
unusual facts about analogy


Adevism (from the Sanskrit term deva, on the analogy of atheism) is a term introduced by Friedrich Max Müller to imply the denial of gods, in particular, the legendary gods of Hinduism.

Alfred-Henri-Amand Mame

By analogy with the great ironworks of Le Creusot, the Mame firm has been called the literary "Creusot".

Analogical modeling

Analogy has been considered useful in describing language at least since the time of Saussure.

Analogy of the Cave

Evolutionary biologist Jeremy Griffith's best-selling book "A Species In Denial" includes the chapter Deciphering Plato’s Cave Analogy.


the mande of Barhoue, in the north of Saint-Palais, by analogy with the former, the original name being *Barrhurte (Barhourt, 1316).

Borromean nucleus

Such a nucleus breaks into three components and never two when disrupted, in analogy to Borromean rings.

Bridgeman Art Library v. Corel Corp.

An additional problem with taking the case as precedent would be reconciling it with the decision in Walter v Lane, given that an analogy can be made between the skills exercised by a journalist in verbatim reporting of a speech and the skills exercised by a photographer in exactly reproducing a work of art.


The Oxford English Dictionary calls "carnelian" a perversion of "cornelian", by subsequent analogy with the Latin word caro, carnis, flesh.

Chad Hugo

Hugo has been described by The Source Magazine as the "Mr Spock" to Williams' "Captain Kirk", an analogy that does not sit well with Hugo, as he does not see himself as "stiff" like "Mr Spock".


In analogy to activity coefficient models used in chemical engineering, such as NRTL, UNIQUAC or UNIFAC, the final chemical potential can be split into a combinatorial and a residual (non ideal) contribution.

Criticism and sonata form

Critics such as Olin Downes proclaimed the idea that the sonata form's vigor was an analogy for social and artistic vigor, and a defense against empty works.

Darwin machine

A Darwin machine (a 1987 coinage by William H. Calvin, by analogy to a Turing machine) is a machine that, like a Turing machine, involves an iteration process that yields a high-quality result, but, whereas a Turing machine uses logic, the Darwin machine uses rounds of variation, selection, and inheritance.

Desmond Ford

While Burnside was a dynamic presenter, Ford's biographer Milton Hook describes him as a fundamentalist (see: historic Adventism), and draws an analogy with a rugged, gung-ho cowboy like a John Wayne character.

Dutch Pakistani

Pakistanis in the Netherlands (by analogy to "Pakistani American", though this is not a widely accepted usage)


People in Romanian Moldova call themselves Moldovans, as subethnic denomination, and Romanians, as ethnic denomination (like Kentish and English for English people living in Kent - but the analogy is incomplete as "Kentish" only applies on the western side of the River Medway; on the eastern side are the Men and Maids of Kent).

Fleming's left-hand rule for motors

Michael Faraday introduced a visual analogy for this, in the form of imaginary magnetic lines of force: those in the conductor form concentric circles round the conductor; those in the externally applied magnetic field run in parallel lines.

Flying teapot

Russell's teapot, a philosophical analogy first coined by Bertrand Russell

Germanic Heroic Age

The Germanic (or "German") Heroic Age, so called in analogy to the Heroic Age of Greek mythology, is the period of early historic or quasi-historic events reflected in Germanic heroic poetry.

Gratis versus libre

The formal analogy, and the generalization of the Gratis/Libre distinction from Open Software to Open access (publishing), have been made.

Hair fetishism

In the story of Rapunzel by the Brothers Grimm published in 1812, there is an analogy to the beauty of Sif's hair with the story of a young woman with blond hair who is locked in a tower room, the only way to reach her being to climb the tower using her long hair.

Hyperbolic sector

The analogy between circular and hyperbolic functions was described by Augustus De Morgan in his Trigonometry and Double Algebra (1849).

Isolobal principle

For his work on the isolobal analogy, Hoffmann was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1981, which he shared with Kenichi Fukui.

James Tilly Matthews

The CSI episode "Lab Rats" (2007), Grissom uses Matthews' condition as an analogy in describing The Miniature Killer, a serial killer obsessed with bleach.


The CD spawned a music video to the third track, "Your Song", which consisted of a collage of self-shot material, in analogy to the Polaroid pictures on the cover artwork for Notes & Photographs.

Jesus Christ in comparative mythology

Christ myth theory proponent G. A. Wells still sees an analogy with the Resurrection of Jesus in the Pauline epistles and Osiris, in that Osiris dies and is mourned on the first day and that his resurrection is celebrated on the third day with the joyful cry "Osiris has been found".

Joseph ben Abraham

To him was due the reform introduced in the laws of incest ( 'arayot), he having been the first to protest against exaggerations of the scope of the hermeneutic rule of analogy (heḳesh) by which the successors of Anan had prohibited intermarriage between the most distant relatives.

Misiurewicz point

By analogy, the term Misiurewicz point is also used for parameters in a Multibrot set where the unique critical point is strictly preperiodic.

Nevanlinna theory

According to this analogy, 2 is the exponent in the Thue–Siegel–Roth theorem.


Richard Feynman used the analogy of a pantograph as a way of scaling down tools to the nanometer scale in his talk There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom.

Payload fairing

The type of fairing which separates into two halves upon jettisoning is called a clamshell fairing by way of analogy to the bifurcating shell of a clam.

Proving a negative

Russell's teapot, an analogy: inability to disprove does not prove

Right to vote in Singapore law

However, an analogy may be drawn from the approach taken by the High Court of Australia to the Australian Constitution.

Rubble pile

A close analogy to a rubble pile is a shot and wax slug projectile commonly fired from a shotgun as opposed to a monolithic pure lead slug, with the former having a lower density as it is loosely held together by wax and is composed of numerous individual lead bird shot spheres.


F. S. Kipping coined the word "silicone" in 1901 to describe polydiphenylsiloxane by analogy of its formula, Ph2SiO (Ph stands for phenyl, C6H5), with the formula of the ketone benzophenone, Ph2CO.


The term "sci-fi" was publicly adopted as an alternate form of "science fiction" by Forrest ("Forry") J Ackerman by 1954, in analogy to the then-cutting edge "hi-fi".


The volume change at the transition point is either discrete (as in a first-order Ehrenfest transition) or continuous (second order Ehrenfest analogy), depending on the degree of ionization of the gel and on the solvent composition.

Sonnet 37

George Stevens, finding an analogy in The Rape of Lucrece, glosses it as "entitled (ie, ennobled) by these things." Nicolaus Delius has it "established in thy gifts, with right of possession." Sidney Lee has "ennobled in thee", reversing the relationship between beloved and "parts."

Synthetic instrument

An analogy to this relationship between specific measurement hardware versus generic hardware with its function totally defined in software is the relationship between specific digital circuits and a general purpose CPU.

Tenth Crusade

In a Newsday article issued December 3, 2003, political commentator James Pinkerton offered a more positive interpretation of the crusading analogy.

The Consul

Zechariah Chafee, Jr. noted the topicality of the opera by analogy to the real-life situations of how non-American scientists were hindered from entering the United States in the early 1950s.

The Meeting at Telgte

Theodore Ziolkowski wrote in The New York Times that "Grass has chosen his historical analogy with brilliant precision" and that "the book is diverting as a history of 17th-century German literature, liberally sprinkled with quotations from the works and poetic treatises of the period".

Tim O'Reilly

He uses the analogy of the biome of the human body, having more bacterial than human cells, but depending upon millions of other organisms, each pursuing their own interest, but nevertheless weaving a co-operative web.

Typhoid adware

For the latter peculiarity it was named in an analogy with Typhoid Mary (Mary Mallon), the first identified person who never experienced any symptoms yet spread infection.

United States v. Crimmins

The United States Supreme Court rejected Hand's analogy in United States v. Feola (1975), holding that conspiracy to assault a federal agent required no greater mens rea than assault would.

Vilhelm Bjerknes

Born in Christiania, Bjerknes enjoyed an early exposure to fluid dynamics, as assistant to his father, Carl Anton Bjerknes, who had discovered by mathematical analysis the apparent actions at a distance between pulsating and oscillating bodies in a fluid, and their analogy with the electric and magnetic actions at a distance.


This model is called the Bingham-Maxwell model (by analogy with the Maxwell model and the Bingham model) or the Bingham-Norton model.

White Swan Hotel, Alnwick

The analogy was an apt one, as the room was decorated in the Louis XV style based on interiors at the Palace of Versailles.

see also