model-Glue framework since Model-Glue 2.0.

Drogo of Metz

In 822, as a deeply religious man, Louis performed penance (for causing the death of Bernard of Italy and other issues), at his palace of Attigny near Vouziers in the Ardennes, before Pope Paschal I, and a council of ecclesiastics and nobles of the realm that had been convened for the reconciliation of Louis with his three sons.

Eberhard Havekost

In 2005, art critic David Pagel described Havekost in the Los Angeles Times as "a promising painter so deeply indebted to Richter's version of abbreviated Photorealism that it appears he has not yet come into his own".

Gary Wamsley

As with many scholars of his generation in the field of public administration, he is deeply influenced by Dwight Waldo.

Ghavam Shahidi

He studied electrical engineering at MIT, where he wrote a PhD thesis on "velocity overshoot in deeply scaled MOSFETs", under supervision of Professor Dimitri Antoniadis.

Guido Verbeck

However, in Arkansas he was deeply moved by the lives of slaves in the southern plantations, and the teachings of H.W. Beecher, a preacher whose sister was Harriet Beecher Stowe, writer of Uncle Tom's Cabin.

Habsburg Netherlands

Deeply disappointed, he entered into the disastrous Burgundian Wars and was killed in the Battle of Nancy.

Helmer Grundström

Grundström was deeply associated with the Swedish workers’ movement and is characterized as a proletarian author.

Interface Builder

It was invented and developed by Jean-Marie Hullot using the object-oriented features in ExperLisp, and deeply integrated with the Macintosh toolbox.

International reactions to the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy

The Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS) issued a statement that said "the inciting of hatred against a faith of a people is very unfortunate," and that "they are fortunate and deeply appreciative that in Singapore, the media and the community at large have always been mindful of sensitivities… and have helped to promote racial and religious harmony across society."

Ion Timofte

In a deeply touching atmosphere, Boavista supporters said farewell to their eternal number 7.

Jesus nut

Other sources suppose that the term may be coined as early as by Igor Sikorsky, a pioneer of rotor wing aircraft, who was a deeply religious person.

John Healey

In an interview with The Daily Telegraph in July 2009, the outgoing Chairman of the Sustainable Development Commission, Jonathon Porritt described Healey as 'just the most deeply disappointing person to work with' saying Healy took 'a spoiler role' with him from post to post that was 'deeply unhelpful'.

John Ruthven, 3rd Earl of Gowrie

Gowrie had thus been already deeply engaged in treasonable conspiracy when, in August 1594, he proceeded to Italy with his tutor, William Rhynd, to study at the University of Padua.

José María Obando

The conflict began when Congress passed a law to suppress small convents and monasteries and re-appropriate the land in Pasto, the law was not intended to punish the Church as the places in question were indeed small and sparingly occupied by mostly Ecuadorian clergy, but the deeply Roman Catholic province went up in arms at the involvement of the government in their religious affairs, even after the Bishop of Popayán had approved of the measure.

Kyle Bobby Dunn

In early 2010, a long form album that filled a double compact disc set containing five years worth of his music, A Young Person's Guide to Kyle Bobby Dunn, arrived on the UK based label Low Point, and was praised in various music journalism and considered a 'deeply affecting' work by The New York Times and 'his most definitive statement so far,' by Pitchforkmedia.

La Caletta

The town (est. 1,000 inhabitants, that become more than 10,000 in Summer) is today deeply dependent on tourism and borders, at its northern side, with San Giovanni, the coastal fraction of Posada.

Luigi del Riccio

Luigi del Riccio was an acquaintance of Michelangelo who was deeply hurt by the death of his nephew Cecchino Bracci.

Manlio Rho

In the late 1920s Manlio Rho was deeply involved in Como's engagement with the European abstract movement led by Wassily Kandinsky and Kazimir Malevich.

Maxim Kantor

As a painter Maxim Kantor, who states that "he didn't want to study under anybody and his father (the philosopher Karl Kantor) was all he needed" was deeply influenced by Michelangelo, Mantegna, Goya and Petrov Vodkin.

Michael Beddow

Michael Beddow is a British specialist in German literature, who is also a renowned expert in the application of XML technologies to web representations of literary corpora, and who is deeply involved with the work of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI).

Monty Halls

With his background as an ex-Marine Halls was deeply moved when his close friend and best man, Major Jason Ward RM was killed in a helicopter crash on 21 March 2003, the second day of the Iraq War (Operation Telic).


The reconstruction of two highly unusual archaeal genomes by de novo metagenomic assembly of multiple, deeply sequenced libraries via multi-locus phylogenetic analyses, from surface waters of Lake Tyrrell, a hypersaline lake in north-west Victoria, Australia, has led to the creation of a major novel euryarchaeal lineage, distantly related to halophilic archaea of class Halobacteria.

Nellie Stewart

In January 1916 she was deeply depressed by grief over the death of George Musgrove, until she was persuaded by Hugh Donald McIntosh to take up work again in a condensed version of Sweet Nell at the Tivoli Theatre.

Nuri Berköz

Along his military career, he was also deeply interested in history, Russian literature and Turkic languages.

Ocooch Mountains

The Chippewa, Black, La Crosse, Kickapoo, Baraboo, Lemonweir, Pine, Wisconsin, Grant, Platte and Pecatonia rivers and their tributaries create deeply eroded valleys that contrast the nearby peaks.

Philip Bounds

His book on George Orwell advances the controversial argument that Orwell's literary and cultural criticism was deeply influenced by the work of British communists.

Pir Ilahi Bux

Deeply moved by the Khilafat Movement, led by Maulana Mohammad Ali Jouhar, he soon left Aligarh Muslim University and joined Jamia Millia Islamia headed by Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar and did his B.A. from there.

Predatory mortgage securitization

A book titled The Crime of Our Time by author Danny Schechter delves deeply into the predatory securitization process and the financial collapse of 2007.

Prime Minister of Poland

Both before and after his 1990 election to the presidency, Lech Wałęsa had a deeply strained relationship with Prime Minister Tadeusz Mazowiecki, stemming from Wałęsa's belief that Mazowiecki was not aggressive enough in the dismissal of former Polish United Workers' Party members from senior government and economic positions.

Saffron Sky

"This lyrical memoir evinces the author's passion for constructing an American life with the spiritual fervor and deeply aesthetic rituals that were part of her childhood in Iran. Asayesh, who immigrated to North Carolina as a girl, writes too of her struggle to arrive at an acceptable sexuality in the face of parental panic, and tells of her frustration, during later trips to post-Shah Iran, with "the sisters," the Ayatollah's ubiquitous enforcers of female modesty."

Salim bin Thuwaini, Sultan of Muscat and Oman

Lewis Pelly and Henry Bartle Frere were deeply disappointed by the death of Sultan Thuwaini bin Said in their hopes for a military action against the Wahhabis and were well aware of Salim's opposing views and refusal to join the insuing war.


On 30 December 1443, Zbigniew Oleśnicki, the bishop of Kraków, bought Sewer/Siewierz from Wacław I of Teschen, who was deeply in debts then.

Stefano Bernardi

As such, he was also deeply involved in the musical life of Salzburg Cathedral, where he was one of the first composers to introduce the new Italian concertato style.

Stoličná hora

The west flank of the hill runs down to the River Elbe, which here at the Stoličná hora enters its deeply incised, narrow valley through the Elbe Sandstone Mountains.

Tuvia Tenenbom

Bruce Bawer, reviewing "I Sleep in Hitler's Room" for PJ Media, writes: "It's a book in a category all its own—deeply sobering, depressing even, in its observations of the darker side of Germany, yet at the same time so chatty and engaging and laugh-out-loud funny that it's hard to put down."

Yo soy Bea

She falls madly in love with her boss, Álvaro Aguilar (Alejandro Tous), the young, handsome newly appointed director of the magazine.

Zwi Migdal

Deeply religious, she made her mission to perform the sacred tahara ceremony of washing the dead and provide a proper Jewish burial for all her "sisters".

see also