
unusual facts about colonists


123 BC

He settles 3,000 Roman and Iberian colonists on the islands and founds the cities of Palma and Pollentia.

Adelaide Gaol

When the first colonists arrived at South Australia in late 1836, any prisoners (there were few at first) were held in irons aboard the ships HMS Buffalo and then Tam O'Shanter.

Antoine-Simon Le Page du Pratz

During the uprising by the Natchez, Chickasaw and Yazoo, which Le Page described in detail, the Natives destroyed the Fort Rosalie and killed nearly all of the male French colonists there.

Aurore Clément

Her first appearance in a U.S. movie would have been in Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now (1979), but her scenes — a long sequence where Captain Willard (Martin Sheen) meets French former colonists — were eventually cut from the film and only restored in 2001 in the Redux version.


Their voyage was also noteworthy as the first transatlantic voyage sailing directly from Europe to the port of Chicago (other previous transoceanic ships disembarked first at Quebec, Canada.) After arriving in Chicago, the mindekirken colonists traveled overland to the area of St. Peter, Minnesota, where they remained during the "Dakota War of 1862".

Battle of Goliad

Colonists eagerly rushed to assist, and on October 2 the Battle of Gonzales officially opened the Texas Revolution.

Benjamin Tasker, Jr.

He was one of Maryland’s delegates to the Albany Congress of 1754, another attempt on the part of the colonists to deal jointly with a common problem.

Charles City County, Virginia

They merged with other, larger tribes about the time of Bacon's Rebellion, in which colonists mistakenly attacked friendly Indians.

Charles de Menou d'Aulnay

D'Aulnay went immediately to Port Royal, erected a new fort, moved the La Hève colonists, and sent to France for 20 additional families, making Port Royal the principal settlement in Acadia, which at that time embraced not only Nova Scotia, but a portion of New Brunswick, extending as far west as the Penobscot.

Charles Matinga

This was seen as a betrayal by NAC leaders such as Matinga and James Frederick Sangala, who thought the Colonial Office was discarding the principle that African interests were paramount, instead favoring White colonists.


Colonists from the Italic peninsula like the Lucanus, Murrius, Vitellius and Aponia families, mixed with the previous local inhabitants such as the Turrania, Valeria, Alios and Maelo families.


In the early 18th century, the Coree and several other tribes were allied with the Iroquoian Tuscarora against the colonists.

Der Stadt Friedhof

It is the oldest known cemetery within Fredericksburg and is the final resting place for many of the original German colonists who arrived when John O. Meusebach opened up the area to settlement.

Duval County, Texas

The important colonists came from Mier, Tamaulipas - and Anglos later respected their descendants as the old Mexican families.

Enam Djam di Jogja

This attack, intended to show that the Dutch had not put down the Indonesian forces and thus embarrass the returning colonists in front of the United Nations, goes as planned on the morning of 1 March.

Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros

In 1884, Spanish colonists commemorated Cisneros by founding Villa Cisneros, now Dakhla, Western Sahara.

Gaspee Point

Gaspee Point was the site of one of the first hostilities of the American Revolution where American colonists attacked and burned the British ship the Gaspee near the Point in 1772.

Hacienda Humboldt

The Humboldt colonists already beginning in 1908 to emigrate to more active Mexican towns like Ciudad de Chihuahua and farming areas like the Mesilla Valley in the United States.

Italian colonists in the Dodecanese

From 1923 to 1936 governor Mario Lago was able to integrate the Greek, Turkish and Ladino Jewish communities of the island of Rhodes with the Italian colonists.

Jonathan L. Howard

Set on the ocean planet Russalka, named after the mythical mermaid by its Russian colonists, they follow young civilian submariner Katya Kuriakova as she lives through a time of increasing conflict between the colonists' two main factions and the remnants of a failed Terran invasion.

José Manrique

Manrique continued Maynez's policy of letting the New Mexico colonists embark on large-scale expeditions to trade with the Plains Indians.

Kecoughtan High School

The word Kecoughtan comes from the name of the Virginia Algonquian Native Americans living there when the English colonists arrived in the Hampton Roads area in 1607.

Kimball Bent

He fell in with Titokowaru's followers in 1867 and fought with them against the colonists in what has become known as Titokowaru's War until their eventual defeat in 1869.

Kočevski Rog

This area, known in German as Gottschee, was settled in the late 14th century by the Carinthian Counts of Ortenburg initially with colonists from the Ortenburg estates in Carinthia and Tyrol, and by other settlers who came from Austrian and German Dioceses of Salzburg, Brixen and Freising.

Loa to Divine Narcissus

This loa is a commentary on historical events involving indigenous Aztec inhabitants and Spanish colonists.


In North America, the term loyalist characterised colonists who rejected the American Revolution in favour of remaining within the empire.

Martín de Mayorga

He greatly reinforced Havana, took extra precautions at Veracruz, and sent an expedition under Bernardo de Gálvez to Florida to aid the English colonists in their revolution against England.

Martín von Hildebrand

Since the 1950s, however, the Colombian Amazon and its indigenous peoples have suffered from waves of colonistion and exploitation: peasant refugees during the time of 'La Violencia'; colonists following in the wake of petroleum exploration; economic booms for rubber extraction, gold mining and the illicit processing of coca; government and aid-agency sponsored resettlement and development programs.

Mount Wellington, New Zealand

Named by colonists after the Duke of Wellington, the native Māori people called it Maungarei and used it for centuries as a or hill fort.

Nutrioso, Arizona

The early Spanish colonists referred to beaver as "nutria", perhaps because the Eurasian beaver had been extinct in Spain since the 17th century.

Ohio Country

Trying to improve relations with the Native Americans to encourage trade and avoid conflicts with colonists, George III in his Royal Proclamation of 1763 placed the Ohio Country in what was declared an Indian Reserve, stretching from the Appalachian Mountains west to the Mississippi River and from as far north as Newfoundland to Florida.

Old Virginia accent

However, Virginia received more colonists from the English West Country, bringing with them a distinctive dialect and vocabulary.


The research conducted by this organization, as well as the Ahnenerbe, was instrumental in the planning of ethnic cleansing and genocide of local non-German populations (see Generalplan Ost) and settlement of German colonists in order to Germanize Central and Eastern Europe.


Early European colonists referred to the river as the Wiapoco, and it was the site of early settlements by Briton Robert Harcourt in 1608 and Dutchman Jan van Ryen in 1627.

Parowan, Utah

In its first year, colonists were asked to settle Johnson Fort, now Enoch, where a stockade was built, and were also sent to settle along Coal Creek, site of the settlement to manufacture iron which became Cedar City.

Polish Corridor

A further 154,000 colonists, including locals, were settled by the Prussian Settlement Commission in the provinces of Posen and West Prussia before World War I. Military personnel was included in the population census.

Port Mathurin

On May 1, 1691, François Leguat and the first French landed on Rodrigues at the site of the future village, which was founded by French colonists in 1735.

Presidio San Ignacio de Tubac

In 1775 and 1776, de Anza escorted 240 colonists from Horcasitas, Sonora, to Monterey, California, and then to San Francisco Bay, where he selected sites for the mission, presidio and settlement.

Quakers in the Abolition Movement

Quaker colonists began questioning slavery in Barbados in the 1670s, but first openly denounced slavery in 1688, when four German Quakers, including Francis Daniel Pastorius, issued a protest from their recently established colony of Germantown, close to Philadelphia in the newly founded American colony of Pennsylvania.

Roses, Girona

It seems more probable, however, that it was founded in the 5th century BC by Greeks from Massalia (Marseilles), perhaps with an admixture of colonists from neighbouring Emporion (today's Empúries).

Rui Gonçalves da Câmara

Around the 16th century, the first cyclical agricultural activities began to appear, when colonists began to cultivate Lupin beans when the land was fallow, to improve the following seasons crop.

Sfatul Țării

The Congress of the German Colonists in Bessarabia took place on March 7, 1919 in Tarutino.

Sixto López

Reminding his colleagues that arbitrary deportation of this sort had been a key grievance of the American colonists against the British King, George II, Senator Hoar took up Miss López's cause on the U.S. Senate floor.

Smithfield, Rhode Island

The area comprising modern-day Smithfield was first settled in 1636 by several British colonists, including John Steere as a farming community and named after Smithfield, London.


# The village of Tàrbena, in the province of Alicante, was re-populated after the expulsion of the Moriscos with colonists from Majorca, who brought along several traditions from the island, including their own variant of the Catalan language and foods such as sobrasada, still made there.

Tars Tarkas

In Kage Baker's novel The Empress of Mars, human colonists on Mars have a Christmas-like celebration, and a settler appears costumed as "Uncle Tars Tarkas", giving gifts to children as if he were Father Christmas or Santa Claus.

Thomas Wiggin

This document, which some historians have claimed is a forgery, purports to transfer land along the seacoast of present-day New Hampshire from the local Indians to a group of English colonists led by Reverend John Wheelwright.

Vyatka horse

The Vyatka breed was influenced by the climate and terrain of the Kirov, Udmurtia and western Perm regions; Estonian horses and Kleppers brought to northern Russia by Novgorod colonists from the 14th century may have affected its conformation, as may later imports of Estonian horses for mining work in the Ural Mountains.

Whitefield, Maine

Whitefield is named for the celebrated British evangelist George Whitefield, who inspired the colonists before the town was settled in 1770, mainly by Irish Catholics.

see also