
unusual facts about biological research

Chinese hamster ovary cell

Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells are a cell line derived from the ovary of the Chinese hamster, often used in biological and medical research and commercially in the production of therapeutic proteins.

see also

73079 Davidbaltimore

The asteroid was named after David Baltimore (b. 1938), renowned for his Nobel Prize-winning biological research and for his vision and leadership as the seventh president of the California Institute of Technology (1997–2006).

Charles Darwin Research Station

The Charles Darwin Research Station (CDRS) is a biological research station operated by the Charles Darwin Foundation.

Gore-Chernomyrdin Commission

The sector of science and technology, run by OSTP Director Jack Gibbons and Minister of Science Boris G. Saltykov, included improvements of highways systems and other transportation issues, biological research, geological research, engineering, and oil and natural gas research.

Joachim Hämmerling

His experimentation with the green algae Acetabularia provided a model subject for modern cell biological research, and proved the existence of morphogenetic substances, or mRNP.

Jordi Folch Pi

In 1944, with only 33 years of age, Folch was appointed director of the new Biological Research Laboratory at the McLean Hospital (a division of Massachusetts General Hospital) and assistant professor of biological chemistry at Harvard Medical School to develop a program in Neuroscience.

National Centre for Biological Sciences

National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS) in Bangalore, Karnataka, is a research centre specialising in biological research.


SynBio, a biological research project based in Russia, which is developing treatments against types of cancer and other diseases.

Wau, Papua New Guinea

The Wau Ecology Institute is a biological research station situated near Wau.