
unusual facts about citations

Adele Simpson

Simpson received many citations for her fashion designs, including the 1947 Coty Award.

Alexander Creek, Alaska

There are a few private airtrips in the area, common destinations are the State of Alaska-owned airports: Big Lake Airport at Big Lake, Alaska; and Lake Hood Airstrip, Lake Hood Seaplane Base and Merrill Field in Anchorage (need reference citations)

Arsenio Lacson

For his service during the war, Lacson received citations from the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Sixth United States Army.

Baraita of the Forty-nine Rules

The Mishnat ha-Middot has nothing in common with the Baraita cited by the old scholars under that name: for the citations leave no doubt that the Baraita, even in its mathematical parts, was founded on the Bible; whereas the Mishnat ha-Middot is a purely secular work, and, possibly, it drew upon the same source as did Mohammed b. Musa, the oldest Arabic mathematician.

The Baraita of the Forty-nine Rules (Hebrew: ברייתא מ"ט מדות) is a work of rabbinical literature which is no longer in existence except in references by later authorities. Rashi, the Tosafists, Abraham ibn Ezra, Yalḳut, and Asher ben Jehiel mention a work, "Baraita of the Forty-nine Rules," and make citations from it (thus, Rashi, ed. Berliner, on Ex. xxvi. 5; Yalḳ., Gen. 61, calls it "Midrash"; Rashi on Ex. xxvii. 6 calls it "Mishnah").

Battle of Old Baldy

The presence of the Colombian ground forces had been awarded for their exemplary performance in previous fighting and combat, Operations Nomad, Thunderbolt, Climber(Hill 400) and Barbula (Hill 180) with Presidential Citations from the United States and South Korea and U.S. Legion of Merit, Silver Stars and Bronze Stars awarded to the men.


It does not itself contain citation styles (e.g. APA, MLA, Chicago), but through its integration with LaTeX it can automatically produce citations in any of the basic BibTeX styles, and can when used with BibTeX style-files replicate nearly any citation format.

Blink element

While Bert Bos of the World Wide Web Consortium has produced a Document Type Definition that includes syntax for the blink element (defining it as a phrase element on a par with elements for emphasis and citations), the comments in the DTD explain that it is intended as a joke.

Breathing Space Semantic Web

The project collates content from the European Respiratory Society and the American Thoracic Society, who together account for 30% of citations within the field of respiratory medicine.


Citationality is often seen as a typical feature of postmodernism, especially in its pop culture manifestations (consider how frequently a television show like The Simpsons or Mystery Science Theater 3000 makes use of quotes and citations).


Although originally distributed only as printed and bound volumes, citators are now typically on-line services such as LexisNexis's online Shepard's Citations, Justis Publishing's provider-neutral JustCite, Westlaw's KeyCite and the Oxford Law Citator of Oxford University Press.

Daniel Webster Hering

Hering also was one of the original citations for Martin Gardner in his work Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science in which it is argued he founded the modern scientific skepticism movement.

Danny Quah

Google Scholar Citations reports his most-cited works to include his paper on Vector Autoregressions with Olivier Blanchard and his papers on the convergence of Twin Peaked income distributions.

Ehrenfest paradox

Citations to the papers mentioned below (and many which are not) can be found in a paper by Øyvind Grøn which is available on-line.

Erysimum nevadense

Erysimum nevadense is a perennial short-lived herb endemic to the Sierra Nevada of Spain, although there are some citations in the nearby Sierra de Gádor (Almería).

Fragmente der griechischen Historiker

Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker, commonly abbreviated FGrHist or FGrH (Fragments of the Greek Historians), is a collection by Felix Jacoby of the works of those ancient Greek historians whose works have been lost, but of which we have citations, extracts or summaries.

Francesco Cancellieri

His essays begin with short islands of statements, but rapidly these are surrounded by an ocean of footnotes, an erudite diluvium of quotations and citations, resembling the style of the modern novel The Mezzanine by Nicholson Baker.

Fu Szeto

He checked out as an F-86, F-100 and F-104 jet pilot and got citations from the USAF.

Gakushuin University

According to Quacquarelli Symonds, Gakushuin is the 6th-best research university in Japan and the 9th-best in Asia in terms of citations per paper.


Through a series of exaggerating and dramatizing citations, especially by Victor A. Reko in the first half of the last century, the plant became known as a hallucinogen despite that psychoactive properties of the plant have never been demonstrated.

Homer Hartage

Hartage's public service was recognized with two Congressional Citations, one in 2006 by Congresswoman Corrine Brown and in 2010 by Congressman Allan GraysonCongressman Allan Grayson.


The i10-index indicates the number of academic publications an author has written that have at least ten citations from others.

Jesse Macbeth

Macbeth's form DD-214, "Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty" record shows he entered U.S. Army service May 1, 2003 and separated from the Army June 13, 2003, without completing basic training, and with no authorization for decorations, medals, badges, citations or campaign ribbons with no service whatsoever in Iraq.

Karnatakada Haridasaru

He supports his views with relevant citations from the writings of eminent thinkers like Descartes, Spinoza, Kant, Locke, Berkeley and others.

Khalish Dehlavi

He has received many awards and citations from eminent personalities like the former President of India Zakir Hussain, the former Prime Minister of India Shri Inder Kumar Gujral, along with scholars, poets, editors and music personalities including Padmashree Saghar Nizami, Jan Nisar Akhtar, Makhmoor Sayeedi, Rehman Nayyar, and Naushad.


This tool can generate citations and bibliographic information in three formats, MLA Style Manual, APA style and The Chicago Manual of Style.

Latin American Bibliography

Nowadays, the Latin-American Bibliography is composed by the following databases: CLASE (Latin-American Citations in Social Sciences and Humanities); PERIODICA (Index of Latin-American Journals in Science); Latindex (Regional Co-operative Information System for Scholarly Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal).

Mandela House

The inside hosts some original furnishings and memorabilia including photographs, citations given to Nelson Mandela, and the world championship belt given to Mandela by Sugar Ray Leonard.

Maryland Public Television

Maryland Public Television has earned awards ranging from television Emmys for its quality productions to government citations for its volunteerism and educational accomplishments.

Nihon Kokugo Daijiten

Shogakukan has compared its Nikkoku dictionary to the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) because the Nikkoku represents the largest and most thorough dictionary of the Japanese language, and also provides etymologies and historical citations for its entries.

Peter McCullagh

He is the coauthor with John Nelder of Generalized Linear Models (1983, Chapman and Hall – second edition 1989), a seminal text on the subject of generalized linear models (GLMs) with more than 23,000 citations.

Randolph L. Braham

His two-volume The Politics of Genocide: The Holocaust in Hungary won the 1981 Jewish National Book Award (USA), and earned him citations in the New York State Assembly (1981) and the Congressional Record (1981, 1994, 2004).


RefShare folders can also be used to create RSS feeds that are updated when new citations are added to the database.

A word processor integration utility called Write-N-Cite enables users to insert reference codes from their RefWorks accounts into Microsoft Word documents, which can then be formatted to produce in-text citations and reference lists in various styles.

Robert Abelson

The notion that beliefs, attitudes, and ideology were deeply connected knowledge structures was contained in Scripts, Plans, Goals, and Understanding (1977, with Roger Schank), a work that has collected several thousand citations, and led to the first interdisciplinary graduate program in cognitive science at Yale.


-- citations as support of the statements are fine --> In electric and gas utility SCADA systems, the vulnerability of the large installed base of wired and wireless serial communications links is addressed in some cases by applying bump-in-the-wire devices that employ authentication and Advanced Encryption Standard encryption rather than replacing all existing nodes.


Includes data from PubMed (Medline citations) as well as numerous other health-related government websites and hundreds of authoritative clinical sites, analyzed and approved by medical specialists.

Shelby Metcalf

Twenty-four of Metcalf's players earned first-team all-conference citations and John Beasley was named a first-team All-American by the Helms Foundation in 1966.

Stephen C. Stearns

In 1992, Stearns wrote The Evolution of Life Histories, now regarded as one of the key works in Life history theory with over 7700 citations.

The Ashley Book of Knots

Citations to Ashley numbers are usually in the form: "The Constrictor Knot (ABOK #1249)", "ABOK #1249" or even simply "#1249" if the context of the reference is clear or already established.

The Musketeer

-- certain citations needed, not common words --> The reviewer of The New York Times Stephen Holden noticed a cartoon shape of Dartagnan; an aggressive film editing, that in his opinion, destroys a positive impression from the fight scenes; incompatibility of swordplay and martial arts and also a good authentic view of Paris.

The War Against the West

In citations from Hitler, Goebbels, and others, Kolnai sought to expose what he saw as "the obsessive German national socialist effort to replace Christianity with a crude and barbaric form of pagan religion, to twist the cross of Christ into a swastika."

Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

The 32-minute production, named Wittgenstein Tractatus, features citations from the Tractatus and other works by Wittgenstein.

United States House of Representatives elections in Nevada, 2010

Criticizing Price’s "glowing" citations of Bernie Sanders, an openly socialist United States Senator and praising Congressman Heller’s "core principles," the Las Vegas Review-Journal endorsed Heller in his bid for a third term.

Virginia Tech College of Natural Resources and Environment

According to a 2006 study of the research impact of North American forestry programs published in the Journal of Forestry, the College of Natural Resources and Environment’s forestry program was second on the perceptions-based composite score and third on the citations-based and publications-based index.

William Packard

William Guthrie Packard (1889 – 1987), American law book publisher, owner of Shepard's Citations

see also